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I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame 【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 360: The Choice of the Unchanging Fake
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<Author’s Notes>

My apologies, I had a hard time updating back on Wednesday……

Additionally, this chapter may not have been well-written.

Also, thank you very much for your kind words and concern for my health in the comments and Activity Report.

I will continue to monitor the situation, and when the heat eases off, I will try a number of things, including inquiring about the cause of my problem.

<Yasu Tomohiro POV>

After parting ways with Rinji and the others in the abandoned village, I began moving south.

After traveling for about an hour, I took a break and unfolded my map.

Should I move westward from here to arrive on the main road?

I have a map, but I’m not familiar with the geography of this area.

The map didn’t show the detailed topography of the area.

I feel like taking the main road, with its easily recognizable path, would be less of a burden on the horse.

After much thought, I decided to take the main road and turned my horse in that direction.

On the way, I met a small group of merchants.

They seem to be returning from the northern main road.

“There was a herd of Golden-eyed monsters roaming around. Thinking it was impossible to go there now, we turned back.”

Leaving those words, the merchants continued on the main road.

They were apparently going to one of the fortress cities in Northern Mira.

“Since we’ve met here, would you like to travel with us?”

I politely declined.

There certainly would have been advantages to traveling with them.

However, that wasn’t a decision I could make back then.

Hearing about the information they told me, I only felt uneasy.

The destination of Rinji’s group was Jonato.

That northern path they had mentioned……

If they could get through there, they would be able to reach Jonato.

Did they…… turn back just like those merchants?

Or perhaps, had they continued north?

The Golden eyes on that road might have moved towards them.


Those people are strong.

That’s why, couldn’t it be that they were doing well?

I don’t even know how useful I could even be as a combat force.


Going back there now, what should I do?

We’ve already said our goodbyes in the neatest way possible———–


I kept my gaze straight.

Rather than worrying about matters like that……

What came to my mind were the faces of those who had sent me off.



Her mother……

If my fears were unfounded, then so be it.

If I could confirm that they are safe from afar, that’s already enough.




If they were in danger……

Doing otherwise———– would be something I would incredibly regret.

Of course, I want to apologize to Sogou Ayaka.

However, for the current me……

What I saw as more important was to make sure they were safe.

(Let’s go.)

I had my horse running to the north.

When I arrived at the abandoned village where I had parted ways with them, I found it deserted.

They really had continued to the northern road huh.

At that moment, I noticed the footprints and wheel tracks left on the ground.

These…… seemed to be still new.

I examined the tracks.

These traces of the carriages and the horses having moved past here……

From its direction……

I checked my map.

(From the direction where they were going…… They weren’t heading north towards the main road?)

I got back on my horse and followed their trails.

(Are they heading towards the forest that way……?)

As I got closer, I saw that the trails really were heading into the forest.


The sun was setting.

It might be dangerous to stay in here at night.

There was no guarantee I could catch up with them.

Moreover——— Why is it——— that somehow……

The 6th Cavalry.

Being in this place just reminds me of the forest where I had been “cornered” by the 6th Cavalry, and I couldn’t help trembling.

However————- This is something I want to make sure of.

I don’t care if I don’t meet up with them.

I just want to make sure they are safe.

All so that I could calm this uneasiness I was feeling……

I cautiously had my horse advance into the forest path.

As I rode my horse underneath the thin orange light———–

(A…… voice……)

Is that the voice of a monster?


(Someone…… seemed to be fighting?)

Having the horse increase its speed, I headed in that direction.

Thereupon, I found Rinji and his group fighting.

The ones that had attacked them were Golden-eyed monsters.

However, I don’t see the carriages anywhere nearby.

Looking at the situation……

Did they decide to take on the Golden-eyed monsters here and let the carriages go ahead?

I’m not sure.

In any case———- Rinji and his group appear to be outnumbered.

Without any hesitation, I immediately dismounted from my horse.

With my unique skill, I’m afraid I might startle it.

A few Golden-eyed monsters seemed to have noticed my arrival.

Somewhat later, Rinji also noticed me.

[What’s the matter, Sonny!? Why are you here———–]


[I’m here to assist……]

[I- I appreciate the sentiment but———— Assisting me, Sonny, don’t you only have one short sword on you…… Kuh! Oi, if anyone can get to him, lend him a spare sword————-]

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

[ < Laevateinn > ]

Ninety percent of the Golden-eyes were burned away by my black flames.

Now, together with everyone, we have obliterated the Golden-eyes lying around us.

My black flame is convenient.

It can be adjusted at my will so that it doesn’t spread to the trees.

Therefore, there’s no danger of the fire spreading to those who aren’t the target of my fire———- namely Rinji and his group.

As for Rinji’s group, only two of them were uninjured.

It seems like their lives weren’t in danger though.

Thereupon, looking like he had finally snapped back to reality……

[T- That surprised me……]

[I’m sorry…… ummm……]

[ ! ]

Rinji’s expression rapidly grew grim.

It was as if she had just recalled the most serious crisis in the world.

[————-P- Please! We can still fight…… but our horses ran away because of those Golden-eyes just now! Only the horse Sonny rode here is the only one available right now! I’d like to believe they’ll be okay, but if…… but if the carriages we sent ahead are attacked by those vicious Golden-eyed monsters, the only one who can protect them on their own———–]

Looking at me as if he’s clinging on to me……

[Sonny is the only one with that power.]

Rinji explained.

We are many times more powerful when we work in tandem with each other.

Especially in a group vs group situation, having a large group on one’s side is immense.

That’s also the reason why we hardly have any injuries on our side.

However———– I’m not confident in dealing with a group all by myself.

[Even if the carriages are still safe, with Sonny around, we can catch up with them with peace of mind…… I don’t know what kind of power that was earlier——— but I’m sure you can take care of them.]

Grabbing both of my shoulders, Rinji bowed his head.

[This whole situation might be the result of me making the wrong judgment…… Please…… I beg of you.]


He seemed to be lowering his head in self-blame, burdened by a sense of guilt.

Looking at him like that, I have this strange feeling within me.

They had gone above and beyond what I had requested of them.

Even though I had received so much from them……


“That’s why, return the favor.”

They hadn’t told me anything of that sort.

And at that moment, a thought came into my mind.

I’m glad I came back.

I’m glad the worst didn’t happen.

That’s why……

[I understand.]

I had my horse running again.

And now—————- The present.

I arrived at the scene of the carriage group being attacked by Golden-eyed monkeys.

Facing the burning Golden-eyed monkey, I stand in front of Yuri and her mother.

The black-furred monkey is screaming something towards the burning Golden-eyed monkey.


Black flames surge from behind my shoulders and spread out like wings.

The wings spread the flames to the monkeys that had already entered the encirclement I made.

As they were helplessly engulfed in flames, the monkeys screamed in agony.

Eventually, the screams died down and the charred monkeys fell to the ground, slowly getting reduced to charcoal.


A trembling voice.

She was probably trying to call me Big Bro like usual.

I turned around and tried giving her a smile.

[It will be alright…… These bad monkeys———- Big Bro will take care of them.]

[……Unn. ……Unnn!]

Even though she was in tears……

It was a firm reply.


Her mother called out.

She had fallen to her knees, hugging her daughter.

There was a knife fallen to her side.

After I gave her a nod……

[Please take care of Yuuri-chan.]

I turned towards the monkeys outside my encirclement.

The monkeys were brimming with fighting spirit———— no, murderous intent.

There’s also that one big monkey.

From this distance, a monkey that big could almost be called a giant.

[Bwooooon, bwooon.]

The giant monkey seemed to be calm and composed, not intimidated by my flames.

……Rip, tear…….

The giant monkey pulls out a tree by its roots.

It also has a rock in its other hand that is twice the size of a human head.

It seems to be comparing the two with its eyes and is in the process of selecting something for some reason.

Thereupon, the giant monkey’s eyes stopping on the rock, it smiled.

A smile directed towards me.

“If it’s a rock, then you can’t burn it.”


————-, ……I’m scared.

I noticed that my legs are trembling.

That giant monkey…… that black-furred monkey…… They’re both sneering at me.


They can see through my fear.

My knees buckle, and I fall on one knee.

However, I put my hand on the ground to prop up my body.

(I am————-)

Nothing has changed.



I hadn’t changed.

I just returned to how I was before.

The 6th Cavalry tortured me physically and mentally.

With the bravado stripped away, this is the kind of person I am.

The image of the Fly King———– Belzegia flashed through my mind.

If it was him, he would have been more majestic at this moment.

He would have been brimming with confidence.

He wouldn’t have felt intimidated.

He would have dealt with this situation in a more stylish way than me.


Just as I confessed to that person in the castle in the Faraway Country……

I wanted to be a person like that.

If I could be like him……

Even this power I have is not something I gained through my own efforts.

It’s just a power I borrowed.

A power I can’t be proud of.

I don’t even know if this fire will work on that giant monkey.

I feel uneasy.

My legs cower.

I feel afraid.


The mercenaries being used as toys by the monkeys……

The way I was tortured by the 6th Cavalry……

I could feel the monkeys and the 6th Cavalry———- overlapping in my mind.

The shivers ran up from my legs up to my face……


People can’t change.

Perhaps, there exists someone who can encourage me otherwise.

Telling me that people can indeed change.

And perhaps, there is someone out there who can really change.


At least———— I don’t think I can change.

I can only stay as I am.

I’m scared of scary things.

I can’t suddenly turn into some virtuous saint.

I can’t change……. but———–

I can still choose what I will do.

Cowardly and vile as I am.

Even though I can’t change……

Even though I can only be just me———–

I chose to protect these people.

I wanted to protect them.

When I shook hands with Belzegia, this is what I told him.

“……Former Hero, Yasu———- Tomohiro Yasu.”

I can’t be like Kirihara Takuto.

I also can’t hope to be like Takao Hijiri.

Nor can I be just like Sogou Ayaka.

I believe they are true Heroes.

Heroes who have the qualities to defeat the Demon Lord.

I can’t become a Hero like them.


It was just as I told Belzegia on the bed at that time.

“Even if it’s just a little bit———– I want to like myself. After I learned to like myself, I want to apologize to everyone properly. And then———— I want to lend my strength to someone.”

“I want to lend my strength to someone.”

What is a Hero to me———– What is a Hero to Yasu Tomohiro?

It’s someone who can muster up the courage to help others.

It doesn’t matter if it’s just bravado.

If it can take away this fear, even just a little bit……

That’s why……

Just for this moment……

Even if it’s just for this moment———–

I will become a Hero.

With my hands on the ground————— sweat dripping down my face, I glared at the monkey.

I shouldn’t let them pressure me.

Don’t let my feelings get the better of me.

Just a little bit is fine.

Using any means I can is also fine.

What I need now———— is just a little bit of courage.

[These people aren’t ones you unscrupulous beings can mess with…… Listen here———– My name is Tomohiro Yasu…… A Hero from Another World. Monsters…… If you dare reach out to these people———- to Humans any further…… you should consider your lives as good as gone……]

Even if it may seem like I’m acting in a really terrible theater play……

At least———– Just a little bit of courage……

[If you don’t back down, this Hero of Black Flames…… with my jet-black flames———– I will burn you to a crisp……]

Not for myself.

Courage, for someone else.

I looked at the monkeys.

The atmosphere they had changed.

Perhaps sensing my fear, they seemed to have regained some of their composure.

[……I see…… You don’t intend to pull back. Fine……]

I gulped.

I can feel my breathing getting rougher.

At that moment, the giant monkey throws its rock at me.

The blazing wings extending from my shoulders strike the rock like intertwined serpents.

The rock burned up.


The giant monkey displeasedly shouted and stomped its feet as hard as it could.


Having jumped high, it had intended to climb over the wall of flames.



From under its legs, the giant monkey burst into flames.

[ ! ? ]

The other Golden-eyed monkeys looked up at the giant monkey in surprise, wondering what had happened.

I had previously released streaks of fire from the tips of my hands on the ground.

Letting the flames go underground, I moved them to the feet of the giant monkey.

I was making sure it wouldn’t be noticed, so it was a little slow in getting there.

However, it made it just in time.

[Gugigyegi…… Gyaaaahhhh———–!]

After incinerating the first monkey, the black-furred monkey, now particularly furious, laid its anger bare.

It let out a screech and vigorously pointed its finger at me.

As if to command the other monkeys, seemingly boiling with rage the same as it is, to kill me.

Thereupon, I realized something.

Before a being who they thought was beneath themselves……

Against such a being———– They didn’t like the idea of running away with its tail between its legs.

I, too, was a being of insignificant pride.

I can understand how they feel.

The opponent may be stronger than oneself.

However, you can’t back down.

I think I was the same way when I snapped back at Sogou Ayaka and Kirihara Takuto.

Insignificant pride often ends up hindering the important things.


I can’t afford to back down here either.

It would have been better if they ran away after that giant monkey, who seemed like the boss monkey, was defeated.

The flames basically move by my will.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

They don’t automatically attack the monkeys.

If they simultaneously jump at us and attack from all directions……

Would I be able to handle them?


I have to do this.

If they’re gonna come at us———— I have to fight them.

I adjust my breathing.

Kneeling on the ground……

I feel a mixture of cold sweat and grease on my face.

With the towering giant monkey ablaze behind it, the black-furred monkey looked straight ahead———– its eyes filled with a blazing killing intent.

My eyes met with it.

[Haahhh———– Haahhhh…… Sfuuu,sfuuuu……]

The short intervals between my breaths lengthen.

Appease it.

Calm myself down.

Calm myself and deal with them……

I have people behind me.

People I have to protect.

Ones I definitely have to protect.

The black flame wings on my back blazed fiercer.

[Sfuuu…… Fuuu…… Fuuuuuu……, ———–]

My breathing was finally steadied.


The dark forest road.

Riding through it was a single carriage, with old men and children riding on it.

Around it were people who were on horseback, while the rest were on foot.

Those who could fight were also on foot, guarding the carriage.

Among this group was me.

[I never expected Sonny to be a Hero from Another World.]

Saying that heartily as he stroked his chin was Rinji.

After dealing with that giant monkey, I took care of all the monkeys with my unique skill.

Just as I declared, I didn’t let them all touch the others.

Then, using Recovery Skills on the wounded mercenaries, I waited for Rinji and his group.

When the sun went down and the forest became dark———– Rinji and his group finally caught up with us.

We had used the light of the torches to know our location.

There certainly was a possibility that that light might attract Golden-eyed monsters our way.

However, we decided that Rinji and his group needed a way to locate us in this dark forest.

Besides, they also seemed to trust me enough to handle the situation while I was here with them.

[I- I’m sorry I didn’t tell you……]

[Hehe. The heck, what are you embarrassed about———- Errr……]

[It’s Big Bro Tomohiro.]

Walking alongside me, Yuuri said before hugging my waist.

Yuuri was still a child, but she threw a tantrum about wanting to walk with me.

Her mother could only wryly smile and asking me to take care of her, she left Yuuri by my side before entering the carriage.

[Right, right, Tomohiro…… Come to think of it, I hadn’t asked Sonny’s name yet before.]

That’s what he said……

But perhaps, Rinji didn’t dare to ask.


Perhaps, it isn’t just my name.

Thinking about it, he didn’t ask me any details of my personal life on the way.

I guess he was being considerate of me when I was in this state.

[Even so, this is a blunder…… It probably may have been okay to turn back to Mira there…… but because of my decision……]

[Now, now, it can’t be helped, you know?]

Coming into the conversation was Oru.

[There were talks about how the White Humans were led by that Drunken Sword Party after all.]


Rinji curtly replied, looking vexed.

That name though was something I’m unexpectedly familiar with.

Seemingly sensing I was curious about this matter, Oru spoke.

[Well, actually, Rinji-san and some of us are former members of the Drunken Sword Party.]

[Eh, is that so?]

[Though I say that, it’s like, we betrayed the Drunken Sword Party and left……]

I see.

The reason why they did not go south with the other Mira citizens……

Maybe it’s because they felt that it could be troublesome for them if their status as former members of Drunken Sword Party were to spread.

[Guaban is probably mad about that too…… If the Drunken Sword Party were caught and those connected with them were exposed, things wouldn’t end well for everyone.]

[But Rinji-san, isn’t Guaban’s daughter…… you know, isn’t that girl———– Lili-chan now the leader of the group?]

[If that girl has been indoctrinated by Guaban to kill us, it would be bad, right?]

The people of the Drunken Sword Party.

Back when I was Alion, going through training and whatnot……

Looking back now from my current perspective, they seemed like good people.

Well———— Rinji and the others probably have their own reasons.

They didn’t pursue my matters too deeply.

Let’s not go into their matters too deeply myself.

[It’s just, when the people in the two said they would follow me……. that really solidified my determination. The pressure on me is immense……]

[That shows how well-liked and trusted Rinji-san is. Besides, look, even the people who came along treat everyone like family, don’t they?]


Rinji’s wry smile switching away……

[Well, we’ve come this far for the time being. We have no choice but to go to Jonato now, right!?]

[Besides, we’ve got Hero from Another World-sama with us here!]

The two of them said with embarrassed chuckles.

Speaking of which……

That theater-like way of speaking……

Surprisingly, it seems that everyone who heard it liked it.

Or perhaps, was it because of the circumstances?

Either way, they didn’t make fun of me.

Rather———– They even praised me for it.

I used to want such praise more than anything.

In the past, I might have only felt proud.

But now……

Somehow———– I felt embarrassed.

[After passing through this forest road and going a little further, we would finally reach Jonato.]

I have no intention of giving up on meeting Sogou Ayaka.

I want to meet her and apologize.

I also want to lend my strength to her.


First and foremost, I want to safely escort these people to safety.

Even if it’s with this borrowed power……

I want to protect them.

That’s why, for now, I will be heading north————-

To Jonato.

<Author’s Notes>

The is scheduled for September 15th (Friday), around 9:00 pm.

We will also return to Touka’s POV, including the timeline (Incidentally, in terms of timeline, this chapter takes place a little before the end of the previous volume.)