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I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 169: Miasma Operation
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Chapter 169: Miasma Operation

"ARRGGHHH!!!" the Clan Head Jade screamed as his life depended on it.

Jade feels like unimaginable pain from his lower stomach to his whole body. All his veins showing up like it is going to rupture anytime.

Hearing the clan head scream, everyone inside the room becomes worried but still holding themself to not interrupt the medication process since Angus already reminds them before.

After applying the potion, Angus produces a blue flame on one of his hands. Then, he takes another bottle on the other hand. Using a series of fast hand movements, Angus tapped a few parts of Jade's body with a burning blue flame hand.

While all of this happens, he keeps applying the potion to the wounded area. A series of miasma gas keeps coming out from the wound.

Healing old miasma wounds is more complicated because of this reason. The miasma was already integrated as part of the body and could multiply using the host body mana and vitality.

It is already a blessing for Jade to reach his current power despite having such a miasma wound. Normally, with this kind of wound, one's combat strength and progress will stagnate.

A few moments later, Angus stops applying the potion and replaces the steel needle that has already turned into black color.

After replacing the steel needle, "Uncle, can you still continue?" asked Angus.

"Haa.. Ha.. Don't worry. Ha.. Just do it!!" said uncle Jade with a haggard breath.

Then, Angus does the same process applying the potion while pushing the miasma inside Uncle Jade's body using the blue flame.

During this time, Uncle Jade could barely hold on to the pain and almost fell unconscious. At this moment, Angus stops applying the potion and begins to write a rune near the wounded area.

Angus decides to stop the medication and trap the miasma in the wounded area for the time being using the rune. After a while, Angus activated the rune, and Uncle Jade immediately fell unconscious.

Fortunately, the other nearby people are ready to hold Jade's body and lay him down to the nearby prepared bed.

Angus didn't expect that the healing of the old miasma wound would be this difficult. Just from one of these sessions, he already uses five bottle miasma cure potions.

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Furthermore, the pain the patient receives is more than he thought. The patient needs to keep conscious while holding the miasma to prevent it from spreading around. Otherwise, it will be useless since the miasma will attack the other area.

From this one session, Angus thought he needed around ten to fifteen times using the same procedure. Moreover, there is also long rehabilitation after the medication ends.

After checking that Uncle Jade's condition is okay, Angus looked at the black-colored needle, and without hesitation, he burned them down using his blue flame.

"Hmm.. Why did you burn it down?" asked Gilford, who kept silent from the start.

Hearing this, Angus looked at Gilford before replying, "Why not? Did you want to use it?" asked Angus back.

"Well, no. But, we could at least research it a little bit." said Gilford.

"Nothing good will come out of it." replied Angus.

Looking that Gilford still couldn't accept it, "Say cousin, What is miasma? Is it a curse? poison? or another type of energy?" asked Angus towards Gilford.

"Hmm.. Some books say it is a kind of curse, but if a monster could use it, then it means another type of energy." replied Gilford.

"No, Miasma is actually mana. Corrupted mana. As for how this mana could be corrupted, I am not sure myself. However, since it is corrupted mana, you should never play with it unless you plan not to use mana anymore." explained Angus.

"As a researcher, I understand the thirst for knowledge and curiosity over something. Yet, if we are not going to use it or are not committed enough to throw everything for it, why bother to do it in the first place.

"Cousin, to get a certain knowledge, you need to be ready to pay for the right price. Please think carefully about this." said Angus while going out of the tent with Jayna leaving Gilford.

On the way towards their tent, "It's not like you giving someone lengthy advice." said Jayna.

"Well, I found that cousin Gilford is quite similar to myself. However, he is like searching for a needle in the middle of a haystack. He didn't know what his current ambition was. Even for someone that is thirsty for knowledge, they have their interest and ambition." replied Angus.

"I see… Then, what is your ambition?" asked Jayna.

"Didn't it clear already?" replied Angus.

"Ehh.. What is it?" asked Jayna.

"To stand at the top and become the strongest. No matter how I deny it, I always had this kind of ambition from the start in my heart. Of course, it will be good to have a peaceful life with a beautiful girl, like you, Jayna." said Angus.

Hearing this, Jayna becomes blushing and embarrassed.

Looking at the blushing, Jayna, "Say, Jayna, want to rest at my tent?" said Angus.

"O-Okay.. B-But.. I am still not ready yet." said Jayna.

"Hahaha… What are you thinking about? we are only resting." said Angus while patting Jayna's head.

"Hmph.. Stupid Angus!!" said Jayna while pouting.

Then the following day, Angus went back to Jade's tent to check his condition. Currently, Jade has a pale expression, yet he feels more energetic than before. After careful inspection, Angus will not do the same medication for a few days to let uncle Jade's body rest.

The medication method Angus uses is very forceful and gives quite a burden to Uncle Jade's body. Without proper rest, his body may get more hidden injuries and risk his life.

During the next few days, Angus continues training inside his system and accompanies Jayna's training. All this time, it was very peaceful. Even Neil didn't bother them again and trained on his own for the upcoming age ceremony test.

Another day passed by, and today a colossal sandstorm came to envelop the whole gigantic turtle sand. Despite that, the turtle sand kept moving forward like there was no sandstorm. The sandstorm lasted for an entire day.

Looking at this sandstorm, Angus knows that he is still inside the dangerous land and needs to keep getting stronger. After a whole day of a sandstorm, it finally ended and left a lot of sand dunes near the village.

Angus meditated inside his tent as usual. Suddenly, an alarm was heard all over Sur Village. Soon, various explosions were heard all over the village. *Bom* *Bom* *Bom* Fortunately, a barrier around the village holds the explosion.

"Intruder!! Prepare for a fight!!" shout Abet.

Suddenly, a whispering chant could be heard in the air. An enormous magic circle appears above the Sur village.

"There.. There is a group in the brown cloak!!" said one of the guards.

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"Isvel!! Get them!!" said Kurvan, Jade's eldest son.

"Hmph… Dare to attack the Sur Clan. Let's see how many lives they have." said Isvel before lightning covered his body and disappeared from his spot [Lightning Strike].

A moment later, Isvel is already in front of the cloaked group and cancels the chanting spell.

"Tch.. It's the lightning of the Sur clan." said the cloaked man.

"Since you are already here, Die!!" said the other cloaked man.

Suddenly, from the ground appeared a few more cloaked men surrounded Isvel.

At this moment, Kurvan, who is flying in the air, also does not stay still. He raised his hand, and a few pillars of fire arose from out of nowhere [3rd Circle - Fire Totem]. Each of the Fire Totem is spiraling and moving toward the brown cloaked man.

Looking at the Fire Totem, coming from all directions, "Tch.. prepare the barrier." said one of the brown cloaked men.

Using this chance, Isvel ran back towards the village. However, on the way, all the nearby sand dunes move and reveal a few other brown cloaked people ambushing Isvel.

During this time, Isvel couldn't help but need to fight back. Suddenly, a few spells land on Isvel [1st Circle - Stone Skin] [1st Circle - Agility] [1st Circle - Power Up].

Looking at Angus, who is casting spells from far away, Isvel couldn't help but smile while feeling his body buffed with energy. Using his enchanted speed, Isvel dodges all the nearby attacks and runs towards the village.

"There is another capable magician inside the village." said one of the intruders.

However, before they could do anything, a human-sized fire hit them [Godak Fire]. *BLAM* The fire heat immediately engulfed the surrounding area.

A blonde-haired man with a long greatsword stood majestically inside the burning fire.

"Dare to attack my village?!! Sur Clan.. Attack!!" shouted the clan head Jade.

"Woww!!" replied the nearby guard.

"It's the clan head, retreat!!" said one of the intruders.

As the intruder retreated, a sandstorm appeared near the horizon. Looking at this, Jade knows that the intruder is coming and going using the sandstorm as its cover.

'This sandstorm is probably an artificial one.' thought Jade.

Not wanting to let the intruders go away, "Jane, block that sandstorm!!" command Jade.