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I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 179: Villages
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Chapter 179: Villages

Few days passed by since Angus battled in the Battlefield Arena. During these few days, a lot of people came from all over the Endless Battlefield.

Despite the dangerous and harsh environment of the Endless Battlefield, there are still many people living in this dangerous dimension.

Most of them are powerful groups since they could survive in this harsh environment for a long time.

Since the ancestral ruin is for the lower grade people, the real powerhouse of this dimension is not interested in coming to this place. Usually, they only send a representative or their younger generation.

Still, Angus could find a lot of high-grade people from various kinds of races in this place. He could find many different kinds of races, from the orc race to the halfling race, in this place.

The most interesting thing Angus found is all of them are harmonious and never look down on one another based on their race.

This kind of situation is very rare in Firuman, where war and fight between races often occur. If it is not because of the Elf race, Angus suspects that there will be many world wars based on the racial conflict.

Thinking about the Elf race, Angus begins to remember a certain rumor he heard from a few days ago. Apparently, there is an elf race in this dimension. But, not an ordinary one. It is the dark elf.

It is quite a surprise since every elf is precious to the elven race, even dark elves. Normally, the youngsters of the elven race will stay inside their territory before reaching upper grade.

Based on the rumor, she entered the combat arena and managed to kill her opponent in under 1 minute. This shows her combat capability is not low.

Still, this is only a rumor since nobody could see her face since she wore a helmet to cover her face and her signature pointed ear. The reason that the rumor started is that somebody managed to recognize the skill she used.

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The skill she used is one of the dark elf's signature skills. Combined with her dark skin and her slim figure, many people are starting to speculate she is a dark elf.

Even though they know she is a dark elf, everyone only cares little about her. Usually, everyone always had a bad prejudice against dark elves. It is because of the myth that said they are the sign of calamity. Her presence is always identical to calamity and bad omen.

Because of this, everyone never wants to meet someone from the dark elf race. However, in this treacherous land, calamity and disaster always occur.

Moreover, This is a land where some beast and monster overlord often fight each other for petty reasons. Each of these fights always creates destruction towards the surroundings.

Angus even hears that a monster overlord is fighting near the Sur village long ago and almost annihilate the whole Sur village. If it is not because the sand turtle decides to escape the area at the right time, they may have already been eradicated.

In the end, no one truly cares about this kind of superstition about dark elves in this treacherous land.

Besides meeting many different kinds of races, Angus also met the other villages or clans besides the Sur clan. Many of these clans create their own village or settlement like the Sur clan.

According to Angus's chatterbox cousin Isvel, some of these villages are hostile towards them, such as Black Rock Village, Clear Blue Village, Sky Wing Village, and Infernal Village.

All of them are strong and big villages that reside in the Endless Battlefield dimension. However, none of them is comparable to the hidden group that stays from the light and secludes themself like the one that governs over the Ancestral Ruin.

Based on Uncle Jade, the one that could send Plague Worm to attack them is either Black Rock Village or Sky Wing Village.

Black Rock Village is located near the Toxic Wasteland, while Sky Wing Clan is the only village with the rare space attribute combatant.

Like the Sur villages, all these villages also specialized in something. Sur Villages itself is specialized in their fire elemental mastery. Moreover, most of the Sur Clan villagers are from the Berston race, a race that is famous for its fire mastery and poison resistance.

The other villages also consist of one or two races like the Sur Clan. This way, it lessens their disagreement and conflict inside their village. Each of these villages also has its own leader, like the clan head Jade.

Most of this leader has the same combat capability like uncle Jade himself and in the border of the legendary seventh-grade realm.

During these past few days, Angus could see that many of these villages try to provoke the Sur Village's members. Because it is only a verbal conflict, Angus didn't bother to intervene and escalated the conflict further.

Besides this also Sur Villages internal problem, so Angus didn't have the right to intervene as the outsider. Unless it is a truly critical situation, he will not intervene in this conflict.

Moreover, Angus is also surprised at how the Sur villagers handle the conflict. The villagers managed to keep their calm and always solve the conflict peacefully in the end.

If it happens to Angus, he will just turn the table and use force to suppress anyone. Angus may seem like a calm and rational person, but he never lets someone who steps on his tail purposely go.

He will never have mercy for someone that responds badly to him despite his kindness. Because at the end of the escalated conflict, one of them will be dead.

As someone that already claims more than thousands of lives, Angus is always ready to have a deathmatch every time. One of the lessons when he worked as an assassin in his past life is before you are prepared to kill someone, you must be ready to be killed.

Having this mindset to the extreme, Angus is never afraid to have a big conflict and offend everyone. This is a habit, and pride is the primary thing that he retains from his past life. However, he was also someone that didn't like any unnecessary conflict.

Rather than having conflict, most of the time, he decides to escape from them or completely ignore it.

That's why Angus is quite interested in the Sur Villagers's behavior. Despite the conflict with the other villagers, they never get to the point of a life-and-death conflict. All the conflicts always end in calm and peaceful.

There are some reasons for that, but it is mainly because the other villages watch each other. The moment one village tries to attack the others, the other will seize the opportunity for it.

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Currently, all these villages gather at the Ancestral Ruin. Like every year, they send their younger generation to the inner area for their own upcoming ceremony.

Fortunately, there are no rumors about Angus and Jayna being part of the Sur Clan. Otherwise, they will be forced to be part of the village's conflict.

Now, everyone gathers around and looks at the big stone gate in the deepest part of the outer area. This stone gate is the one that will connect them with the inner area.

Based on what Angus gathers, the inner area is sort of a restricted dungeon. Unlike normal dungeons where people could come and go easily, it has restrictions, such as only lower grade combatants could enter it once.

Moreover, the remaining monster corpses in this area will turn into miasma after a certain time, like how regular dungeons work.

Still, based on the story he heard about the inner area, the scale of this inner area dungeon is extremely huge. Besides that, this inner area is only open for three days. After three days, every single living being inside it will be trapped there for a year.

Nobody ever survives after being trapped there for a year. So everyone should come back before the three days have passed.

During the waiting time, Angus could see the majority of them were grade three combatants. He could find the Ice Maiden from the battlefield arena, beast race, orc, the rumored dark elves, and many others people that give a strong impression.

After waiting for a while, everyone could feel a slight tremor, and the gate towards the inner area finally opened slowly.

Looking at this, "Start counting the time!!" command the clan head Jade.

Hearing the command, the nearby guard begins to start their clock watch. Angus also starts his own watch. This is to keep as a reminder before the gate's time closes.

Later, the big stone gate finally opens completely, and a bluish wavy thing appears in the middle of it like a sort of big portal.

Without wasting any moment, everyone immediately ran towards the bluish portal. Every single second is precious for this kind of time-limited place.

Angus and Jayna, along with the other youngsters of the Sur Clan, also run into the gate. There is also Neil, who is in the lead with an excited smile.