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I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 189: Limit
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Chapter 189: Limit

Provoking all the hired mercenaries, Angus began his onslaught towards all these people without remorse inside the arena using only low circle spells.

Some of these mercenaries are almost as strong as the Boulder. Angus needs a little bit of effort to defeat him. He even begins to use other elemental spells, which surprise everyone.

During this time, Jayna feels cheated since all the hired mercenaries keep focusing on Angus and begin to ignore her.

However, looking at Angus's childish smile while fighting a challenging opponent, she couldn't help but forgive Angus for this one and cheering for him.

Meanwhile, Clan Head Jade already pulled back all the youngsters the moment he got Angus's message. But, Neil decided to keep fighting in the arena to show he is not inferior to Angus.

Still, Neil could only fight until the fifth match before expending most of his stamina and mana while Angus currently on his ten matches. Looking at Angus, who is still fighting without getting exhausted, makes Neil more furious and jealous towards him.

Inside Neil's heart, he truly condemns Angus since he steals everything from him. Even the hired mercenary begins to ignore his presence.

Still, he couldn't do anything. Angus combat capability is the real deal. Despite only using low circle spells, he could use them efficiently without wasting mana or movement to defeat and kill his opponent.

With a grumble, Neil decides to get out of the arena. He feels like going to explode if he stays inside the Battlefield Arena any longer.

At the twelve matches, Angus started to have some sweat on his face. He still has plenty of mana, but his mind starts to get tired from rapidly casting spells continuously.

Based on the rough calculation, he already cast more than a dozen of low circle spells. Even for a high-grade magician, this is not an easy feat, especially during high-speed battles like he currently had.

Now, all the audience is paying attention towards Angus's match. They want to know how long he managed to keep his winning streak.

Besides, all the audience members are also combatants who could feel that Angus is still hiding some of his ability. They are curious at Angus's true limit.

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At the Sur Village place, "Hahaha… To think he has this much capability that he hid from us. It seems his survival against a grade four combatant before is not a fluke." said the clan head Jade.

"Yeah, Furthermore, his dodging skill is top-notch. It feels like he already knows his opponent's movement before." said Jane, who looked at Angus with her crimson eyes.

"Elder sister is right. There is no way he could always dodge all the attacks by a hairbreadth. This showed he could read the opponent's movement. Still, reading your opponent's moves while doing high-speed casting is an almost impossible feat." said Kurvan.

"Even if I gave it my all and enhanced my brain with mana, I could only do it for five minutes at most. This shows the high mind power Angus has." added Kurvan.

"I am not sure about his magician capability. But, I feel I will have a hard time fighting Angus despite my lightning speed. It seems we need to train harder after this. We can't lose to our little cousin. Hmm.. What do you think, Gil?" said Isvel.

"T-That's impossible…" muttered Gilford, who kept looking at Angus's movement from his goggles.

"Huh.. Did you say something, Gil" asked Isvel

"His movement.. is so perfect and controlled. The harder the battle, the more refined his movement. Father, are you sure he is a human being? His movement is really.. unworldly." said Gilford.

"What do you mean, Gilford?" asked Clan Head Jade back.

"You may know this, but I have this special power…" as Gilford explained his ancient power towards his siblings and father.

Hearing his power, everyone realizes that Gilford is fortunate to have it. Although [Analyze] is not an offensive type skill, it is still great to read and understand everything. Basically, this is one of the best support-type skills.

Based on Gilford's explanation, Angus managed to control every single movement in his body with almost zero waste. Because of this, he could dodge any incoming attack or readied his body before the incoming attack.

Since Gilford has quite deep knowledge about the humanoid body, he knows that to control all single movements like Angus requires rigorous nonstop training.

The training is so ridiculous that he could even kill a second-grade combatant only using the physical power he gained during the training in theory.

In summary, Angus is not only strong as a magician but also as a warrior. According to Gilford's [Analyze], his body strength is almost on par with third-grade warriors.? Furthermore, the one that shocks Gilford the most is his refined body movement.

At first, it looks like normal movement, but the more he observes Angus's movement, he feels like seeing someone using the skill. It feels like Angus is using skills to casually dodge his opponent's attack using absolute control over his body.

Basic movement and skill are quite different. Skill is something that could be achieved after the repetition of basic movement training with the help of mana. However, Angus dodging movement feels like he used skill for every move.

Suppose it is not because of the lack of mana to support the skill. Gilford will think Angus keep using the skill. However, this is also another impossible feat with Angus's mana capacity.

Although Angus's mana capacity is on par with the average grade three combatant, it is not big enough to supply his consumption in this kind of multiple battles.

Hearing Gilford's analysis, everyone begins to realize how powerful Angus is. It seems that all this time, they still underestimate Angus's capability.

'No wonder… King Leon decides to let Angus and Jayna go towards this dimension. Apparently, he is another ridiculous little monster. I must not let him die in this land.' thought Jade resolutely.

Unbeknown to Angus, everyone started to have a high opinion of him. But, even if he knows about their opinion, he will still fight all the challengers excitedly.

Now, his match has reached the fourteenth match. During this time, Angus was already exhausted mentally. His casting speed starts to get slow, especially after fighting against his opponent, who hides inside his enchanted armor.

"Brat, it seems you are already at your limit. You should stop being arrogant and receive my challenge. I am different from all the weaklings you fight before. I am Rendy, one of the leaders of... " said Angus's opponent.

"Bla… Bla.. Bla.. Did you want to fight or have a chat?" said Angus.

"Y-You… fine. If that is your wish. Die!!" yelled Rendy

Like the previous match, Angus shot a few Firebolts towards him. However, Rendy brings his small shield and parries all the Firebolts while keeping his charge momentum.

Looking at this, Angus changed his attack to Fireball. But, Angus's casting speed is not as fast as before to give Rendy time to dodge them.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Still, Angus anticipated this and shot a few of them towards the ground to make the Fireball explode.

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam* The explosion created a small shockwave and pushed Rendy back. During this time, Rendy takes out a scroll from his bag rather than continue his charge.

"Eat this!! [3rd Circle - Fire Blast]" Yelled Rendy.

A surge of a big ball of fire coming towards Angus from the rune magic scroll. Looking at this, he immediately uses all his mind power to create a few thick Earth Wall [2nd Circle - Earth Wall]. *BLAM*

The Fireblast and Earth Wall clash one with each other creating a firestorm. Fortunately, the Earth Wall managed to defend the Fire Blast despite being cracked all over.

"Huft.. Huft... " As Angus got a heavy sweat on his head.

Just now, he pushed his mind power to the limit and fatigued his mind. Using this opportunity, Rendy managed to arrive in front of Angus and brandished his sword.

However, despite Angus's exhausted mind, he managed to dodge Rendy's sword by hairbreadth while retreating back.

Not going to give Angus a chance to take a breath, Rendy keeps pursuing Angus while slashing down his fire-imbued sword. Still, Angus managed to dodge every attack while backing away.

"Is that all?? You couldn't even touch my body like the weaklings from before." taunted Angus.

Hearing this, Rendy begins to attack Angus more fervently. *Swosh* *Swosh* *Swosh* However, none of the attacks reached Angus. After a moment, Angus finally feels his mind getting rested a little bit and shoots a firebolt towards Rendy's face.

Rendy managed to react timely and tilted his head before counterattack using his fire sword. Both of the combatants begin to fight at close combat.? Angus is using his firebolt, and Rendy is using his fire sword.

At this time, the rowdy audience is silent, not wanting to miss any single moment of this exciting battle. Be it Rendy and Angus, both of them have excellent combat capability.

Still, in the end, Angus managed to read Rendy's fighting pattern and predict his movement landing a few shot Firebolt to him. *Bum* *Bum* *Bum*

Along the way, Rendy begins to receive more Firebolt. Although it didn't land on the vital area, it still hurt him and caused him to make more mistakes.

"Don't be cocky, kid!!" yelled Rendy