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I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 241: [Bonus Chapter]True Treasure
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Chapter 241: [Bonus Chapter]True Treasure

"[Open]." said Draught in an unknown language.

As soon as Draught said this unknown language, the whole door shone brightly, enveloping Draught and Angus. After the bright light recedes, both of them already disappear from the spot.

In the meantime, Angus and Draught arrive at a huge room filled with many stuff from gold, weapons, rare ore, and many other things. The old man Draught ignores the things in the room and looks at Angus confusedly, who has a pale face.

"Boy.. No Angus, did you happen to perceive my power before?" asked the old man.

Angus couldn't respond but only nodded his head. The power he felt made him subconsciously fear the old man. Even if he wanted to deny it, he still couldn't help but fear it.

Seeing Angus respond, "Kahahahaha… Interesting, it is really worth the effort to creating a sentient weapon for Jade. Now, tell me Angus how it feels like knowing there is higher power despite reaching the top." asked Draught, who looked at Angus excitedly.

"F-Fear and powerless." replied Angus while still trembling.

"Hahahaha…" laughed the old man Draught as the whole treasury room changed into boundless dark space.

"You are right, Angus. In front of my power, you are nothing but insignificant. So, the real question is what are you going to do about it." asked Draught.

"I.. I don't know. It feels like everything I do, I will never reach that level. I feel weak and powerless..." replied Angus.

Hearing Angus's reply, Draught feels a little bit disappointed. At this moment, Angus couldn't help but hear a voice in his head.

"When you are losing your way, you will remember her." as Angus remembers his memories with Jayna.

"No.. I will fight. I will keep fighting. I will also reach that power and far beyond that." said Angus resolutely.

"Hoo.. Why suddenly change your mind? Don't you feel afraid?" said Draught as he released his mysterious power once again.

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"It's because of her. I will never let anyone hurt her, even you!!" said Angus while he subconsciously released a powerful aura that clashes with Draught's aura. *BOOMM*

The whole boundless space was trembling and cracked at this clash. Unconsciously, Angus' voice turns more divine at his last sentence while a majestic aura appears from him.

"T-This… Who… Ancient king? No.. This is more ancient and powerful." said Draught as he tried to retain the boundless space while analyzing the source of power.

After a moment, Angus slumps on the ground unconsciously while everything is back to calm dark space. Draught retracted his power and looked at Angus confusedly.

"I am sure that's not his own power. Does that mean it is heritage? What kind of person could give such heritage? It's only a trace, but it could almost overpower me." said Draught.

"Moreover, this person chose him as his heir. Interesting… I couldn't wait to see what kind of change this boy would bring to the world." added Draught.

Then, Draught begins to check Angus's condition and touches Angus's head. A moment later, Angus opened his eyes and woke up.

"Urgh… Ouch…" said Angus as he felt terrible muscle pain all over his body.

"Don't move too much. You just release a power that is still not truly yours. Eat this. It will help your body." said Draught as he took a round pill from the nearby vial in the room.

Before Angus could respond, the old man had already put the pill in his mouth and almost choked him. *Cough* *Cough*

"Ehh… all of my pain is gone." said Angus.

"Hahaha… of course. Anyway, why don't you start to pick something here as your reward." said Draught, trying to change the topic.

'This old man… is too elusive. Well, I might as well go with the flow.' thought Angus.

Then, Angus begins to scan the surroundings. The whole room is an enclosed space similar to the king chamber he found in the Ancestral Ruin's inner area. Inside the room, there are various things such as weapons, armor, potions, books, etc.

All of these are arranged neatly on the shelf, pedestal, cabinet. After going around for a while, Angus found many rare and good stuff. He even found some material he didn't know.

Fortunately, like a good tenant, the old man Draught didn't stay still and explain some information about the item.

After going around every corner of the room, "So, which one do you choose?" asked the old man Draught.

"Hmm… old man, can you promise me what happens in this room will always stay in this room." asked Angus after a while.

"You mean to keep my mouth shut? Of course, I never say anything about what happened in this room. You have my promise. You don't have to worry about this stuff." replied Old Man Draught.

"Good, you can come out now, Draven." said Angus.

From Angus's shadow appear a black shadowy intangible uniform thing with the size of cat and long tail. During this one year, Draven finally managed to reach grade two.

After reaching grade two, his entire black scaled body is completely enveloped with shadow and becomes a sort of intangible. His presence is completely hidden as long as he stays in the shadows.

Looking at Draven, "Ohh.. I-It's that Mundus. Hahaha… To think you hide such a thing in your shadow. No wonder I couldn't perceive it. Hmm… It seems to be completely subdued. You are fortunate to get such an excellent familiar." said Draught as he observed Mundus.

Before Angus could respond, "Alright, you win. With the help of Mundus, I bet you already noticed another hidden room in this place. At first, I thought I might as well test you. But, who knows you have such a cheat existence like Mundus." said Draught.

"You flatter me too much, old man. Draven is still in grade two beast." replied Angus.

"Nonsense. It seems you truly don't know why Mundus is hailed as a legendary beast that is on par with mystical beasts like dragons." said Draught.

"Isn't it because of his fighting power?" replied Angus.

"Hahahaha… If it is only that, every single grade seven beasts could become a legendary beast. I can't explain too much since it will take a lot of time, but a legendary beast is a beast that governs over something."

"To make it simple, just think of them like ancient kings. They have a supernatural power or abilities to govern over something such as elementals, magic, concept, etc."

"Mundus is one of the legendary beasts that govern the concept of darkness and space. This makes the beast incredibly powerful that is on par with dragons that govern over elementals and language."

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"But, let me advise you, boy. You should never let out your Mundus to everyone besides your trusted one. In ancient times, Mundus often did many heinous deeds. Some gods even thought of them as embodiments of evil." said Draught.

"You may learn more about Mundus in this book. Now, let me show you my true treasure." added Draught as he gave Angus a thick book while going towards one of the walls.

Angus catches the book and stores it in his space storage.

'It seems you have a deeply complicated heritage, Draven.' said Angus telepathically with Draven.

'Of course. As I said, I am the great Mundus, the strongest beast.' replied Draven telepathically.

Ignoring Draven's usual narcissism, Angus follows the old man. Arriving at one of the walls, the old man Draught pulled his hand before punching the wall. *BAM* Suddenly, the wall and everything in the room cracked like a mirror.

A moment later, everything turns into fragments, and they arrive at a new room. Inside the room, there are few weapons embedded in the stone.

"Welcome to my real collection. As you can see here, there are few weapons embedded in the stone. All of them are an artifact but not an ordinary artifact." said Draught.

"As you may hear from Jade, sentient weapons could become artifacts after experiencing countless battles. However, I also told you that everyone born in this world already has sentient weapons prepared for them." said Draught.

"Based on these premises, there is actually a case where a used artifact could actually become a sentient weapon of someone. However, that is not just an ordinary artifact."

"Usually, that kind of artifact is the only one that no one could ever subdue until they are being held by the person they recognize. During my years of traveling, I found a few of these artifacts. Coincidently, all of them are in the form of weapons."

"What you see behind me are those artifacts. However, even I said no one could subdue them. There is always an exemption, for example like a natural weapon master.

"According to legend and myth, a natural weapon master could hold any kind of weapon. If those legends are true, you may or may not subdued these artifacts." explained Draught.

"Now, come and choose your weapon artifact. But, I will remind you these artifacts are sealed here because they are not only powerful but also could harm anyone, including the user." reminded Draught.

Angus looks at all the weapons. There are twin swords, two double-blade swords, two spears, and one bow.

After observing every single one of them, "Say, old man, What would happen if I could use all of them?" said Angus.