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I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 244: Rare Item
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Chapter 244: Rare Item

After checking his status, he began to focus on refining his chi. The greatest weapon he currently has is his chi and domain. As long as he has the chi, he could deflect or reflect any kind of attack using his domain.

With this, he is sure to survive in the Endless Battlefield. So, his current focus is to refine chi and increase his reservoir as much as possible. As for his other attributes, he could only leave them for now.

Even though he focused on gathering soul points during these two months, he could only increase them by one or two points, which practically didn't significantly affect his power and survival rate.

Angus also feels the old man Draught is right. The most important thing is to get out alive. It means he needs everything to increase his survival, whether from his personal strength, potion, item, etc.

In the blink of an eye, hours passed by, and Jayna came back from her tour. Entering the room, she finds Angus waking up from his meditation.

"Jayna, you are back." called Angus.

"Yeah, miss me already?" asked Jayna.

"Yep, as always." said Angus while kissing her.

After some session of a passionate kiss, "So, how is your… feeling?" asked Angus.

"Better. Although I am still quite frustrated about master Draught's refusal, I realize I seem to be more greedy in pursuing power lately." said Jayna.

"I should be happy with my current power. When I went out, I realized that people like you, me, and Anna already couldn't measure with normal common sense. Yet, I still asked for more power. I am becoming too greedy." added Jayna.

Hearing this, Angus couldn't help but hug Jayna, "It's okay to desire for power. But, you need to be able to control it. A desire without control will only lead to nothing but trouble." said Angus.

"Yeah, you are right." said Jayna as they started kissing again and having their moment.

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The next day, Agnus decides to go through the market with Jayna while Anna is left with Ilgor. Gilford and Jade are also doing their own business. This time Angus wants to sell all the monster parts that he got from his system.

After more than one year, Angus accumulated a lot of monster parts inside his inventory. Furthermore, he also has some third-grade monster parts, which are more precious than others.

He planned to exchange the monster part with high-grade monster cores or use it to buy many rare things. He hoped these rare things would help him in creating safety items or rune items.

Fortunately, during the tour yesterday, Jayna found a few big merchants to handle large transactions. This way, Angus didn't need to search for a trustworthy merchant or get cheated on.

Arriving at the big merchant called Metal Base, Angus and Jayna enter the building. According to some information Angus gathered before, Metal Base is a prominent merchant established for more than a hundred years in Porros.

Since they are quite famous and have a big name to keep, Angus didn't need to worry about getting cheated. Porros may be a safe place, but that didn't mean people couldn't scam each other during the business, especially with large transactions that Angus will make.

Entering the building, Angus immediately went into the reception desk.

"Welcome to Metal Base. How may I help you?" asked the receptionist.

"I want to sell monster parts in bulk." replied Angus.

"Is the quantity more than a hundred?" asked the receptionist.

"Yes, it is." replied Angus.

"Alright, then please follow me to trading room number 2." said the receptionist while leading them to a big room or an empty warehouse, to be precise.

"Dear customer, you could start to take out the monster part in this room while waiting for our staff to appraise and sort them." said the staff.

'It seems they often deal with large purchases like this. I guess since many high-grade combatants live in this place, they could just hunt a lot of monster/beast parts during their journey.' thought Angus inwardly while starting to take out his monster parts.

A few moments later, a few staff members enter the room and begin to appraise them. They also sort and list all of them carefully.

During the appraisal, one of the staff members approached Angus, "Sir, may I know your name? Since your current transaction deal is already worth more than a thousand grade four cores. We decided to give you a special price along with membership." said the staff professionally.

After hearing about the membership deal, Angus decides to accept it as it is free and valid for a lifetime. The membership also will give Angus a certain discount during his transaction with Metal Base merchants. After a few hours, they finally finished sorting the monster part.

After calculating all the material, "Mr. Angus, the appraisal is done. In total, all your monster parts are worth 3289 grade four cores. Did you want to exchange it with other stuff, or do you want to receive the payment in cores?" asked the staff professionally.

"I'd like to purchase some stuff. Do you have a list of what you sell here?" replied Angus.

"Certainly, here you can find any item that we sold in Metal Base. You could also request any item that is not on the list. As long as it is within our capabilities, we will try to procure it within a certain period." said the staff while giving Angus the book list.

'As expected of big merchants, they really prepare for everything.' thought Angus inwardly while browsing the list.

The item list is entirely different from the one he sees in the Golden Trade merchant guild back in Firuman. Although both of them are big merchants, their item quality is on a different scale.

Here, Manatium could be considered as a common metal ore. After inquiring about some information, Angus found that Manatium is still rare and consistently high in demand.

However, in Porros, there is a surplus of this kind of material since every weapon in Porros is made of this material.

Not only Manatium, but Angus also found a few legendary materials like Unicorn's horn, Manticore's tail, Hydra's heart, even a dragon scale that is said to be impossible to get unless you kill a dragon or befriend them.

However, the price for all these kinds of items is enormous. One piece of dragon scale cost around 500 grade five cores. It means people at least need to kill fifty monster overlords or five hundred grade five monsters just to get a piece of it.

This is an enormous price even for Angus with his system. To accumulate his current wealth, he needs at least one year to focus on killing monsters inside his manual battle system.

It may take two years or more to keep focusing on killing monsters to accumulate such wealth, but Angus didn't have the luxury of time for that. Furthermore, the dragon scale they sell only at the regular paper size.

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It couldn't even be made into a proper piece of armor. He also needs to search for a master crafter to create exceptional items from it.

For the time being, buying such an item is useless and only a waste of his money. So, he decided to buy something more useful within his budget.

After buying various things, Angus left with only 100 something of fourth-grade cores. Still, the purchase is worth it. He could buy a lot of rare items that may not be available in the common market.

Leaving the Metal Base merchant, Angus and Jayna didn't return to the inn but decided to stroll around the market to find other interesting items.

Inside the Endless Battlefield dimension, there are countless ancient ruins. As one of the biggest trading hubs in this dimension, Porro's stall market also sells various miscellaneous stuff from these ancient ruins.

There are even a few artifacts that could be found in the market.

'It seems old man Draught is right, there are a lot of artifacts, but few could use them.' thought Angus as no one batting an eye at the artifact.

Although artifacts are rare, not everyone can fully use them. Even if people could use it, they will only choose the handiest one. In short, buying an artifact is actually like gambling.

Angus believes there is no such thing as useless equipment. After knowing there is a limit for a person to hold an artifact, he also will be more careful in picking an artifact.

'No wonder the hidden group in the Ancestral Ruin dared to give him two artifacts at once. It is not because they didn't want it, but because they couldn't use it.' thought Angus while looking around.

During their window shopping, "Come and Gather around. The weapon tournament is going to start at the Battle Arena." said a person while giving a flyer to nearby people.

"Weapon tournament?" said Jayna.

"Oh, you must be new here?" said the merchant in front of them.

"Yeah, we just arrived here two days ago. Did you know about this weapon tournament, ma'am?" asked Angus.

"The weapon tournament is…"