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I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 259: Perfect Triangle
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Chapter 259: Perfect Triangle

After Angus killed the Fire Salamander, "Hmm… It seems there is no sign of rejection. But, you need to rely on yourself to be able to use all the sword's capabilities." said Old Man Draught.

"True, I feel there is still more about this twin sword. I am quite surprised that it could absorb all the surrounding fire elemental. Anyway, old man, do you have a dummy or something very hard? I planned to test my skill with it." said Angus.

"Hmmm… Something hard, huh? Ahh… Maybe this will work." said old man Draught as he took out a black pyramid the size of a basketball.

"This thing doesn't have a name yet. It is actually a product of my failed experiment. However, it is by far the hardest and the strongest thing in my possession.

"Unfortunately, I can't replicate this product again. Otherwise, it will be a perfect material for my creation. For now, let's just call it the Perfect Triangle." said Draught as he gave Angus the perfect triangle.

Angus receives the perfect triangle and begins to analyze it. In the end, he doesn't get anything even from the perfect triangle, be it material or other information besides little physical details.

To his surprise, the Perfect Triangle is neither heavy nor light. The weight is similar to ordinary stone or rock with the same size as it.

After inspecting for a while, Angus launched a punch to it [Focus Punch]. *BAM* The Perfect Triangle completely withstands Angus's punch without any scratch.

"Good, this will be a perfect target to test the twin blade." said Angus as he took out the twin blade from its sheath.

Even though Angus is a weapon master, he is rarely used as a weapon in the fight. It is not because he didn't want to use his weapon, but there is no need for it.

Unlike ordinary people when they use weapons, Angus's strength will be enhanced many times according to the quality of the weapon.

The better his weapon, the stronger his combat prowess. Therefore, unless it is a life and death situation, he will not use his weapon as it could end the battle immediately and kill his opponent easily.

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Currently, Angus decides to test the twin blade artifact not only with his strength but his skill. This will make Angus's attack many times more destructive. In the last fight against Fire Salamander, he feels like cutting through it without resistance when using a skill.

Angus wants to understand the artifact's limit to grasp all its capabilities thoroughly. Usually, this kind of thing could only be done slowly and take time, possibly years.

However, with Angus's talent as a weapon master, he could completely grasp its capabilities by knowing its limit and strength after a few tries.

After supplying tremendous fire mana to the bottomless twin sword, Angus's demeanor changed. In the blink of an eye, he already slashed the Perfect Triangle a few times using the twin blade [Twin Sword Art - Chain Star]. *BAM* *BAM* *BAM*

Although Angus looked like he hit the Perfect Triangle a few times, he actually hit it more than a hundred times with tremendous power.

To his surprise, the Perfect Triangle is completely fine and even getting more embedded to the hard ground because of Angus's attack force.

"Heee… Interesting." said Angus as he took the Perfect Triangle on the ground before lightly throwing it in the air.

Angus hit the Perfect Triangle with a flawless movement using his twin sword artifact [Twin Sword Art - Scissor Grip]. *Clang* The Perfect Triangle gets clamped by the twin sword diagonally and resists Angus's attack force.

"What tough material. It even withstands my full-powered attack without a scratch." said Angus as his hand trembled from pushing the twin sword against the Perfect Triangle.

"Alright, last test. Thought I should conserve my chi, but I think using it a little bit is okay." said Angus.

Then, Angus converted almost all his mana into fire mana and imbued it to the twin sword. The twin sword becomes brighter in crimson color. Because of the heat it releases, the surrounding ground starts to melt.

If Angus didn't protect himself with [Hellfire], he too would be burned alive just by touching the current twin sword's state.

Then, Angus started to channel his chi and use his domain. He could completely perceive everything a few meters away from him. Despite this, he still couldn't find the weak spot of the Perfect Triangle.

'Now, I know why the old man called it the Perfect Triangle. Alright, time to test my limits. Hope the artifact does not break out.' thought Angus.

Suddenly, Angus's aura turns more dreadful. This dreadful aura is very bizarre and sinister. Draught, Jade, and even the grade five monster Gorilla couldn't help but look at Angus.

A moment later, Angus disappears from his spot and hits the Perfect Triangle [Domain - Asura] [Twin Sword Art - Twin Dragon Fang].

*Slash* *Clang* After that, Angus immediately fell to the ground, exhausted. Looking at the twin sword still intact without damage, he could help but be happy.

"Haa.. Haa.. Maybe I could reach a higher realm of mastery with this." said Angus before feeling the great sore pain all over his body.

In the meantime, the Perfect Triangle is the same as before, completely intact without any scratch.

Seeing this, "No wonder, the old man said it is the hardest thing he had." said Angus after calming down his ragged breath with his special breathing technique.

At this moment, Draught appears beside Angus looking at the Angus and the Perfect Triangle.

'What a terrifying kid. He could already touch that despite being at such a young age. But, the problem is the sinister aura it brings.' thought Draught.

"Brat… No, Angus, Did you realize what you just did?" asked Draught.

"Huh? What do you mean, old man?" replied Angus.

"You… Forget it. Just make sure not to use the attack like before in front of the others. Unless you reach the same strength as a seventh-grade combatant." said Draught.

"Hmm… Well, this attack has really put a huge burden on my body. So, yeah, unless it is a totally desperate situation, I will not use it. Otherwise, I will leave defenseless." replied Angus.

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"Just don't use it anymore. If you really want to use it, make sure no one is nearby." said Draught.

"Hmm.. Is something wrong with my attack?" asked Angus.

"Something wrong?? You are kidding, right?! Let me warn you. Only a few people managed to touch that kind of power you used before. All of them are people beyond comprehension. If they somehow notice you, you will be instantly killed." said Draught.

'Hee.. There are people who could use Domains!! It seems this world is truly vast.' thought Angus at Draught's information.

"Don't bother fighting them. It's better if you don't meet them. Compared to them, your power is like a child's play. You should just hurry up and become stronger." said Draught before observing Jade's fight.

Hearing this, Angus could only nod silently and decide to recover on the spot while observing Jade's fight. The fifth grade nine arm Gorilla is not only strong, but it also has very high regeneration ability.

The fire-based attack usually restricts high regeneration ability. However, the monster Gorilla's regeneration is so absurd that he could heal his body in a matter of seconds.

According to Draught, the nine-arm Gorilla called Undying Ape is famous for its resilience, endurance, and regeneration. It is one of the few monsters that have a strong life force.

Usually, people need to keep wounding and beating the monster until his energy depletes. There is another way to kill it, like blasting its entire body into nothingness or cutting the body into many pieces before it could regenerate.

However, its resilience as grade five is also top-notch. It could even withstand a grade-five spell like it is nothing.

Although it is very resilient, it does not have a strong attack besides its enormous strong body. Furthermore, its speed is also not as fast as a seventh-grade combatant. Therefore it is a perfect living target to test Jade's sentience weapon, [Crimson Orb].

*BOM* Another strong fire attack launched by Jade and completely envelops the Undying Ape. Fortunately, Draught creates a barrier around Jade and Undying Ape to prevent any stray attack.

A battle that involves a seventh-grade combatant could easily destroy a small city just from the aftermath. Much less for Jade, who is still not fully controlling his new power as a seventh grade.

The two of them had already clashed for an hour, and none of them got tired despite a strong attack. While the Undying Ape tries to kill the hateful human in front of him, Jade is actually trying to test [Crimson Orb] while using various skills he has.

After a few more hours of fighting, the Undying Ape's regeneration starts getting slower and is finally burned to death by Jade's fire-based skill. After Jade kills the Undying Ape, Draught opens the barrier and discusses [Crimson Orb] with Jade.

Then, Draught brings another grade-five monster and lets Jade fight it again. Like any master crafter, Draught is quite a perfectionist when it comes to sentient weapons.

Sentient Weapon is a growth-type weapon, Draught didn't want Jade to make a horrible mistake when nurturing it and not bring its true potential.