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I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 305: Slicer Fly
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Chapter 305: Slicer Fly

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam* Each of the Vulcan Shots creates a small explosion. The nearby lush forest immediately turns into a burning wasteland. Still, some of the insectoid monsters managed to withstand Angus's spell.

"Not yet, Here take this [Runecard - Fire Oil]!!" said Angus as he took out three rune cards.

The three rune cards immediately sprouted Fire Oil on the burning land. *BOOM* The moment Fire Oil touched with the littering fire, it exploded and prevented the approaching monster. Then, Angus immediately used Firecast to create Fire Wyrm out of it [Firecast - Fire Wyrm x3].

*ROOARR* Three gigantic FIre Wyrm appeared from the fire and began to engage with the nearby insectoid monster.

"Haa.. Haa.. I guess this is still taking quite a toll on me." said Angus in a rough breath.

Suddenly, Angus's instinct warns him, and a fast monster enters his detection. Trusting his instinct, Angus immediately dodges to the side. *Whooshh* The ground where he previously stood gouged with a massive destructive wind.

Using his detection, Angus immediately finds the perpetrator who attacks him and completely destroys one of his Fire Wyrms. The monster is similar to the Dragonfly but way much bigger. Its size is around two meters high.

It is quite small compared to other insectoid monsters, but Angus notices it is the most dangerous monster nearby. It is called Slicer Fly, a dragonfly monster proficient at wind element.

"Tch.. she is really crazy to send a grade four Slicer Fly to me. Does she think I have endless mana or what?" said Angus while dodging another incoming attack from the Slicer Fly,

While dodging, Angus feels his mana is not even a quarter of his total mana. It means Angus could only use low circle spells to attack the Slicer Fly.

Angus sent a few enhanced Firebolt towards the monster. However, the Slicer Fly could evade the attack easily and counter with another wind blade.

"What an annoying fly!" said Angus

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Then, Angus controls one of the Fire Wyrm to approach the Slicer Fly from the side after killing a few nearby insectoid monsters. Just as the Slicer Fly wants to attack the incoming Fire Wyrm, Angus explodes the Fire Wyrm [Hellfire - Explode]. *BAAM*

After the view becomes clear, Angus finds that the monster is unharmed from the gigantic explosion, even getting more enraged. He could see a transparent barrier around the monster.

"Tch.. Wind Barrier. This is going to be tough." said Angus.

Then, both of them begin to exchange attacks. Angus also not only uses fire spells but other low circle element spells to gain some advantage.

Fortunately, the other insectoid monster is held down by the last Fire Wyrm. Angus didn't need to worry about the other monster disturbing his fight.

"Eat this!! [2nd Circle - Lightning Bolt]." yelled Angus.

A flash of bluish lightning traveled in the blink of eyes and hit the Slicer Fly's wind barrier. The attack managed to stagger the monster a little bit. Using this opportunity, Angus shoots a few Fireballs towards it. Once again, the Slicer Fly managed to dodge the attack.

However, it didn't notice Angus already approached its side using Beast Walk. Angus takes out Sky Thorn and hits it [Spiraling Slash]. *Bamm* The Slicer Fly's side immediately gets torn apart from the attack.

*BBZZTT* The Slicer Fly screamed in pain. Not done with his attack, Angus stabbed his Sky Thorn towards the wounded part. *BBZZTT* Ignoring the pained scream, Angus channels his burning fire mana to the Sky Thorn and begins to burn the Slicer Fly through the wound.

Left with no choice, the Slicer Fly releases a massive shockwave from its buzzing sound [Sonic Wave]. *BBTZZ* Angus couldn't hold it and was forced to back down from the invisible wave attack. Fortunately, Angus already used Fire Barrier before engaging with the Slicer Fly.

Still, his fire barrier couldn't completely neutralize the Sonic Wave. It makes his ear go deaf and bleeding. Luckily, his body regeneration could easily heal this kind of wound.

"What a horrible attack. Still, you are the one that is going to die." said Angus while channeling more Fire Mana to the Sky Thorn.

Despite receiving the attack, Angus managed to keep his Sky Thorn connected to the wounded Slicer Fly through the chain. The Sky Thorn is glowing red and starts to roast the Slicer Fly from the inside.

Manipulating the burning Sky Thorn's chain, Angus manages to bind the Slicer Fly's body along with its wings. Then, Angus pulls the Slicer Fly down to the ground using his monstrous strength.

*Bam* Without giving it any time to take a breath, Angus approaches the Slicer Fly and stabs Sky Thorn to its gigantic head [Burning Pierce]. *Bam* the entire head exploded along with the Slicer Fly's life.

"Fiuuhh.. That was tough." said Angus while quite exhausted.

At the same time, Teacher Genus and Helia, who witnessed Angus's battle from far away, couldn't help but be surprised at Angus's strength.

'T-That's not supposed to be a magician's strength!! Even a warrior combatant is hardly able to release that kind of strength.' thought Genus.

'What a monstrous strength and his mastery over fire spell is also top-notch. Is he the secret weapon of the Heart Kingdom?' thought Helia.

At the same time, Angus is in a sour mood as his entire body is splattered with the Slicer Fly's meat and blood.

"Urrgghh.. this is going to make me smell. I should take a bath first before going to Jayna. Not wanting Jayna to complain about the smell." said Angus.

The other insectoid monster gets burned down by his last Fire Wyrm and leaves the corpse behind. Then, Angus starts to dismember and harvest the precious part from the dead insectoid monster. Most of the rare parts are damaged and burned down, but they still hold a certain value.

'No wonder Ernest likes to trade with me. The monster part from the system is always in pristine condition. Compared to this, its value may be two or three times higher.' thought Angus.

After a while, Angus is finally done looting and immediately gets away from his location. He didn't know when Helia would send another batch of monsters. Even though he still could fight and love it, Angus still didn't like to have a meaningless fight and expose his strength to others.

While running back towards the camp, he decides to take a bath on the nearby river. Although he could use a cleaning spell, he still prefers to have a proper bath and soap since the cleaning spell could not fully erase the smell.

Soon, Angus finds a clear running river with no monster nearby. Angus immediately takes a bath and cleanses himself along with his royal academy uniform without hesitation.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

While Angus has a nice relaxing bath, the others hunt monsters to finish their task. Unlike Angus, who has super regeneration and massive mana, the others need to hunt the monster carefully while managing their stamina and mana.

Currently, most of them are already back to the camp to rest and regenerate their mana, except Jayna and Anna. Like Angus, Jayna also has massive mana in her body, though she didn't have ridiculous mana regeneration.

Despite this, she could still fight for days against the nearby monster. None of these monsters could withstand Jayna's Crimson Slash and her destructive fire. Combined with her sword mastery, she could easily kill any ordinary grade two monster.

On the other hand, Anna is currently sightseeing in the forest and can handle the monster with only her physical strength. She only needs to enhance her body with mana or miasma to overpower and kill the grade two monster.

However, they still need a little effort when fighting a grade three monster or a group of monsters. Fortunately, there are almost no grade three monsters in the surrounding area. In the end, they could hunt the monster safely.

Anna's final examination task also requires her to hunt 15 second-grade monsters. For Anna and Jayna, their task is not as difficult as Angus. But, they still need to search and find their target to complete the task.

Unlike Angus, both of them didn't have large range detection skills and needed to find their target manually. While searching for the monster, Anna once again is a troublemaker and runs around despite being rebuked by Jayna.

Not only that, she likes to touch everything like the grass and or tree during her little adventure. Now, she is in front of the tree and decides to poke it.

"Touch!!" said Anna before looking at the tree confusedly.

"Hmm… Big sis.. Big Sis.. There is a Mr. Wood here." said Anna.

Noticing the miasma present in the tree, "Anna, get away from it."

Before Anna can respond, the tree moves and one of the branches grabs Anna. The branch lifted her while a face appeared on the tree surface.

"Uwaa.. I am flying." said Anna.

*KKrttRrtt* As the tree makes some sound. Looking at the tree carefully, Jayna notices it is a second-grade Evil Treant.

"Stupid tree. Release Anna at once." said Jayna while unsheathing her sword.

Hearing Jayna demand, the tree suddenly put Anna on the ground and released her from its bind. This action caught Jayna off guard, and she didn't know what to do towards the tree. She could only look at the tree confusedly.