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I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 316: Angus’s test
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Chapter 316: Angus’s test

The demonstration even surprised Anne as the squad leader.

"Valter, it seems once again you created another ridiculous thing." said Anne.

"Hahaha… You praise me too much, squad leader Anne. This is the result of our group's hard work." said Valter.

"True. But, as their leader, you have a big role in creating this bomb." said Anne.

"Then, on behalf of the explosion research team, I will gladly accept such praise." said Valter.

After that, Valter looked at the silent Angus.

"So, what do you think of our newest invention, Chain Bomb?" asked Valter to Angus.

"It is certainly very destructive and capable of causing serious injury or possibly killing a high-grade combatant. However, I think it will be hard to use in combat." replied Angus.

"Ohh… why is that?" asked Valter.

"Well, the scale of the destruction is simply too large and could possibly injure the person who you use it. Practically, this bomb could only be detonated from far away like a trap or…" said Angus.

"Or what??" replied Valter.

"Or simply asked a strong physical combatant or high-grade combatant to throw them from a distance." added Angus.

"Throwing from a distance?? Kekeke.. That's an interesting idea. Certainly, it is hard to create material that could withstand the throwing power of a high-grade combatant. However, using our newest technology and breakthrough, I think we could manage it." said Valter.

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"Still, like most of our creation, our bomb is too destructive to be used in combat. Therefore, we decided to create a special suit that could withstand an explosion. Right now, we are still in the middle of its research." added Valter.

"Special suit to withstand explosion?!! Is that even possible?" asked Angus.

"If you completely withstand it, it is impossible. But, if it is only to reduce the impact and withstand the energy blast, we could achieve it." said Valter.

"Really? Can I see it?" asked Angus.

"Unfortunately, I can't reveal anything about this project any further since this is also a special project that was tasked by the research center facility." said Valter.

The Research Center in the Heart Kingdom is not only the biggest and advanced research facility. But they also control any kind of official and legal research inside the Heart Kingdom.

Sometimes, they also could ask another research facility from a specialized squad like the explosion squad to do some research for them. Since the explosion squad research team is more familiar with explosion and impact, they should be the ones that did the research.

Hearing this, Angus somehow remembers the last discussion during his participation in project Homunculus. After the creation of Lily, like any other soldier, it still needs a weapon and armor to enhance its capability.

As a combat expert, Angus knows that creating a weapon and armor for the homunculus like Lily will be difficult. Her speed and strength are already similar to a sixth-grade combatant. This is also the main reason why sixth-grade combatants rarely wear armor and weapons.

Their mana and power are simply too destructive and could easily break ordinary weapons and armor. Some warrior-oriented combatants even prefer to use their bodies rather than using weapons. One of them is Jade when he is still in sixth grade.

Even Though the other homunculus will only have half or less of Lily's combat capability, their body and spec are still similar. In the end, the homunculus will become weaponless by leaving alone. However, Heart Kingdom will never neglect such a weakness.

According to Benjamin, Angus heard other teams are tasked to create weapons and armor for the Homunculus.

This task is also secretive that even Benjamin himself didn't know the other team researcher. Angus speculates that Valter's task in researching the special suit is also part of this project.

'Such a weapon and armor? Does King Leon truly want to go to war?' thought Angus.

Although Angus supports King Leon, he does not like war with another kingdom or nation. To be exact, Angus didn't like to have a conflict with the others. However, he is also not a person easily bullied and certainly not a pacifist one.

If it is truly necessary, he will not hesitate to go to war and destroy another kingdom to protect his family. Therefore, he is inkling to become a scholar and researcher rather than become a combatant.

If you choose to become a combatant, he will definitely be sent to the battlefield. Angus didn't truly care about killing other people, but he didn't like unnecessary killing. For him, a battlefield is where people kill each other without any good reason.

After that, Angus and Anne talk to Valter about various things. Hearing Angus's innovative idea and brilliant mind in rune scribing, Valter also asked Angus to join him in improving Chain Bomb.

Since this is a rare opportunity and will become a good track record as a researcher, Angus didn't hesitate to accept it. Besides, Angus also needed some time before starting choosing students and teaching them.

After finishing their talk, Angus orders Anne to procure a few things from the research facility warehouse. Of course, Anne didn't like to be ordered around, but she could only obey Angus for now to atone her mistake.

Then, Angus decided to rest in the special quarter and Vergil in the base. The next few days, Angus completely ignored the standing gathering combatant in the training ground.

Half of them have already decided to quit this ridiculous test, while half of them decide to continue waiting for Angus. Still, their physicality and mentality have already reached a limit. They didn't drink or eat in the last few days and kept standing inside the training ground.

Most of the remaining soldiers decide to eat and drink in the canteen before going back to the training ground to wait for Angus. As for Angus himself, he didn't do anything and completely holed up inside the library reading books and doing some research.

At this moment, Angus suddenly appears inside the training ground without anybody noticing. He could see that most of the gathering soldiers were on the ground chatting with each other. Only three people are still standing straight with pale expressions and black marks on their eyes.

Not only that, but these three people also look unhealthy since they didn't eat or drink anything in the past few days. As grade three combatants, they could still survive without resting for a few days. However, they still need food or drink to survive.

Seeing the three standing people, the nearby soldier could only shake their heads. Some of them even try to ridicule them.

"Oii.. Ferry, quit becoming stubborn. There is no one watching you. Just go eat and drink, then come back here." said one of the nearby soldiers.

"Haha… Thanks, but I will pass and keep waiting for the teacher." replied Ferry.

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Hearing this, Angus couldn't help but smile and leave the training ground stealthy before going to the library entrance where Anne was waiting.

"Anne, tell the others not to approach the training ground where everyone is gathering now." said Angus.

Seeing Angus' sudden appearance from another direction startled Anne, but she immediately replied and complied with him by hearing Angus's serious command.

"Yes, sir." said Anne.

After Anne goes away to do his commandments, Angus comes back to the barren training ground where everyone is waiting. Entering shadow mode with the help of Draven, Angus begins to hide in the crowd shadow.

While hiding in the shadow, Angus slowly releases his fire mana to the surrounding area and increases the temperature of the surrounding area.

After a while, "Hey, don't you think today is unusually hotter?" said one of the soldiers while sweating.

"Yeah, I feel like getting roasted alive." said another soldier.

"That's it, I am going. Today is just too hot." said one of the soldiers leaving the training ground.

Like a trigger, more people leave the training ground to avoid the heat. Even though all of them are quite resistant to fire and heat, they still can't withstand the combination of pinnacle fire mastery and Hellfire.

Because of the unbearable heat, only less than twenty soldiers decide to stay still in the training ground. Currently, all of them have already noticed the increase in the temperature and know that it is not accidental.

They know that this is another to them. Knowing that no other soldier was leaving the area, Angus came out from hiding and stood in front of them. Seeing Angus, some of the soldiers felt relieved and thought they had finally passed the test.

At this moment, Angus spread his arm and closed his eyes. Suddenly, the whole area becomes hotter many times than before. All the surrounding ground near Angus even molted. Then, Angus silently cast a wall of flame in front of him using the fire mana in the surrounding.

"Pass the wall of flame if you want to pass my test." said Angus.

Hearing this, everyone immediately charged at the flame wall. At this moment, they notice the closer they are towards the flame, the hotter the surrounding temperature. Their specially made uniforms even get burned.