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I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 529 Mysterious Race
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After completing the vault ownership transfer process, Angus and the others return to the lobby hall to search for their little troublemaker.

"Now, how should we search for Anna?" asked Angus to the others.

Before anyone could reply, "Angus!! Big sis!!" called Anna, not far away from them.

Then, Anna jumps from the flying pillow and lands on Angus' arm.

"Angus... Angus… We found a secret place." said Anna while snuggling on Angus' arm.

"Secret place?" asked Angus back.

"Yeah, there are a lot of funny and weird bubbles too. But.. But… They are so adorable and funny. We play a lot of things while singing many weird songs."

"They are also wearing something weird… Oh, they also give me something. Look, isn't it adorable?" said Anna.

"A watch??" replied Angus after finding a watch on Anna's wrist.

Angus notices the watch looks like an ordinary silver metallic watch you could find in any watch store. To ensure it is safe, Angus runs chantless probing spells on it but finds nothing.

'Weird… It definitely looks like an ordinary watch. But, how come I couldn't [Analyze] it, not even its material or shape. It is as if I don't know anything about it at all.' thought Angus.

Angus knows [Analyze] will only work if he has basic knowledge about the things or subject he wants to [Analyze]. Even if he didn't know the material or its structure, he could still [Analyze] the object through its shape or how they work.

While Angus tried to inspect the watch, Anna kept telling everyone about her little adventure with Mira. She looks like a child who told her parents about her school field trip experience.

Seeing the happy and excited Anna, he decides to not pursue the mysterious watch anymore. He knows Anna will not take something dangerous that will harm herself.

"Anna, are you having fun?" asked Angus sincerely.

"Mmhm." nodded Anna while giving a genuine smile.

"Good girl. I hope you don't cause too much trouble to Master Mira and Master Darren. Come to think of it, where is Master Darren?" said Angus.

"Ahh.. the silver corpse is beating a bubble called a pervert or something." replied Anna.

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"Pervert?!!" asked Jayna warily.

"Yeah… Anna and Mira are trying to catch this strange flying bubble. Then, we found a big bubble with a scale inside the room. The room is filled with the clothes that Anna wears inside Anna's clothes. There are a lot of them. Then, Mira called the bubble pervert." said Anna.

"Pervert!!" chimed Mira beside Anna while nodding.

"Then, the silver corpse starts beating this scaled bubble. Then.. Then.. Anna and Mira find these funny bubbles wearing strange clothes and holding a lot of candy. Anna and Mira decide to follow them and find this secret place." explained Anna.

"Err… Alright. But make sure not to do that again. What if these bub.. I mean, these people have bad intentions toward you. Also, you must stay away from the pervert. If you see someone like them, just burst them." lectured Jayna while patting Anna's head.

"Sure." replied Anna while enjoying the head pat.

During this time, Darren suddenly appeared near them.

"I apologize for my lateness, everyone. It seems I was too preoccupied and forgot about the time." said Darren.

While Darren was saying this, Angus and the others could see minor red stains in some parts of his butler suit. They know this must be the blood of the scaled pervert Anna talked about long ago.

'Still, I never thought there was someone that stores women's underwear in this ancient vault. Well, I guess people in this world are not too different from the Earth when it comes to this stuff.' thought Angus.

As they already finish their business with the Ancient Vault, Angus and the others decide to leave the Ancient Vault. Leaving the Ancient Vault, they find it is already late in the night and decide to go towards the Honor Valley to rest.

Apparently, the time inside the Ancient Vault is quite messed up. Angus spends about half a day inside Archmage Bern's Vault, but Jayna only feels like waiting for one or two hours.

At the same time, Anna told everyone that she and Mira felt like spending days in the secret place. On the other hand, Darren only spends one or two hours when he tortures the pervert.

While they walk to the Honor Valley, Anna hums a strange song she hears inside the secret place.

"This is Halloween, this is Halloween. Halloween, Halloween…" sang Anna while humming.

"Halloween?! Anna, where did you hear that word?" asked Angus.

"Ohh… those funny bubbles keep saying that word and sing many songs about it. They also give Anna a lot of sweet things." said Anna.

'Are they someone from Earth like me?!' thought Angus.

"Anna did those bub.. I mean.. those people wearing something ghostly like wearing a white sheet or dressing with blood splattered on their clothes?" asked Angus.

"Ahh.. Some of them do that. Did Angus know about them?" asked Anna.

"I am not sure. Can you tell me what these people look like?" asked Angus.

"Umm… They are funny, adorable, like to say weird words, and also like this strange fruit called Pisang." said Anna.

"Pisang?! Wait.. What I mean is these people's appearance, like shape, skin, hair." said Angus.

"Ohh… Anna knows. They have blue skin and round shapes like balls. Some look like long, delicious meat." replied Anna.

"Blue skin, round like balls, long delicious meat?" asked Angus back in confusion.

Then, Angus asked a few more questions about these unique people. The more he hears about it, the more he gets confused by Anna's explanation.

'What the.. Judging by Anna's explanation, it seems they are sort of a community of the same race. But blue skin has a rounded body shape like a sausage and a tender body like a doll.'

'Could withstand a big explosion without dying or getting hurt. Is there such a race in this world' thought Angus.

"Master Darren, did you know anything about such a race?" asked Angus.

"I believe there is no one like that in Firuman. If there is such a thing, the whole Firuman will already be run over by them.

"Even the strongest giant will get hurt if they are hit by that big explosion like in Lady Anna's story. I also never heard blue skin race with such characteristics." said Darren.

"Ehh… Then, who are they?" asked Angus confusedly.

"I am also not sure. But I think it is better to leave them alone." said Darren.

"Hmm??" asked Angus back.

"Ancient Vault is a strange place with messy time and space. There are a lot of mysterious and unexplainable things you could find in it. As you know, everything is possible in this world, only not discovered yet." said Darren.

"Besides, I think they are quite docile and funny races. Turn black when getting exploded or burned. I could never imagine how funny it would be if that happened in front of my eyes." added Darren.

"Funny? Wait for a second…" said Angus, remembering the child cartoon from his past life.

"Urgh.. Forget it. I think I am too tired to even think that Anna actually meets with a living cartoon character." muttered Angus.

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After having a hearty dinner, everyone decides to rest for the night. Few of them are tired from the Ancient Vault and fast running in the morning.

The following day, they decide to leave the Honor Valley after having a simple meal. They notice a few people at the village entrance as they leave the village. They also find these people dressed weirdly since they only wear rough beast skin clothes like a savage.

"Another person??" said one of the people in the group.

"Big sis, why are they dressed weirdly?" asked Anna innocently while sitting on the flying pillow with Mira.

"Hush.. Anna, don't say that. It's rude." lectured Jayna.

"But, Big sis said this clothing is ugly and savage. Are they savage?" asked Anna back.

'This girl… Why did she suddenly remember these kinds of things when she usually ignores Jayna's lecture about etiquette and dressing.' thought Angus.

"Anna, that's rude. You can't tell someone is savage in front of them even if it is true." lectured Jayna.

"Oi… What did you say?!! Do you think we want to wear these clothes?!" yelled one of the people angrily.

"Stop it, Forkin!!" said the leader of the group.

"B-But… They…" said Forkin.

Forkin immediately shut his mouth as he saw his leader's glare.

"I am sorry for my subordinate's rudeness. My name is Eluge Botan from the Grim Dog mercenary." said the muscular leader.

'Quite perceptive. It seems he already perceives Master Darren and Aunt Extalia's power. Otherwise, he will not humbly apologize like this.' thought Angus.

"No problem. Besides, it is this little troublemaker's fault in the first place." said Angus while flicking Anna's head.

"Ouch.. It hurts!!" said Anna while holding her head.

Ignoring the little troublemaker, "If I may, why did all of you dress like that?" asked Angus.

"This is… Wait.. If I am not wrong, you are the one on the stage with DJ Mike, right?" asked Eluge back.

"Ahh.. Yeah." replied Angus, as he didn't expect such a question.

"Hahaha… So, that's why I find you are quite familiar. Anyway, did you also want to catch the thief?" asked Eluge.