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I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 544 Conspiracy
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"Urgh.. Its sting. Well, this is what I expected from my woman. Hahaha…" laughed Alder without minding his injury.

Then, he immediately disappeared from his location as he didn't want to provoke Nabe more. He also could feel his nature as Monster Overlord to fight slowly eroded his mind after facing Nabe's attack and releasing [Miasma Blast].

The two powerful figures left, leaving red sand and crystallized ruby everywhere in the span of tens of kilometers away. Although their fight happened only for a moment, every strong person in the Nirvas could feel it. Even snowy weather stops after Nabe casts the Rose Hazard spell.

In the meantime, a few people with masks gather at the secluded place. Despite their hideous appearance, all of them have the same trait of red skin, which is indicated as Altra's race.

"This trace of mana… Then, it is clear." said a person with a fearful expression on his mask.

"Yes, it seems Surprise is death in her hands," said another person with a sad mask.

"Tch.. I thought he said he could get her under control." said a person with a contempt mask expression.

"No one could predict or control seventh grade's action, especially that woman. I already get some of her information when she is outside. All I could say is that woman is full of trouble." said the sad mask person.

"Then, what now? Did we stop the plan?" asked the contempt mask person.

"It is regrettably that Surprise is death and we can't procure more of that woman's creation. Still, we are too far to stop now. Proceed with the plan. Unless it is the Vault Guardian Makar, no one could stop the plan." said the sad mask person.

"Sure. Just make sure there are no more additional players like last time." said the contempt mask person.

"Don't worry, Anger will take care of it." said the sad mask person.

"Anger?!! I thought Anger didn't want to get involved with us anymore." said the fear mask person.

"Because of the last big incident, Anger decided to oversee all of our big moves. I don't think I need to warn you, but we must succeed or more than half of Seven Faces will be replaced." said the sad mask person.

"Wait.. Aren't we just getting our position?!" said the contempt mask person.

"I doubt Anger will care about it. Moreover, another replacement at this time will only make Seven Faces chaotic. It may lead to total destruction or another outsider like last time." said the fear mask person.

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"Agreed." replied the sad mask person.

"Tch… Whatever. Anyway, I already hear Disgust managed to do his part." said the contempt mask person.

"Yeah. I also hear the elders already send the Red Guards all over the major city." said the sad mask person.

"Then, we must wait for Happy. I hope there are no unknown variables on his part?" said the fear mask person.

"Hmm… I hear a powerful outsider is entering Nirvas. Even the Vault Guardian decided to welcome her by himself." said the sad mask person.

"The Vault Guardian did?!! Did she already leave?" asked the contempt mask person.

"Nope. I hear she is with Heart Kingdom people and currently staying in their embassy. I also hear Tedar and some of his men appointed as their guide." said the sad person.

"Tedar?! Weird… My source told me, Kelraz and his men are their guides." chimed the fear mask person.

"That's true. But, Kelraz is somehow gone without a trace. The Elders are sure he is still alive, but no one can contact him or any of his team. Even the Red Hawk team couldn't find them. I am certain it is related to this powerful outsider." said the sad mask person.

"Isn't that good news?! It will cause less trouble for us. I never really liked that ass-licking Kelraz in the first place." said the contempt mask person.

"True. It is good news for us but not for Nirvas. I also didn't like Kelraz, but he is still one of the full-fledged sixth-grade combatants of Nirvas. A loss of him is also a loss for us." said the sad mask person.

"Agreed. Remember, what we are doing is for the betterment of Nirvas in the first place." chimed the fear mask person.

The trio of masked people kept talking for a while before dispersing. None of them realizes that a group of tiny red ants is observing them from afar before entering the ground.

In the meantime, Angus finally wakes up from his refining when the moon reaches high in the sky. Angus immediately checks his progress and the surroundings as a habit.

Host: Angus Victory

Age: 18 Years Old

MP: 736/736 -> 742/742

Chi: 1032 -> 1066

Heritage chi: ???

Strength: 58

Dexterity: 57

Intelligence: 56

Vitality: 57

Soul Point: 323.745 -> 324.997

Soul Reserve: 892 -> 928

(A/N. The comparison time is around three weeks. I decided to put a comparison to show the development.)

Seeing his chi point increase by around thirty points, Angus feels satisfied. His domain techniques didn't have exact chi consumption. He could use it for hours and only consume him five to ten points, but he could also use it for a second and cost him hundreds of points.

It depends on what he does when using his domain technique. Still, it didn't change the fact that every chi point is precious to him. Every single point may save them from any bad predicament.

"Done?" asked Jayna as she offered a warm blanket to him.

"Yeah. Thanks." said Angus while receiving and wiping the sweat on his head.

Refining chi is a very dangerous task and Angus could never get used to it, even with his powerful mind and body. Not only he couldn't speed up the process, but he also could not even make a single mistake.

Furthermore, [Analyze] could help him simplify or identify the heritage chi. It is not because he lacks basic knowledge, but [Analyze] couldn't detect the heritage chi as if it didn't exist in the first place.

Before identifying something, [Analyze] needs to detect the thing first. Be it a concept, magic diagram, material, or a living being, [Analyze] always detects it before processing it as Angus' intention.

Since [Analyze] couldn't detect heritage chi, it also can't do anything to simplify the refining process. It is a common logic that you can't do anything to things that do not exist in the first place. In other words, Angus is stuck refining it with the old ways manually.

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While wiping his sweat, Angus notices everyone is still in the garden like when he starts refining chi. Despite the cold night enhanced by cold snow, no one is leaving the area or bothered by it.

Still, Angus notices Jayna keeps his and Anna's surroundings warm while waiting for him to finish. At the same time, Angus finds Anna sleeping while standing still. He immediately put Anna on his lap to sleep in a more comfortable position.

"Thanks for protecting me like always, Anna." said Angus softly while letting the little girl sleep on his arm.

In response, Anna moved her body, snuggling him more without waking up. Angus is already familiar with her habit of protecting him when he is refining chi. Apparently, the little troublemaker will immediately fall asleep or rest when Angus stops his chi refining.

"Ohh.. You are already finished. It seems we cannot return soon." said Aunt Extalia after appearing beside them.

"Huh?? Why? Is there something wrong with the negotiation?" asked Angus back.

"No, Eric did his task successfully. He even managed to strike a better deal than our previous agreement." said Aunt Extalia.

"Then, what's wrong?" asked Angus.

"It's the Nirvas' elder council. Unlike the majority kingdom with one leader, Nirvas are ruled by the Elders. It means all the Elders must sign the new contract before it becomes valid. Unfortunately, they are too busy with the festival." explained Aunt Extlia.

"In other words, it will take time for them to get all their signs, right?" said Angus.

"Yes. Actually, Nirvas didn't want to prolong our stay as we are with Master Mira and Master Darren, but their elder council is too preoccupied. They also need to handle the recently active Seven Faces group." explained Aunt Extalia.

"The negotiator could only promise the new contract will get signed by the end of the festival week." added Aunt Extalia.

"Urgh… this is troublesome. How about King Leon's plan?" asked Angus.

"What plan?" asked Aunt Extalia back.

"Really??" replied Angus with a frown.

"*Sigh* I am not sure how you know about it. But I already contacted him long ago. He will give us a week at maximum or we will be forced to leave Eric here." said Aunt Extalia.

"I am certain we don't want to leave the Crown Prince in the disturbed land on the verge of civil war, right?" said Angus.

"Yeah. No matter what, Eric is still our crown prince. If something happens to him in this place, it will only make our relationship with Nirvas worse." said Aunt Extalia.

"By that time, I doubt Leon will let Nirvas away easily. Over the years, he has a habit of being emotional when it is related to his child." added Aunt Extalia.

"Is it because of the deceased second and third princess?" asked Angus.