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I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 946 Rise And Shine
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[Phew!] he took almost an hour before responding to me, [I got away. Damn! Why did he ask for me?]

[What did he say?] I was curious.

[Nothing. I just delivered the message you sent to his people. After waiting for almost a week, he sent someone to find me. Then he asked me to read the messages between you and me out loud. Damn man! It was… Scary!]

[Don’t worry, you did fine] I laughed, [Tell me, what did he say when he read my last message?]

[Nothing! He never said a single word since meeting him. He is just like that, rarely speaks, and his presence is enough to scare even the mightiest sovereign!]

[Is he that strong?]

[Strong? Dammit Hye! It’s better to go against an entire race than facing his old man!]

I got a glimpse on how strong this boss of such a terrifying race was. Of course he was scary, or else how come he’d be the leader of such fierce people?

To lead lions, one had to be the fiercest and most terrifying one among them.

[So… When will I get my share? And how do you plan to do it?] He said it was done, but he didn’t say on what exactly they agreed.

I gave them options, and they had to determine how to do it.

[The boss… He seems to like you! He agreed to pay five million full armed Hescos and the rest will be divided among cursed warriors, warriors, and races]

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[Cool! Add these warriors together with what you owe me and make sure to send them to me]

[I’m going to send them now! After all, I got the warriors ready. Yet the Hescos will need few days to arrive]

[No problem]

[What about… The bones… You know…]

[Don’t worry] I laughed while sending twelve diamond bones over, [Consider the extras as my token of appreciation to the old man]

[Such generosity! Damn! How much of these do you have?]

[Not that much left after paying you] I had to lie or else they’d make a wrong impression about this.

Silverlining didn’t get what was going on here. I asked for a higher delivery, and the old man took his time to consider it.

He agreed, and even gave up such a big amount, much bigger than I dreamt about.

Yet on the other hand, this was also a test. He wanted to see if I was going to show my appreciation towards him, or would I just ignore this gesture and act blind.

That was why I added these two bones. As he added more to the delivery, I added some nice tips, one that he wouldn’t say no to.

So like this our future relation would develop, not like a mighty race leading a weaker one. It would be an equal relation, a relation between friends and allies, not a master and a follower.

As I went towards that continent, I got that Silverlining wouldn’t send the Hescos over for a couple more days.

He sent me a scary amount of tokens, making me look in daze for a few minutes before breaking out in laughter.

I got hundreds of millions of warriors! Damn! That… It was a great amount without doubt.

Not to mention soulers alone were in the tens of millions. Seeing their special tokens made me laugh again.

The bitterness from the old losses I got were cleansed. Yet I still needed to get lots of stat points. Not only for me, but for my warriors, my races here, and also my humans.

I needed to prepare everything in top shape before sending my armies out towards the nineteen worlds.

It would be risky and so damn pricey, but it must be done.

So I started to check my coins and see the market price of stat points.

“Sigh! Doing this might not even be enough for my soulers, not to mention other warriors and forces…

Doing this using my coins wouldn’t do. [I need stat points, can you get them for me?]

[Those low grade forms of energy? Are you sure you want these?!]

It seemed he was startled by my question. [Is there a higher form of energy to use aside from these? I mean to raise stats and strengthen my forces]

[Oh… Of course there isn’t. I see, let me check with our subsidiary impacts and return to you. The same old deals, right?]

[I’ll pay using my blue bones]

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[Great! Won’t you increase the grade of the bones?]

[With impacts? No!] My answer was swift. This dude seemed to grow greedy about my bones it seemed.

[Ok… No dire from asking, right?]

[We are going to deal with the same bones forever. Don’t have any funny thoughts, alright?]

[I got it! Let me check with them before returning to you with the price list. By the way, how many do you seek?]

[As many as you can get me]

[I can get you billions!]

[Then get me billions!]

I already have over a hundred million fighters training at my training grounds. Not to mention my warriors, and the people living here.

They weren’t going to take part in the upcoming battles, yet it wasn’t bad to arm them up. Who knew what might happen.

At the grand battle to defend the capital and stop the Hector race invasion from earlier, Angelica had to mobilise almost everyone from here to the battlegrounds directly.

This ended up with massive losses, and it was all thanks to their lack of stat points and suitable gears.

I wouldn’t repeat the same mistake again. My people were the true core of my kingdom’s might, not my armies.

“Rise and shine!” and just as I went back to the second training grounds, and before installing the discs, two faces appeared in front of me.

They took… Long time to get up! I even doubted they were sleeping all this time.

“We were waiting for you to finish what you are doing,” the first to speak was Hilary. She jumped off and leant her head over my chest, in a familiar way of her old self. “We wanted to tell you about something.”

“Something?!” I raised one eyebrow and she nodded.