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I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 382 Her Power
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Arty looked down at her hands. There was still a bit of lightning there. Arty wanted to try something else.

'Can I use other natural elements?'

Arty had seen through a fantasy series on television when a character could use superpowers with different natural elements. What she has now is some form of super power so it's only natural that Arty hopes she can master other elements of nature.

Arty is like a child who just got a new toy. She grinned from ear to ear, then stretched her hands forward.

She thought of how to bring out another natural element as her power. Aurdis and Saeldir still hadn't taught her to that extent. Even now Arty is just experimenting and somehow it works.

Then, she decided to try something else without knowing if it was dangerous or not. Arty just wants to try her new powers.

Without knowing how to do that, Arty decided to imagine something closely related to a natural element. She imagined the heat of the fire in her palm and concentrated.

The Magic in her body began to flow into her palm and the heat she felt became even more noticeable.

Arty smiled looking at her two palms. 'Am I also going to be able to do this right away?'

Soon, sparks began to appear. She didn't feel any pain, but she felt the hot energy starting to be created there.

'Wait, this could get dangerous, right? If I'm not careful I could burn this building down.'

With panicked thoughts accompanying Arty ran towards the door. Her common sense still realizes that the risk she is going to take is quite big. She still doesn't understand what she's going to do therefore it's impossible to know how to control the power that she's going to release.

So it will be much better if she does it outside that room.

Arty dashed and kicked the door open then ran out into the middle of the clearing in front of the building. This time the flames in her hands had grown almost to her elbows.

Even so, Arty didn't feel any pain, which meant that her skin wasn't burned by the flames.

Her feeling of panic that had occurred for a moment diminished as she took a deep breath and let it out. Arty found a small tree with dry branches that had all the leaves fallen off. The tree looks almost dead so it's the right target for her fire.

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Arty threw the flames that enveloped his arms with the intention of his mind for the flames to shoot toward the tree. The fire that she threw looked like a bullet that traveled quite fast.


The flames strike the tree as if it had been doused in gasoline beforehand. In seconds, the entire tree was engulfed in flames.

Arty widened her eyes, watching the flames devour the dry tree at an unnatural speed.

"Whoa..." Arty muttered in awe of her power. 'This way, I can help Erend to fight!'

Arty felt that finally, she could be more useful to her brother after all this time only being able to rely on him to solve all problems.

'But I have to settle one thing first. How should I control my Magic energy so it doesn't run out quickly.'

Suddenly the door to the dojo building opened. From there Saeldir came out and opened his eyes wide when he saw a tree that was on fire. He didn't say anything and walked quickly towards the tree.

Saeldir watched the tree in silence with the attitude of a teacher observing the work of his student.

Arty who was behind him looked at the Elf in confusion.

"Uhm... Have you been there long?" Arty decided to ask.

Saeldir waved his hand and immediately the fire was reduced. In a few seconds, the fire was extinguished leaving the bottom of the tree trunk and scattered ash around it.

"Don't carelessly use your Magic without us by your side," Saeldir said in a stern tone while looking at Arty. He walked towards her.

"O-Oh, Sorry..."

Then Saeldir smiled. "But I have to admit that what you did was quite impressive. I also felt some Magic residue inside."

Arty didn't know whether to be happy or nervous. She heard Saeldir just praised her but also gave a warning. So Arty just kept silent while putting on an awkward smile.

"We'd better get inside. Doing it outside here is too risky," Saeldir said.

Arty nodded and the two of them headed back into the dojo building.

Once they were inside Arty expected that she would get scolding from Aurdis and Aerchon after performing Magic carelessly by herself. But apparently, they weren't here.

"You alone?" Arty asked.

"Yes. We divided the tasks. Aurdis and Aerchon are preparing something there and I have to prepare something here." Saeldir took something out of his cloth bag. Again, it was a thick, leather-bound book with the Elf language adorning the cover.

"What would you do?" Arty asked.

"We are planning to do something to banish the creatures from the Chaos Realm from this world," Saeldir replied. "For that, a lot of preparation must be done."

Hearing that, Arty was immediately interested in taking action. "What should we do?" she asked.

Saeldir turned. "You don't have to do anything. But Erend... He has to do quite a big part."

Once again Arty heard that it was Erend who had to act to get a big role in this plan. It was natural because Erend was indeed the strongest among them. But as a sister, Arty felt sorry for his brother.

"Is there now a way for me to help him?" Arty asked, full of hope.

Saeldir looked thoughtful for a few moments. "Maybe you can strengthen your control of Magic. That way you can take good care of yourself so Erend can focus on doing his job without worrying about you," he said, smiling.

Arty wasn't quite satisfied yet. But that's enough for now. She nodded.

"Are you worried about him?" Saeldir asked.

Arty nodded.

"You don't need to feel that way. Erend will be fine." then Saeldir stood up. "Now it looks like we still have time to practice. Let's continue what you were doing earlier."

Arty smiled and immediately got ready for her practice. As Saeldir said earlier; if she could control her Magic even better then Erend wouldn't have to worry about her.


Erend just came out of the toilet. He walked back to where he stood guard with Adrien and Billy. But suddenly Thomas's voice called him.

"Sergeant Drake, isn't it?"

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Erend turned his head to find the sleepy-eyed scientist who had somehow been at the military base lately.

"Yes?" Erend asked. Erend saw Thomas walking towards him almost without any enthusiasm. He hadn't seen him for a long time so Erend just thought that Thomas must be tired without knowing that was how he looked every day.

Thomas approached Erend. As soon as he got near the scientist said. "I was wondering, do you have a minute to talk?"

"I have to go back to the president's room. Is this important?" Erend replied.

Thomas scratched his head. "Yeah, this is quite important. After all, nothing happened to the president, right?"

"What exactly do you want to talk about?" Erend asked.

Thomas sighed, looking reluctant. But in the end, he chose to say it in a soft tone. "I want you to meet someone. I suppose you have seen him before. He is the one who became the first subject of the Magic experiment."

Erend looked at Thomas with a frown. General Lennard must have said all about him, Adrien and Billy already knew about the experiments they were doing so he wasn't surprised about that. But what does Thomas want to do now? Why did he ask him to meet that guy?

"Why should I meet him?" Erend asked.

"He said he wanted to meet you."

Because he was also curious, Erend followed Thomas to the room where Conrad was being treated. When he entered the room, Erend saw Conrad sitting in a chair facing the window.

'I have to act as if I'm meeting him for the first time,' Erend thought.

Conrad turned and immediately scrutinized Erend without trying to keep it subtle as soon as he entered. Conrad stood up and walked towards him.

"This is Conrad, Sergeant," Thomas said. "Conrad, this is Sergeant Drake."

"Nice to meet you, sergeant." Conrad reached out to Erend.

However, Erend didn't immediately shake his hand. He had time to think whether maybe Conrad could still feel his power. But then Erend pushed aside that thought because Aurdis had already confirmed that his Magic power was gone.

"Nice to meet you," Erend said, shaking his hand. "Thomas said you want to discuss something with me?"

Conrad stared at Erend in silence for a few moments. Then said. "Yes. I want to thank you for that time and I also want to talk about all the things that happened right now."
