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Inhuman Warlock-Novel

Chapter 70 - 70: Strange Eagle
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Chapter 70 - 70: Strange Eagle

"The monsters left the dungeon, and they might be coming here? How is that even possible! The Monster Index shouldn’t be high enough for the barrier to stop working!"

Deir was seemingly shocked as he heard the news. He closed his mouth as the person on the other side of the call started speaking.

"What about the people that were guarding the dungeon? My brother was assigned there as well! Tell me they are safe!" he shouted as he dropped to his knees.

He was already sure that his brother was dead if the monsters left, but he still held some hope.

"They’re all dead? How can you even know! You’re not even there! I’m going there to find my brother!"


"No, I can’t wait! He’s the only family I have! I won’t let him die like this!" he said as he disconnected the call.

He stood up and kept the phone in his pocket as he started running.

He soon reached the exit of the city and crossed it.


Lucifer wasn’t walking much faster as he was still lost in some thought. He had only traveled fifty meters from the border of the city until now.

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He suddenly heard a sound from behind him.

He glanced back and saw a dark-haired man running in his direction.

A frown covered Lucifer’s face as he saw the Red Eagles symbol on his clothes. It was evident that this man was from the same group that has attacked him.

"These people never learn," Lucifer muttered as he raised his hand and pointed his finger towards the dark-haired man.

Deir was running towards the dungeon when he saw Lucifer pointing his finger toward him. He had seen enough of Lucifer’s battles to see that he was probably going to attack him.

"Wait! I’m not after you! I’m trying to get to the dungeon to sav-"

Deir tried to explain Lucifer in a hurry, but before he could finish his words, a black lightning bolt came flying towards him at lightning speed.

He couldn’t even blink when the Black Bolt of lightning passed through his chest, leaving a gaping hole where his heart was supposed to be.

The man blurted out a mouthful of blood. He stopped down to his knees as his blood continued spilling. His face was already pale.

"... save my brother," Deir finished before he fell, face first, dying.

"Save brother?" With confusion on his face, Lucifer repeated the words of the man, but he didn’t think for long. It didn’t matter what the man wanted him to do. He was never going to be anyone’s puppet again.

He had spent the last five years of his life listening to people, getting hurt, and finally ending up dying. Death is what listening to people got him. He was never going to do what others wanted him to unless he desired it.

Ignoring the man, he continued on his path.


Around ten armored vehicles were racing through the city. They were going in the direction of Lucifer at the moment but not to capture him.

These were the armored vehicles that were kept by the Red Eagles Guild in case they ever needed to face a horde of dungeon dwellers.

The Acting Leader of the Red Eagles Guild, Saele, was sitting in the car that was leading the caravan.

The cars raced towards the exit of the city in a race against time to stop the Monsters before they could reach the city. If they reached the city, the devastation was going to be massive.

"I hope that guy will continue on his way and won’t be in our path. I don’t want to face that beast again while facing the Dungeon Dwellers at the same time," The Sorcerer who was driving the car said as he sighed.

He has seen the battle in which half of their men died. That young kid was like a monster who just refused to die. Even after being blasted by the Energy Orb of the Vice Guild Leader, he managed to stand straight and kill everyone.

If it were anyone else, they would’ve been dead multiple times when facing their guild, but that guy was like an Immortal Beast who never died.

"Come on, Wenson. It would’ve been better if this guy didn’t have such a mystical healing ability. We could’ve crushed him instead of being afraid of him," Another person chimed in.

"Not just healing, if I’m not wrong, his Black Lightning was also an S-Grade ability. As for his flying, that was probably an A-Rank. He was at least a Triple Awakened Warlock. Now that I think about it, that Black Lightning seemed to be just him— the strongest Warlock that ever existed, Zale Azarel," Saele muttered in a grim tone.

"Supreme Warlock Zale? Now that you mention it, that’s right. He did have the Black Lightning. Sigh, Doesn’t this mean that the boy has the potential to be a Warlock like Supreme Warlock Zale?" Sorcerer Wenson asked Saele.

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" No. I don’t think he can be Supreme Warlock Zale," Shaking his head, Saele answered. He took a brief pause before he continued, "With the kind of ability this boy has shown, he can be an even greater Warlock if he isn’t stopped."

His fists were clenched in frustration because he himself didn’t like what he was saying. Supreme Warlock Zale was his idol, whereas Lucifer was no less than his enemy.

To put his enemy on a pedestal that was higher than his idol was the toughest thing for him, but he was telling what he really felt like.

Lucifer had the abilities of the Supreme Warlock, whereas he also had an ability that had never been seen before— the ability to heal wounds no matter how dangerous. That was nothing to scoff at.

In this world, there were pills and other stuff that could accelerate healing, but they were as expensive as they could get. Even they weren’t able to heal someone as fast as Lucifer healed himself.

There were also some Sorcerers who could heal others but at the cost of their own injuries. It was less like healing and more like transferring someone else’s wound on their body, and even that took hours. No ability like Lucifer’s healing had ever been seen in this world.

With that kind of ability, it wasn’t shocking to fight an army of Variants in the eyes of Saele.


After killing the man, Lucifer was already out of his daze and his sad thoughts. It was as if killing someone had improved his mood.

He stopped walking like a snail and continued flying towards the next city.

He still didn’t fly higher than a few meters from the ground, but his control improved. The last fight was one in which he used his flying to its fullest, which increased his control on his ability to some extent.

"Hmm? What’s that?"

Lucifer was flying straight ahead when he noticed something coming in his direction.

It seemed like an Eagle, but it was unusually big. It was somewhat bigger than Lucifer. What really shocked him wasn’t that but the fact that the Eagle had the head of a lion.