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Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 8 - 4
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Ziel opened his eyes, waking up from his sleep what he first saw was an unfamiliar ceiling to him. Although it's been a week since he became a butler for Princess Elise. He's still not used to seeing the ceiling in his room.

When he works as a butler for Princess Elise, he meets not many peoples besides Princess Elise, Princess Aishia, one of the maids who serve her, and the male knight who is Princess Aishia's guardian knight, Theodore. He never even met the king and queen. Maybe it's because the king and queen are too busy dealing with problems from this kingdom. They're now on a visit to another kingdom.

Princess Freya has returned to her kingdom after the servant selection. But it looks like she's coming again for Princess Aishia's birthday next month.

"It's time for me to change." He muttered softly. .

All he had to do was get up early, bring the palace chef's breakfast to Princess Elise and prepare everything she needs. The most difficult thing is to wake her up from her sleep. Ziel walks from his room to Princess Elise's room. While walking down the corridor to Princess Elise's room he met someone familiar.

"Hey, servant, when you're done serving Princess Elise. Come to Castle back garden and do sparring with me. This time you have to accept it. Otherwise, I'll bother you all the time."

The male knight who became the guardian knight of Princess Aishia, Theodore called Ziel. He seems to harbor hostility to Ziel. He often invites ziel to accompany him to sword training. But ziel always avoided it with reasons to be busy.

Without waiting for Ziel's answer, he continues to walk down the corridor leaving Ziel. Only recently did Ziel find out, Theodore is a knight with intermediate Swordsman level. He was also a childhood friend of Princess Aishia. Maybe it's because he has affection for Princess Aishia. He sensed the threat of Ziel suddenly coming. He's afraid Ziel will take his Princess. It doesn't make any sense at all.

"What a troublesome guy. Haah..." Ziel sighed heavily.

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Ziel immediately heads to Princess Elise's room. Arriving in front of her room Ziel knocked on the door up to 3 times but still no answer.

"Princess are you awake? It's noon. You have to get up and have breakfast. Princess if there's still no answer. Sorry for the insolence act, I'm going to get inside." Ziel called Princess Elise from the front of her room.

Ziel then opened the door of Elise's room. And he saw her still sleeping soundly on his bed with her cute nightgown. He then opened the curtains so that sunlight could enter the room and hit Princess Elise's face, so she could wake up.


Princess Elise while holding tightly her pillow and muttering her sister. Unwittingly tears flowed from her cute face. Ziel is confused as to what this 10-year-old girl dreamed of.

"What did she dream of? Could it be...?" He said slowly so as not to be heard by Princess Elise.

He then shook his head to remove what he had just thought. All of those things had nothing to do with him. The most important thing now is to wake up this little princess.

"Princess please wake up, it's noon. If you don't wake up then princess Aisha will wake you up." Ziel once again woke Princess Elise from her sleep.

Hearing what Ziel said Princess Elise quickly got out of her bed and screamed.

"Nooooooo... Don't call nee-sama! Ziel you meanie!!!" Princess Elise suddenly woke up and shouted at Ziel.

Eventually, Princess Elise wakes up from her bed while throwing her pillow at Ziel. But ziel only accepted it with his hands. Princess Elise didn't realize that her tears were still on her face. Ziel just glanced at him for a second and ignore it.

"Princess You better take a shower and change. Because Princess Aishia is waiting for you in the dining room. If you take too long she won't eat because she's waiting for you." Ziel reminded her.

"Yes, I will soon change clothes. You come out first." Elise said shyly. Her cheeks show slightly redness.

"Yes, then I'm going out princess." Ziel replied briefly and bow his head.

Ziel then came out from Elise's room. Close the door and immediately rush to the dining room where Princess Aishia is waiting.


Arriving in the dining room. Ziel instantly gets a sharp eye for hostility. The man is none other than Theodore, the guardian knight of Princess Aishia. Ziel simply ignores his gaze and heads to Princess Aishia at the dinner table. Before Ziel had time to talk. The sound like a bell comes out of Princess Aishia's tiny and red lips.

"Is Elise awake Ziel?" Princess Aishia asked in a voice as beautiful as a musical melody.

Before answering the question from Princess Aishia, Ziel first slightly bowed his head.

"Princess Elise was awake, and she was taking a shower when I left her room." Ziel answered Princess Aishia's question.

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"As usual she's hard to wake up Ziel? Hehe."

The laughter of Princess Aishia is so beautiful even Theodore who saw it was fascinated. But Ziel felt nothing at all.

"It's my duty princess." Ziel said it in a flat tone.

"You're too stiff Ziel. Ooh, I heard you're going to accompany Theo sword training after breakfast. Is that true?" Princess Aishia asks about his sword training with Theodore.

Before Ziel answered it in a glance at Theodore who stood not far from him. He can only sigh in his heart.

"Yes, that's a right princess. This morning guardian knight Theodore asked me to accompany him to sword training. Even with my mediocre swordsmanship." Ziel explained briefly.

"Is that it? Please don't get hurt. If you get hurt, Elise will be mad at me." Princess Aishia was worried, either for Ziel or Princess Elise.

"You don't have to worry princess, it's just sword training. I'm not going to use my full force." Theodore responded confidently to Princess Aishia. But Princess Aishia can only sigh slowly.

"I thank you for your generosity." Ziel thanked Theodore.

"Good morning nee-sama! Let's eat I'm hungry." Princess Elise said in a rather loud voice.

And our little princess has finally come. After the princess sisters sit in their chairs and start eating their breakfast. Ziel makes tea and prepares dessert for them. When they finish eating Ziel serves it to them.

After they finish their breakfast and dessert, they go straight to the garden behind the castle. Princess Aishia and Princess Elise walk in front while chatting about the sword training to be performed. Ziel and Theodore walk behind them. He can see Theodore's sneaky grin next to him.