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Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 204 Second Part
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A trap spell that was present in the same place she was standing for a while and to set this spell this perfectly and lure her like that, the old ones even more surprised by this calculated surprise trap.

It took not only a sharp mind but also a deep understanding of the opponent and the whole surrounding the fight was going on to pull off something like that.

Just the amount of foresight to predict the movements of a wild beast, a hunter, to this extent... this made them speechless.

Not anyone can do it this well, and they understood it.

It takes more than a genius to win against a monster like the one who had mastered the sword to the extent she had.

And he had what it took to stand against this one.

But he went beyond just surviving her.

The survival instincts that he had honed in the great forest and the dark forest were beyond human comprehension and they can see this just in his simple reactions.

He dodged as naturally as thinking; he predicted almost as if seeing the future and he saw through the opponent like it was nothing.

Not only that, his Mana regeneration was something that was surprising to the ones that could actually understand what kind of complex magic he was using.

It wasn't simply fast... it was absurd.

No normal artifact could do that, and that wasn't all.

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Though the high-intensity fight had lasted for as long as two minutes, which was a lot in their experienced eyes, he was alright even after having lower stats than her.

That meant his stamina and concentration were also recovering just as fast as his Mana.

Whatever he was using for these things… it was a phenomenal artifact.

The beautiful spells he was using had already shocked them but, he was amazing in true meaning.

As well as the one fighting against this boy just as easily.

A wild animal on the hunt, a burning desire to defeat, and the joy of the moment.

She was enjoying this, just like him.

And they were happy if these children were having fun.

The sudden explosion trap had surprised them, but she had felt it coming.

She was just as excited as him and so she started the attack for real while storing her red sword in her special storage and a great sword appeared in both her hands.

A pair of a blue swords that looked special just from the look and we can tell this was a (level-5) artifact sword pair.

And the way she just lifted the great swords that might weigh as much as hundreds of kilos with one hand, like it was nothing.

A smile appeared on her face and now, a real fire was burning in her eyes.

And he was as calm as ever.

The attack had failed, and he had changed his position using the same skill but, this time, when he reappeared on the other side of the room… she also appeared there, using her lightning movement skill.

-Swish! Swish!

Slashing her swords in an X pattern, she tried to deal the first blow to this smart bastard brother of hers but, as soon as she appeared on that spot, a smile appeared on his face.

And then… he vanished from and reappeared on the other side as an arrow that came out of nowhere appeared on her left side.

Her eyes widened at what had just happened in this place and the arrow that came towards her was now a threat because even though she could tell this was a physical arrow, the arrow carried high air pressure, and this speed... was unreal.

As if a storm covered it, it closed the distance instantly, and she had no choice but to defend against this one.

But the arrow was too fast for anything to work against her and when she tried to think of the way she how the hell fall into this position, the dully shining ground entered her high detection.

Signs of magic and a faint, almost undetectable magic circle of illusion type.

And this wasn't the only one she sensed in that split second.

There were three like this one.

One in his previous place, the second on the path she predicted his movements would be, and the last here.

This was the trap he set up without her knowing and when she figured out this ridiculous trap… the fire in her eyes brightened and her beautiful blue eyes glowed with a bright red light.

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But this light was just a dot in the middle for now.

This one was critical, but... she didn't use any skill to counter this storm fast arrow.

'Heavy swordplay, first form, horizontal slash!'

A cloud of warm breath flowed out of her tightly clenched teeth, and she used the gravitational force created by her quick movements to swing down both her great swords.

And, this time, she didn't just simply swing the swords. The swords in her hand had a dull, red glow around them.


The boy was on the other end, where the arrow had come from, and just in the line of this slash.

But even he might not have predicted this one...

-Trmble! Trmble! Trmble! ... -Crackkkkkkkk!

The force behind this one attack was strong.

So strong that even when the sword was still coming down, the ground had started trembling and when the swords hit the ground; it tore apart the whole white floor.

As if an earthquake had occurred and the ground had been torn apart by this slash, two swords covered with a dull light were so powerful that the impact had naturally reached the other side.

The boy didn't know she could exert this much strength already but, the red dot of light in her eyes told him the time had come.

The time for his genius sword prodigy big sister to see a new world for the first time.

Something few could achieve, something one could never forget, and a place one would long for after just being there for once.

She was more then strong to reach that place, but having a guide wasn't a bad thing either.

He believed she could do it, and so, their fun was just getting started.