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I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?

Chapter 320 Getting My Inheritance
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Chapter 320 Getting My Inheritance

As I quickly approached my seven opponents, they seemed frozen in fear as it dawned on them that they could easily die to a single touch. Adding insult to injury, I covered the blade of my spear in fire, twirling it towards them as I closed the distance. That seemed to pull them out of their daze as just before we clashed the 3 closest ones dived out of the way like their life depended on it, my spear missing them by a thread.

'Let's have a little fun.' I could have followed up immediately, but I wanted to toy with them just to show Teivel how hopeless his situation really was. He had lost all his power, yet somehow he still thinks to contain me with but a few soldiers that are barely even tier 5?

As the lads got their barings back and moved to surround me, I let them do as they please, waiting for the right moment to counter-attack.

"Die!" They all dashed towards me, each one going for different vital spots. If there was one thing to give Teivel credit for, it was that his underlings were properly trained.

As I began spinning my spear, I paid careful attention to my opponent's attacks, moving to block those from the front and side-step those from behind. Spinning my spear in front of me, I deflected the first 2 dagger strikes, my overwhelming strength literally shattering the opposing kitsune's hands.

Their screams of agony reverberated through the room causing some of the others to hesitate. Turning to face the other five, I threw my spear, skewering two more kitsune to the wall. Extending my fire as naturally as if it was an extra limb, I pulled my spear out of the wall, releasing the now smouldering bodies.

I finally had proper control over my flames, to the point I could even pick up objects to carry around like I did with my spear. It gave me more freedom when it came to using my spear and reduced my reliance on my bow for ranged attacks.

The last three kitsunes backed away from me, absolutely terrified. I had effortlessly taken out everyone without getting touched and now it was their turn to be massacred.

Not wanting to get into a lengthy chase, I hoped forward towards them. Once I was within range, I spun on my feet to gather momentum and swung horizontally with one hand to cut them in half. However, right as my spear was about to make contact with one of the kitsune, they fell to their knees and bowed. The other two kitsune were not so fortunate and were cut in half, instantly getting all their life force drained.

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"I deeply a-apologise for my actions, my Queen." The kitsune kept his head low, not daring to move. He still shook with fear, but that didn't matter. I never wanted their respect or loyalty, being feared was good enough in my books.

"Oh my~ what an interesting turn of events. What are you going to do now, Teivel?" I returned my attention to Teivel, who was still on his knees, staring in shock.

"H-how?" Teivel muttered, his words barely comprehensible. His ageing still hadn't stopped and he was looking more like a corpse with every passing moment.

"Tsk, at this rate, you will be completely useless." I didn't know how much time I had left before he turned into a vegetable. Without his knowledge of our entire family legacy, I could spend weeks searching for everything.

"You, how much do you know about the Dahlia's?" Glaring at the still-bowing Kitsune, I hoped he would have some answers, considering he and his flock seemed to hang around Teivel all the time.

"N-not much, but t-the head maid is the closest with Lo- Teivel so I can imagine she knows a lot of t-the secrets." Without showing any restraint, he shared everything he knew, proving himself to be somewhat useful. I planned to just kill him to break Teivel's spirit even more, but he may be more useful than I initially thought.

"Fool! you dare defy me?!" Hearing the kitsune's insubordination riled up Teivel. He tried to get closer but instead miserably fell to the floor.

"See, no one wants to follow you, so why don't you be a good granddad and tell me where everything is?" Squatting in front of Teivel, I held up his chin with the tip of my spear, which was smeared in his underling's blood.

"I-I should have killed you when I could." He was still refusing to budge, the hatred in his eyes only growing with each passing moment. At this point, it was better to kill him than try to convince him.

'I hope the head maid will be able to tell where everything is. If I had to guess, she is usually always by his side, with no one to vent to. He probably talks to her a lot, knowing he has full control of her life.' It would be a gamble, but that will have to be my last resort if I really can't extract any information.

His fast ageing certainly seemed to be affecting his mental faculties. It would not be long before he goes senile.

"I'm going to ask again. If you don't want you and your entire bloodline to be killed by me, then tell me where everything is." Putting on my menacing smile paired with a fake threat, I hoped his self-preservation instincts would shine through.

"Ha.. haha… HAHAHA, I WILL NEVER TELL YOU!!" Teivel laughed hysterically, as though something had snapped inside him and he was high on something.

*Sigh* 'la, can you come here and tell Yumi to gather the maids?' With my connection to Alice, I have already found out that as long as we're in range, we can communicate telepathically. It was a vampire-exclusive ability, and has been our only method of safe communication as of late.

'Jeez, what is going on?' Alice sounded worried and rightly so, considering I was yet to return and have been too busy to assure her of my safety till now. She wouldn't admit she was worried of course as she is a bit of a tsundere.

'Teivel is basically half dead and I'm trying to get information out of him. As for what's going to happen, I am taking over this entire underground city as its ruler right now.' Giving a quick rundown, I had left Alice speechless, so I had to remind her to get to it.

"I hope you are ready to be humiliated to death." Pushing slightly with my spear, I caused a small slice on his neck. I was trying to push as far as I could without killing him, hoping he would give up on his pride.

However, his body looked so fragile that a gust of wind could kill him, so some restraint was needed.

"Do your worst!" Teivel smiled at me with a crazed look that told me he was too far gone. His mind must have already been driven to madness by the aftereffects of his broken contract.

'Looks like I know where I get my crazy smile from.' This family was cruel enough to drive anyone to madness. Teivel's insanity wasn't new, it's just that he finally lost whatever little sanity was keeping him together.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


The door slammed open, revealing some maids and a floating Alice. The light illuminated the room, fully revealing the blood-covered walls and floor. And as the centrepiece to this horror show there was me, covered in blood with a spear held up to the decrepit-looking Teivel's neck. The lone Kitsune that remained alive was still bowing, which was commendable as the blood of his comrades had been pooling around him.

I expected hed be sitting back up by now, but he must be serious about showing me his newly developed loyalty.

"W-what?!" The maids gasped in unison, some even screaming at the sight of the few bodies that had yet to be consumed by my flames. I didn't want to scare them, but oh well, it's a sight they will get used to.

The head maid however, did not make a sound. Instead, she stared at me and Teivel with her usual stern face. I wanted to know what was going through her mind as I banked on her revelling in this chaos.

"Ladies, I would like to announce I have become the new ruler of this place! This half-dried corpse before you is your old master Teivel. He has become a shrivelled-up piece of flesh on his last legs. I offer you a chance to get your revenge on him right here right now." Standing up, I walked towards the maids to get a better look at their reactions, especially the head maid.

There was a slight change in her face as if it were about to falter or break like a mask that was about to come off.

"Did you do all this? What does that mean for us?" There was a slight raspiness in her voice when speaking.

"Yes, that was my doing. As for you all, I can assure you that your freedom will be guaranteed. I may still need you to hang around for a short while, but I can promise no more maids will be killed as long as I am here." Giving the head maid a slight bow to show my sincerity, I hoped this was enough to coax her.

"W-what about him?" The head maid sounded like she was on the verge of tears. After all that she's been through, it all must have felt too good to be true.

"You can do whatever you want. He is useless to me now, so kill him if you want." Even if the head maid cannot tell me everything, I'm sure I will find all that I need sooner or later.

"Girls… Time to do some dirty work." Still holding the tears in, rage began to take over the head maid. I didn't know what she had planned, but I was definitely going to watch.