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Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Chapter 346: Bear-san, Drives the Bear Bus (1st day)
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346 Bear-san, Drives the Bear Bus (1st day)

Credits to: Philip, valiant.

[Fina, Shuri. I’ll let you have Bear-san for now, but we will take turns.] Noa

Noa points her finger to the two.

Somehow this feels like a dèja vu? Certainly, the same thing happened before. However, she used to say that she would not give up, Noa seems to be growing.

Or did she want to keep her promise to Cliff? For the time being, there was no competition for Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear.

Morin-san enters after Noa and the others got in the carriage.

(TN: Somehow the author decided to call the Bear Bus a “carriage”.) (ノアたちが馬車に乗り込んでいるとモリンさんがやってくる。)

[Yuna-chan, here’s bread for breakfast. I made it because I thought you were hungry.] Morin

[Thank you. Is this all of it?] Yuna

[There seem to be 3 horse-drawn carriages, so I’ve divided them into 3. There’s a lot of them, so please eat together with the children.] Morin

Morin-san handed me a bag full of bread while looking strangely at the Bear Bus.

[Yuna-san, this will be my first time at the sea, so I’m really looking forward to it.] Karin

[I’ve never been there either.] Elena

Next to Morin-san, Karin-san and Elena-san look happy. The two seem to be close in age, and I often see them making friends.

And then, I simply gave a brief explanation to everyone who got on the bear cub bus.

The Bear Bus has a refrigerator(minibar) with cold drinks, so they can drink it freely. I may speed up a little, but I told them not to panic. They can eat breakfast in the Bear Bus. But lunch is supposed to be eaten when we have a break. Etc. I gave a brief explanation. In case they needed to make an emergency call, they could signal it by flashing the headlights.

Since I thought that I’d have to drive at night, I designed the bear’s eyes so they would light up with a push of a button.

[Yuna-chan, so how does it move? And who will drive?] Tirumina

The parent bear bus and bear cub buses are not connected together. Tirumina-san’s question has a point.

[Because it’s my golem, it moves with my magic. I’ll be instructing it to follow the big bear carriage in front of it, so don’t worry about it and just enjoy the ride with everyone.] Yuna

Golems will follow simple commands/programs that will work even without me directly moving them.

However, the operational range of the golem is not very wide. If I left it too far, the magical power will be severed and it will not move. This time, the parent bear bus and the child bear buses are not too far apart, so it’s okay.

[Magic power?! Then it will burden Yuna-chan.] Eru

The magician Eru got worried.

[It’s just the same as when I captured the bandits in the cage before. And if we encountered a problem, I’ll speed up. Though it may drain a little more of my magical power. But I won’t overexert myself, so I’ll be fine.] Yuna

And that’s the reason why I am a white bear.

[I’ve been thinking about it ever since. But I believe there’s nothing Yuna-chan can’t do.] Eru

Everyone nodded at Eru’s words.

I can’t deny that. And I also think they are awesome. But all of these were God’s fault who gave me these strange abilities.

[Well then, we’re about to depart.] Yuna

[Yuna-chan, don’t do anything dangerous.] Tirumina

[I won’t. There are kids on board. But it’s faster than a carriage, so it might get a bit noisy.] Yuna

The children are likely to make noise due to excitement when we started running, but the adults are likely to make noise for another reason.

After shoving all anxious adults into the bear cub buses. I went to the parent bus and I sat in the driver’s seat. Next to me are Fina and Shuri, sitting while holding the tiny Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear.

When I grabbed the steering wheel, I began to pour my magical power, then the Bear Bus started to move.

When the parent bear bus started moving, the children began to make noises.

[Some children are still sleeping, so don’t make too much noise.] Yuna

When I say that to the back, they became quiet after replying with and . Thes kids are really disciplined.

However, it’s kinda funny to hear them whisper or , that makes me happy. It is possible that some of them have never ridden in a carriage before. If that’s the case, then it’s unavoidable that they make such noises.

The bear cub buses are also following us from behind.

I made the Bear Buses run slowly. Though even if I say run slowly, it’s still a bit faster than a carriage.

But Shuri who’s sitting next to me doesn’t seem to like it.

[Yuna-oneechan. It’s slow. Isn’t it faster before?] Shuri

[Well, I’ll go slowly at first.] Yuna

We were only doing an experiment at that time. Besides, there are many people riding this time, so I can’t go crazy on the speed. However, I will gradually increase the speed while checking the time and the children.

The sun rises gently while the Bear Buses were running. I took out the bread Morin-san made for us and handed it to Fina.

[Morin-san made it for breakfast, so go and share it with everyone.] Yuna

[I understand.] Fina

[I will help too~.] Shuri

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

[Okay, Shuri, there’s a refrigerator over here, give everyone a drink.] Yuna

I referred to the refrigerator behind the driver’s seat. Inside the refrigerator is a water bottle made of bamboo. Just in case, I prepared it so that she would not spill it.

[Be careful, both of you, because we are moving.] Yuna

Fina and Shuri put Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear on their chairs and went to the back to distribute the bread and drinks. I try to drive as safely as possible while the two are doing the distribution.

I also got a piece of bread and put it in my mouth. Even so, it wasn’t because of what Shuri said, but I also thought we were going too slow. The speed feels slow because my standard is Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear’s speed.

I have plenty of magical power, so I wonder if I should speed up after everyone finishes their breakfast.

And so, the children who finished eating breakfast are now sleeping because it was still early in the morning.

Shuri, who’s sitting next to me, is swaying sleepily while hugging Hugging Bear. As expected, it seems to be too early even for children. Looking at the sleeping Shuri, her drool is about to fall onto Hugging Bear’s head sitting on her lap.

But Hugging Bear looks also sleeping since his eyes are closed, and I don’t think he’s aware of the drool that’s about to fall on the top of his head.

Hugging Bear is in a pinch.

When I tried to wipe Shuri’s drool.

[Yuna-onesan, excuse me from the front.] Fina

Fina, who is sitting on the opposite side of Shuri, reaches out and wipes Shuri’s mouth with a handkerchief. Apparently, Hugging Bear was able to avoid the drool.

But Fina seems to be always looking after her sister. Shuri is sleeping soundly without even realizing that her mouth has been wiped.

Everyone was sleeping, so I sped up the Bear Buses. I used my magic to increase the rotation speed of the wheels. The speed of the Bear Buses increased. It feels good. Thanks to the white bear costume, It doesn’t feel that my magical power is being drained.

The speed of the Bear Buses is the same as a light horse that runs fast with paka- paka sound. It’s faster than any carriage, so we’re likely to arrive before the tunnel is fully closed.

If I can point out a problem is that I can hear the comfortable and relaxed sleeping breaths on my side and behind me. I also want to sleep. Normally, I sleep on the back of Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, but I can’t make the Bear Bus run by itself while I’m sleeping, because it doesn’t have a self-driving function, nor can I have Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear drive the Bear Bus. I didn’t expect to know the feelings of long-distance drivers at this age.

I drove the Bear Bus while enduring my sleepiness. I asked Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear to detect monsters. The fact that Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear are not reacting means that there are no monsters nearby.

I wasn’t wishing for monsters to appear so they would keep me awake, but I was bored.

[Fina, are you sleeping. Say something.] Yuna

[Say something, like what?] Fina

[Anything is good.] Yuna

Having a conversation should keep me awake.

[Etto, my dad and mom were grateful to Yuna-oneesan. They’re happy because this is a rare opportunity.] Fina

After I troubled Fina with my request, she began talking about her parents.

She tells me how much effort Gentz-san had to get his long holiday and that Tirumina-san told her,

Did I do anything that was against the norm? I had no such intention, though.

[But Mom was happy that Yuna-oneesan relied on her.] Fina

Then Fina talks about playing with Noa and how happy the children in the orphanage were. In fact, it makes me happy to hear that the director was looking forward to it.

I have to enjoy this as well so as not to let everyone down.

Thanks to having talked to Fina, I lost my sleepiness and the Bear Bus proceeded smoothly. And it’s about time for lunch, we’re having a break.

[Everyone, we’re taking a break. Get off the bear carriage and let’s have lunch. Wake up the sleeping children.] Yuna

The awake children woke up the sleeping children. I got off the Bear Bus and stretched my back.

I asked Fina and Shuri to tell the people on the bear cub buses that we will take a break.

Some children who got out were running around the Bear Bus. There is a figure of Liz-san screaming at them to stop.

It’s peaceful.

While I was resting leisurely, Lurina-san and Eru came to me.

[Yuna-chan, are you okay?] Lurina

[What do you mean?] Yuna

[Your magical power. You kept moving such a big golem. Under normal circumstances, it’s normal for the magical power to quickly run out.] Eru

The magicians Eru and Lurina-san are worried about me.

[It’s okay. My magical power is higher than that of a normal person.] Yuna

It’s a gift from God.

Actually, if I had this magical powers since I was in my former world, it would be interesting.

[Seriously, don’t overdo it.] Lurina

[I’m not.] Yuna

[Even so, please don’t overdo it.] Eru

Since they are magicians, they seem to know that the overuse of magical power can be terrible. When I was done fighting Kraken, I remember feeling limp and sleepy.

After that, I ate Morin-san’s bread for lunch, then we finished our break.

Author’s Note:

I’m terribly sorry.

In the comment section, I replied that the Kokuma Basu(bear cub buses) were connected, but it looks like a golem bus, and I made it to work with simple commands.

Will we arrive next time?


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20 thoughts on “Kuma ch 346”


August 15, 2020 at 12:13 am




Natsu Dragoneeelsays:

August 15, 2020 at 1:29 am

Thanks for the chapter kuma




August 15, 2020 at 2:22 am

Thanks for the Bear chapter




August 15, 2020 at 2:41 am

Thanks for the chapter



Kensei Seraphsays:

August 15, 2020 at 2:46 am

Thanks for the chapter.




August 15, 2020 at 4:35 am

Thank for the update



daeng yojasays:

August 15, 2020 at 6:45 am

Even the author is not sure if they will arrive in next chapter

Liked by 1 person



August 15, 2020 at 10:08 am

looks like the author doesnt have a clear image of what the bear buses look like either.

Liked by 1 person



August 15, 2020 at 11:52 am

Thanks for the chapter! ?




Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

August 15, 2020 at 2:52 pm

Some suggestions:

[I don’t feel that my magical power is being drained] -> {It doesn’t feel like my magical power is being depleted} ~ me thinks

[carrying a light packer] -> {carrying a light pack}/{carrying a light load} ~ not sure what ‘packer’ should mean here, but google is showing some… nasty results

[expectations greatly shots up above diagonally] -> {expectations greatly shot up above and diagonally} ~ me thinks (that line is a bit weird)

[they seem to knew that] -> {they seem to know that}

This be beary good. A bear bus full with kids, many sleeping, hard to stay awake like that, glad the best girl Fina was there to save Yuna from the dreamland.

Thanks for the chapter! Awesome translation! God bless you!

Liked by 1 person



August 15, 2020 at 8:31 pm

Thanks and fixed (^^)

Honestly, I have no idea what the author means about the packer (クマバスは、馬がパッカ、パッカと軽く走るぐらいの速度にする。速度は馬車より速いから、十分にトンネルが通行禁止になる前には着きそうだ。) Maybe it was a Horse Packer that has a light pack?

Also the diagonal thing (「予想の斜め上を行くから大変」)

Well hey I use whatever I get from google sensei…

Liked by 1 person



August 16, 2020 at 11:51 am

Well, those are tiny details anyway, so anything that makes some sense is fine.


Alse (@DragonQuestAlse)says:

August 15, 2020 at 5:28 pm

The author just does whatever he wants. First it’s a train bear, now it’s like separate vehicles. He doesn’t even know when they’ll arrive and, other than swimming, probably what will happen after arriving. I love how laidback he is.



Pingback: Kuma ch 345 – Attattin’s Side Hobby


August 16, 2020 at 12:48 am

1) Morin-san looked at the strangely-looking Bear Bus and handed me a bag containing pieces of bread.

Correction : Morin-san handed me a bag full of bread while looking strangely at the Bear Bus.

2) [Yuna-san, I am looking forward to the sea for the first time.] Karin

[I’ve never been there before.] Elena

Correction : [Yuna-san, this will be my first time at the sea, so I’m really looking forward to it.] Karin

[I’ve never been there either.] Elena

3) If they have a concern or need to call me for an emergency, I told them to press the button on the right side of the passenger seat.

We will be running while it’s still dark and needed lights, so the bear’s eyes lits up by a push of a button.

Correction : In case they needed to make an emergency call, they could signal it by flashing the headlights. Since I thought that I’d have to drive at night, I designed the bear’s eyes so they would light up by pushing a button.

4) [It’s just the same as when I captured the bandits in the cage before. And if we encountered a problem, I’ll speed up. Though it may drain a little more of my magical power.] Yuna

The last sentence is missing : But I won’t overexert myself, so I’ll be fine.

5) When I grabbed the steering wheel, it started to drain my magical power, then the Bear Bus moved.

Rather than saying it’s draining her magical power, it’s better to say she’s pouring her magical power into it.

6) I’m not borrowing Shuri’s words, but still. I think we’re running late.

Correction : Even so, it wasn’t because of what Shuri said, but I also thought we were going too slow.

7) The speed of the Bear Buses is the same as a packer horse that runs fast carrying a light packer.

I think パッカ、パッカ is the clip-clop sound horses do with their hooves, so the translation would be :

The Bear Bus was moving as fast as a horse running lightly.

8) I don’t want to be awakened from my drowsiness by the alarms when monsters appear, but it’s time.

Correction : I wasn’t wishing for monsters to appear so they would keep me awake, but I was bored.

9) Fina began to talk about her parents, the cause of her worries.

Correction : After I troubled Fina with my request, she began talking about her parents.


That, going up diagonally, was it because of what I’ve been doing? I don’t mean to do that. [But mom. She was happy that Yuna-oneesan asked her.] Fina

Correction : ‘It’s stressful how I go against the norm’. Did I do anything that was against the norm? I had no such intention, though.

[But Mom was happy that you relied on her.] Fina

(斜め上/ななめうえ means (going in a) completely unexpected direction (of a story, result, etc.)).

Don’t forget about valiant-sensei (lol (^^))