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Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Chapter 368: 368 Bear-san Fights the Three Kraken Brothers (Day 4)
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368 Bear-san Fights the Three Kraken Brothers (Day 4)

Credits to: Philip, raikou837

I left Shuri and Shia to Fina, who knows the situation, so I exit the room together with Swaying Bear. Then, I closed the door of the bear gate tightly. If I don’t open the door, the three can’t come here. At the same time, the safety of three people is guaranteed.

I told Fina to leave the room through a hidden door if I don’t return for too long. When I don’t come back, then it’s really an emergency.

But since I really can’t deal with what would happen after that, I have to let them out of the bear gate before they escape on their own.

When I left the bear house with Swaying Bear, I don’t want it to be destroyed, so I put away the bear house. The bear house for traveling is only a minimal necessity, but it is an important house. So I don’t want it to be destroyed.

Well then, what should I do now?

First, I used my detection skills to understand the situation. The number of volcrows has decreased considerably. Instead, the number of wyverns is increasing. After all, I wonder if they were being called by the sakura tree just like the volcrows.

Looking up at the sky towards the cherry blossom trees, I can clearly see the Wyverns circling the sky even from here.

A wyvern is a type of dragon. I’ve never seen a real dragon so far, but in games, it’s one of the smaller dragons. The strength is also rather weak among dragons. That said, I don’t think ordinary people can easily fight and win against it. Volcrows aside, It’s a kind of monster that shouldn’t be closer to the town of Mereera.

There were Wyverns that I defeated back from the 10,000 monsters incident, but at that time I was only able to defeat them because they were sleeping on the ground. I don’t know their actual strength because I have never actually fought it before. It’s moving this time and if I do fight it, it will be my first battle against it.

And the more troublesome thing is that the Wyvern is not alone. There are already three Wyverns inside the detection skill range. If I want to fight a monster that I have never fought before, one-on-one is preferable, but the opponent doesn’t care about such things.

The question now is how will Targui deal with the Wyverns.

If possible, it would be best for Targui to defeat the Wyverns. So far no major changes have occurred.

It’s a mystery whether it will take them in with soap bubbles and suck their magical power just like Volcrows or leave them alone. In the first place, there is also the problem of whether it can be captured with soap bubbles in the first place.

If Targui can’t deal with the Wyverns, I have no choice but to subdue it on my own. Even though the town of Mereera is far away, the Wyverns will eventually come to the town as soon as they fly away.

And the problem isn’t just with Wyverns. There’s the existence of Krakens along the coast.

Anyway, what’s happening in the sea around here to have three Krakens? If you add in the Kraken that I defeated long ago, there would be four of them. I want to know if there’s also a Kraken’s nest around here.

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I think about what I should do next.

Option 1, defeat all monsters.

Option 2, act after observing the reaction of Targui.

Option 3, run away.

Option 4, cut down the sakura tree that caused it.

Option 1, is also the best for Mereera. It will be a problem if I let them go and they eventually come to Mereera.

Option 2, Kryna-Hark wrote that Targui will subdue the monsters. The question is how many monsters can be defeated by it. It is possible that only small monsters appeared when Kryna-Hark was on this island. I don’t know how much it can deal with a large number of monsters.

Option 3, is good for me personally, but considering Mereera, I can’t leave it as it is.

And last but not the least, it’s the best way to get rid of the monsters from the island. However, there is no choice but to reject it for different reasons.

First of all, there is the question of whether or not a magical giant tree of that size can be cut down. In addition, there is a possibility that Targui will recognize me as the enemy by launching an attack on it. If that happens, not only Wyverns and Krakens but also the Targui may become an enemy. If the angry Targui landed in the town of Mereera, then we’re better off with wyverns.

And if the Targui became hostile to me, my plan to put a bear gate will disappear. Moreover, it is morally impossible for a Japanese person to cut down that sakura tree. Therefore, cutting down the sakura tree is a last resort.

While I was thinking about such things, Swaying Bear cried <Ku~u~n>. This way of crying signals danger. When I look at my detection skills, a new set of wyverns comes from the sea.

Just how many are there gathering here?

As the wyverns began to approach the island, something emerged from the seaside where Kryna-Hark’s stone monument was located.


There’s a building-like thing rising from the sea.

[……Neck?] Yuna

What emerged from the sea was a long neck like a Plesiosaurus. The island shakes a little because the head comes out of the sea.

[Is that, Targui?] Yuna

Targui slowly turned to the wyverns and spewed water-jet out of its mouth like a laser. The water hits a flying wyvern and falls into the sea.

Wait, is that so easy to beat?

Then, Targui stretches his head towards the fallen Wyvern and eats the Wyvern. Furthermore, water with strong water pressure is shot towards another flying Wyvern. The Wyvern evaded, but Targui continuously shoots water and knocks the wyvern down to the water surface.

Then, this time, Targui turns his head and shoots water towards the Wyvern flying above the sakura tree. But this time, the wyvern successfully dodged since there was some distance. But Targui doesn’t stop attacking. Every time Targui spits water, the water(seawater) was pouring down from the sky. One wyvern begins to fly around Targui’s neck and the rest hid somewhere on the island.

I should run away, but I won’t run away. After all, the sakura tree seems to attract monsters.

However, the battle between Targui and Wyverns has really begun. Even though it started, Targui is attacking unilaterally. I’m unlikely to be able to join the fight.

But it would be great if Targui could beat the Wyverns. The monsters flying in the sky are quite troublesome. I wish I could fly, but I can’t fly in the sky.

If that happens, I have to deal with the Kraken who is about to land on Targui’s back. There is a possibility that Targui will handle it. However, my precious fruits could be destroyed.

It’s good to fight, but the problem is the number of Krakens. Even though I had a hard time defeating just one, there are three this time. I don’t really want to fight, but I can’t just let it go like the Wyverns.

Looking at the detection skills, the Krakens were moving slowly. Are they going to land on the island?

When I first checked it, there was still some distance between the sea and the island, but it seems that it was already landing on the island. That seems to be the case.

No matter how strong the Kraken is, if it goes ashore, I should be able to fight it more easily than in the previous fight.

The problem is the number of the Krakens, but they are slightly far from each other. If this is a game, I can destroy them all at once.

I head to the nearest Kraken. When I started running, Swaying Bear chased after me.

I feel uncomfortable while running.

That’s strange.

I’m running towards where the Kraken is, but I can’t see the Kraken. If it’s about the size of the Kraken that I fought before, I should be able to see it right now. But I still can’t see it.

I arrive at the place where the Kraken is supposed to be.

Nyoro, Nyoro (Squid noises.)

[…………] Yuna


Nyoro, Nyoro

[…………] Yuna

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I snapped back.

My train of thoughts stopped for a moment. Swaying Bear rubbed against me and brought me back to reality.

[Etto, is that the Kraken?] Yuna

I compared the reaction signal of the detection skill. No doubt. It’s the Kraken. A squid of about 3m is walking on the island in front of me.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a giant squid. It is moving slowly, with its long legs squeaking. Does this mean that it is also attracted to the sakura blossom trees?

When I collected magical power on my bear puppet, I created a big bear flame. Then, I threw it at the squid that seems to be a Kraken. When the Kraken was engulfed in bear flames, it tried to escape by wiggling, but it eventually stopped.

The Kraken’s reaction disappears from the detection skill. It seems that the giant squid was really a Kraken. Perhaps it was a child of that previous Kraken. When I moved to the next place, there was a Kraken bigger than the other one. But I don’t see it as a threat.

[Bear Fire.] Yuna

What’s with that! I want you to return my time when I was worried about fighting you a while ago! When I thought that there were three Krakens, I thought it would be a little dangerous. But I never thought I was just an offspring of that Kraken.

Even in the game, the offspring of the Kraken never appears.

I don’t know how the monsters in this world were born. But it seems that a big Kraken doesn’t pop up suddenly.

The Kraken may also survive in the competition for survival in the sea and the winning Kraken might become the huge Kraken that appears in the story.

That’s just my guess though.

I move to the third Kraken.

Oh, big. The third Kraken was big. But even though it’s this big, the previous two were incomparable to this one. So as it matures, it seems to grow bigger and bigger. Thanks to Targui, I may have to thank it that I can subdue it before it grows up even more.

I threw several bear flames into Kraken, which was sluggish on land. And so, I safely subdued the three Kraken siblings.

The moment I thought it was over, Swaying Bear cried. When I look at Swaying Bear, he’s looking up. When I look up, a Wyvern is flying towards me at tremendous speed.

Wait, why is that Wyvern?

The Wyvern readied its legs with sharp claws to attack me.

I avoided the Wyvern’s attack by hair’s breadth. But I was sure that the Wyvern’s opponent will be Targui. I confronted the Wyvern that landed on the ground.

Author’s Note:

That’s why Bear-san fights the Wyvern to protect the island and the town of Mereera.