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Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Chapter 375: 375 Bear-san Makes Curry Rice (Day 7)
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375 Bear-san Makes Curry Rice (Day 7)

After a long vacation, we will head back tomorrow. This is our last day to have lunch here. So I will make today’s lunch.

[Fina, peel the onions and cut them like this.] Yuna

I took one onion and showed Fina how it’s done.

[Yes, I got it.] Fina

Fina peeled the onions and cut them as I told. Fina, was sharp since she always helping out at home.

[Anzu, peel the potatoes and cut them to this size.] Yuna

I showed how to cut the potatoes the same way as I did with onions and indicated the size. Anzu cut the potatoes in the same fashion.

I took the carrots, peeled them, and cut them into bite-sized pieces.

[U~u, tears are coming out of my eyes.] Fina

Fina is cutting the onions with tears in her eyes.

Should I have done the onions instead?

What we are doing right now is making curry.

When speaking about the sea, it should be curry rice. I got some curry spices, so I decided to make curry for lunch on the last day.

However, there are about 30 children and about 20 adults, which is quite a lot. It’s hard to make all of it by myself, so I have Fina and Anzu help me as assistants.

It’s hard to always make this much meal every day. But every day, Anzu, Morin-san, and the others prepared meals for the customers. I really have to thank them for it.

That’s why I decided to make lunch on the last day.

[Yuna-san, the potatoes are done.] Anzu

[U~u, this one as well.] Fina

Both of them brought the cut ingredients. I also finished the preparation of carrots. Fina is rubbing her eyes. Onions made her tears.

Finally, I cut the pork and finished the preparation. It’s just an ordinary curry, so I can’t add any other ingredients. It takes time and effort after all.

After preparing enough portions for the number of people, I added oil to the pan, then I added the meat and fried it. Afterward, when the meat was cooked, I added the vegetables and poured some water.

Since the amount I’m making is large, I prepared three pots. I also did that to change the level of spiciness.

[So Yuna-san, what are you making? Boiled vegetables?] Anzu

Anzu asked me since she has no idea of what I’m making.

[Curry, it’s a spicy dish. Last time, during my work, I got some spices I needed to make curry. I think this is the perfect food when going to the ocean.] Yuna

[Is curry found in the sea? I’ve lived in Merera for a long time, but I’ve never heard of it.] Anzu

[You cannot find it in the sea, but back in the place where I lived in. Somehow, it was common to eat seafood curry.] Yuna

However, I have never been to the sea, so I don’t know if curry was actually sold at the beach house. To the utmost, curry and ramen are the standard seafood in manga and anime.

I wonder if anyone really orders curry or ramen in the hot sea. However, I can’t say anything about those people because I’m making curry by the influence of that world.

[I don’t know what a curry is, but I’m looking forward to it because the food Yuna-san makes is always delicious.] Anzu

[Look forward to it because it’s definitely delicious. Oh right, can you prepare the rice?] Yuna

[Okay. I’ll cook it properly.] Anzu

That’s Anzu for you. I’ll leave the rice to Anzu, so I’ll skim the scum while carefully watching the three pots.

[Yuna-oneesan. I’ll help too.] Fina

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[Alright then, I’ll leave that pot to you.] Yuna

Stew the vegetables while removing the scum. Then, as it started to smell good, I turned off the heat and took out the curry powder from the bear box.

[Etto, since it’s this amount of portion, maybe, about this much?] Yuna

The amount of curry spice had been calculated.

This curry is for children, so it should be less spicy and they can add milk to it if it’s still too spicy. I will not put much curry on this one. Next is a slightly spicy curry, and the third one is a dry curry. In other words, it tastes mild, medium spicy, and dry. I like medium spiciness.

For the dry one, I prepared a few for adults. It’ll be a waste if there are leftovers after all.

[Yuna-oneesan, something is strange in the color.] Fina

[The color?] Yuna

Fina told me to look at the pot, but it looks like a normal curry.

[Don’t be surprised.] Yuna

[It has muddy color, but it also has a unique smell.] Anzu

[That’s right. It smells irritating to the nose.] Fina

After Anzu cooks the rice, she gives an impression of the smell of curry.

It certainly has a unique curry scent that stimulates the nose. But it also stimulates the appetite.

[This is the curry spice. It’s a little spicy, but it’s delicious.] Yuna

I put some curry on a small plate and taste it.

Yep, it’s a proper curry.

It’s really best to partner it with Fukujinzuke (福神漬). But as expected, it was impossible to prepare Fukujinzuke with what I have.

[Yuna-san, can I have a taste?] Anzu

I put the curry on small plates and give it to Anzu and Fina so that they can taste it. The two slowly receive the small plates and put the curry in their mouth.

[That’s spicy and delicious.] Anzu

[I was worried because the color was strange, but it’s delicious.] Fina

[The color is due to the spices. Right now, both of you tasted the mildly spicy-sweet curry for kids. Then, the curry next to it has a little more spiciness and it’s my favorite among the three. Finally a curry for adults with a strong level of spiciness.] Yuna

When you look at the pot, each curry has a different color. The spicier the dish, the darker the color.

[Would you like to taste this too?] Yuna

I pointed to the spiciest curry pot.

[It’s spicy, isn’t it?] Anzu

[It’s spicy, but this is delicious.] Yuna

I personally like medium spicy. I feel that mild is not enough, and dry is too spicy so I don’t feel like eating those kinds of curry. So, for me, medium spicy curry is the best curry.

Anzu and Fina challenged the dry curry. Even though it’s dry, it’s not so spicy that it cannot be eaten. In my opinion, it’s about the same level of spiciness written on the packaging of a pouched curry at best. In the original world, I used to eat pouched curry alone. However, I wanted them to stop differentiating the level of spiciness depending on the manufacturer. Some were medium spicy, but some were as spicy as the dry ones.

The two ate a bite of dry curry.

[It’s too spicy!] Fina

Fina shouted. I gave her the water I have prepared. When Fina received it, she immediately drank it all at once.

[Well, that was painful.] Anzu

It seems that dry curry was still too early for Fina. But Anzu seems to be fine. Are you used to salty foods? Though it’s a different thing when it comes to spicy foods.

[It’s spicy, but it might be delicious if you eat it with rice.] Anzu

[It’s also delicious if you put it on bread or eat it with udon.] Yuna

I want to eat curry bread and curry udon now. I wonder if I should make it next time.

But since we’re in the town of Mereera, I think it’s better to add shrimp, shellfish, and squid to it. Seafood curry is also good.

The rice was cooked properly, so we’re headed to the sandy beach where the children play with the finished curry and rice.

When we arrived at the beach house, we called the children playing at the beach.

[It’s rice.]

[I’m hungry.]

The children gathered.

[Yuna-chan made it today, right?] Tirumina

[I helped too.] Fina

Fina corrected Tirumina-san’s words.

[Yuna-chan, did Fina help you?] Tirumina

[She was helpful to the point where she can get married anytime.] Yuna

[Oh, yeah? But if that happens, Gentz will go berserk. However, it’s okay if Yuna-chan takes her in.] Tirumina

[Mom!] Fina

Fina shyly hits Tirumina-san multiple times.

While laughing, I put a pot of curry and the cooked rice on the table.

[So Yuna-chan, what did you make?] Tirumina

[A dish called curry. It’s a bit spicy, but it’s delicious.] Yuna

I told them to line up so we can hand it over in an orderly fashion. Fina, who’s standing next to me puts curry on the plate served with rice. It’s the sweet curry for children.

[It smells weird.]

[My nose feels stuffy.]

[That’s the smell of spices. Spices are good for you, so it’s excellent to eat after getting tired from playing.] Yuna

A child received a plate. Then, Anzu, who’s standing next to Fina, filled the cup with water and handed it over to the child. When eating curry, you’ll need water on stand-by. Just in case it’s too spicy for them.

[There are many seconds, so eat a lot.] Yuna

After distributing the curry to the children, it’s finally Noa’s turn.

[I’m looking forward to Yuna-san’s home cooking, but you’re mean because you didn’t let me help.] Noa

[Because neither Noa nor Misa can cook.] Yuna

[That’s true, but we can do as much as wash vegetables.] Noa

No, I don’t need it.

[You can do that?] Yuna

[U~n, sometimes I ask Surilina to teach me, though I’m not good at it, I can do it.] Noa

She’s an aristocrat, so I thought she couldn’t do even that.

[And so, we have spicy food. There are three types to choose from, but which one would you choose?] Yuna

[The least spicy please.] Noa

[Me too.] Misa

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Noah and Misa chose the sweet curry.

[Then I’ll take it the second hottest one.] Shia

[Oneesama, can I try a little?] Noa

[Then, shall we put a little on Noa’s plate?] Yuna

[Is that okay?] Noa

I gave her the sweet curry as a main, then add a little bit of the medium spicy. Next are Marina and Eru, who lined up behind Noa and others, they chose medium spicy curry.

Then Lurina-san and Gill came next.

[I’m looking forward to Yuna-chan’s new food.] Lurina

[Lurina-san are you okay with spicy?] Yuna

[Of course, I love spicy food.] Lurina

[Then I’ll leave it spicy.] Yuna

I sprinkled the dry curry on top of the rice. She’s the first one to get the dry curry.

[Gill are you okay with spicy?] Yuna

[Not spicy.] Gill

[…………] Yuna

I stopped trying to get rid of the dry curry.

[Gill, you have such a large figure, but you’re not good with spicy.] Lurina

Some unexpected words came out of Lurina-san’s mouth.

[Body size doesn’t matter.] Gill

Gill rejects the relation between body size and spiciness.

Well, it certainly doesn’t matter. Anzu was okay with spicy. Besides, Lurina-san seems to be okay with it too. So body figure and gender does not matter.

For the time being, I gave Gill a sweet curry.

Then Morin-san, Karin-san, and Elena-san chose medium spicy curry.

[I’m not good with spicy food.] Seno

Seno-san and Nifu-san chose sweet curry, while Forne-san and Betoru-san chose medium spicy.

And sweet curry to the director and Liz-san. No one wants to try dry curry.

[Gentz-san yours is dry, isn’t it?] Yuna

[I don’t want spicy either.] Gentz

Even Gentz-san chose the sweet curry for children.

Tirumina-san, Fina, and Shuri also chose sweet curry. Well, it can’t be helped here. Unexpectedly, few people tried dry curry. If there are leftovers, I can reduce the spiciness by adding milk, right?

And so, everyone started eating rice all at once.

All the voices I heard were <delicious>. Some of the children are even saying the same. It’s delicious with bread, so I took the bread out of the bear box.

Cliff came from the middle of the line, so I immediately gave him a dry curry, but he was eating it deliciously, so I was a little disappointed. Well, it’s not too spicy that you can’t eat it, but I wanted to see a different reaction.

By the way, Gran-san chose sweet curry. Masrika chose medium spicy, while Itia chose dry.

As a result of eating curry rice, it was well-received overall.

Tirumina-san asked me, <Would you like to sell it in the store?>, But I said, <I won’t sell it>. As expected, even if I increase the amount of food, the shop will have difficulties and the distribution of spices will be difficult. Even if the traders carry it on a regular basis, the price will be too high.

It’s a hassle if I buy it every time using the bear gate and it’s even more troublesome if Karina finds me.

But spices will last a long time, so should I buy them in large quantities? Should it be okay if I sealed it and stored it in the refrigerator?

Or I can just put it in the bear box.