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Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Chapter 586
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Bear-san, Gives Fina’s Present, Land Of Harmony Edition 2

“My village?” (Mumroot)

“I have nothing else to do in this land. The only thing I can do is watch this child grow up.” (Kagali)

Kagali looked at Sakura with warm eyes.

“Kagali-sama…” (Sakura)

“Don’t worry about it. As I said before, I will stay here until you grow up. That will be my last duty. But it will be very short-lived. I have recently been thinking that it would be good for me to be taken care of in the village of Mumroot. Now, let’s take a tour of Mumroot’s village. And so, Missy. I’m sorry, but can I use the bear door?” (Kagali)

I feel very uncomfortable when Kagari-san, who looks like a little girl, calls me Missy, but she is actually older than me and that she is way older than my grandmother.

“If it’s fine with you, Mumroot-san, then I don’t mind.” (Yuna)

“I was going to talk to Kagali this time, so I don’t mind it. But let me start by saying that there is nothing in the village that you can enjoy. There are only forests.” (Mumroot)

“I’ve been alone for years, decades even, on an empty island.” (Kagali)

Occasionally, there were people who came to take care of her, but just as she said, she was basically alone.

“But Kagali-sama, you come to the castle town occasionally, don’t you?” (Sakura)

“That’s only when I’m drinking!” (Kagali)

Kagali-san denied Sakura’s words.

“Besides, there’s alcohol in the elf village, right?” (Kagali)

“Well, there is alcohol, yeah.” (Mumroot)

I always wonder if it’s okay to drink alcoholic beverages with that appearance.

“Also, since it’s called a village, it’s not just you, isn’t it?” (Kagali)

“You’re right, but…” (Mumroot)

“Then let’s go! Missy, open the door.” (Kagali)

Kagali-san grabs Mumroot-san’s clothes and pulls him.

“Please wait a minute.” (Sakura))

But Sakura stopped Kagali-san with a serious look.

“What, are you going to stop me?” (Kagali)

“No, I won’t stop you, Kagali-sama. But if you’re going to go, please dress properly before you go. If Mumroot-sama takes you in your current appearance, I think it’s going to be a big problem for him.” (Sakura)

All of them looked at Kagali-san again.

Baggy clothes are too loose and dangerous.

“It’s nothing to be concerned about.” (Kagali)

“No, just as Lady Sakura says, if I take someone dressed like that, my position as the village chief will be in jeopardy.” (Mumroot)

I agree with Sakura and Mumroot-san.

Back in Japan, there is a high possibility of getting arrested for it.

“Mumroot-sama, please wait a moment. I will change Kagali-sama’s clothes.” (Sakura)

“Understood.” (Mumroot)

Sakura and Shinobu walk out of the room carrying Kagali-san, then it instantly becomes quiet.

Fu fu~”

“What’s up?”

Fina suddenly laughed, so I asked.

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“Well, just a while ago, I parted with Karina-chan, and I thought I would be lonely. But when I saw Kagali-san and the others, the lonely feeling disappeared and I couldn’t help it.” (Fina)

“That’s right. Until a little while ago, I felt that way too. But thanks to them, that kind of thing disappeared.” (Ruimin)

Both Shuri and Ruimin are laughing.

If there’s a parting, there will also be encounters.

And goodbyes are not forever.

Besides, with the bear gate, we can always go see them.

As Kagali-san and the other two left, I looked out the window and enjoyed the scenery, and then they returned.

“Thank you for waiting.” (Sakura)

Kagali-san is now properly wearing children’s clothes.

And looked a little uncomfortable as well.

I wonder why though?

Are? You don’t have your ears.” (Shuri)

Shuri noticed Kagali-san’s ears.

Ah, the fox ears were gone. I’m impressed that Shuri noticed it.

“I don’t think anyone normally has fox ears, just in case. When I go out in public, I at least try to hide them.” (Kagali)

It seems Kagali-san also thought about it properly.

But Shuri looked disappointed.

Now that Kagali-san’s preparations are complete, I connected the bear gate to the one in the elf forest, and opened the door.

“Ah right. Please tell Suzuran not to come for a while.” (Kagali)

As Kagali-san is about to enter the door, she turns and says to Sakura.

“Yes. I understand.” (Sakura)

“Well then, I will now enjoy the village of Mumroot.” (Kagali)

Once again, Kagali-san enters the bear gate.

“Missy, thank you for this time. It was fun because I was able to remember many things.” (Mumroot)

Mumurut-san stopped in front of the door once and thanked me.

“I’m glad to hear that.” (Yuna)

Then the door to the bear gate closes.

Sakura is staring at the door.

“Do you perhaps miss her already?” (Yuna)

“Yes. I think the time will come when I must say goodbye to Kagali-sama. Besides, Kagali-sama has devoted her life for a long time to this country. If Kagali-sama wants to go, I can’t hold her back. Besides, she said she would stay with me until I grew up, so I’m fine.” (Sakura)

She may look like a child, but she’s an adult at heart.

“So what shall we do now?” (Sakura)

Sakura changes her expression and asks us with a smile.

“Of course, hot springs.”

“I want to take a bath.”

“Big bath!”

“Me too~”

Apparently, everyone felt the same way as I did.

Because there are hot springs in this place, I have to go in. Besides, we have traveled a lot and are mentally exhausted.

I would like to feel refreshed once we got here.

That’s why we decided to go to the hot springs.

“Ah~, that feels good.” (Yuna)

I stretch out my legs sloppily and melt away in the bath together with Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, who have turned into cubs.

“Yes, it’s a luxury to be able to take a bath this early in the day.” (Fina)

“Yeah, it feels good.” (Shuri)

“I wish I could have gone after grandpa came in here together.” (Ruimin)

We all went and soaked in the hot spring.

“It’s nice to have a hot spring where everyone can enter.” (Sakura)

Sakura and Shinobu also entered. It may be nice to take a bath alone in a small tub. But it’s better to take a bath with everyone in the big tub.

And no one has melons for chests here, so there’s nothing to be jealous of… For now.

“But the bath stings on my wounds.” (Shinobu)

Shinobu rubbed her arm.

Some scabs were visible.

“Shinobu. You’re a girl too, so you should practice moderately.” (Sakura)

“No, because I was weak, I caused trouble last time. I have to get stronger.” (Shinobu)

“Something like that will never happen again, so it’s okay.” (Sakura)

The last time? Does she mean the big snake?

I don’t want another monster like that showing up again. No matter how amazing the bear gear is, I don’t want to fight that again.

“Besides, there are people like Yuna who are stronger than me. I don’t know if Sakura-sama will be attacked by someone like that.” (Shinobu)

“I’m glad you’re protecting me, but please do yourself a favor.” (Sakura)

When I hear stories of effort like this, I realize that I am really making it seem easy with my cheat ability. I feel sorry for Shinobu who is making the effort. But I believe that my combat skills are something I have acquired myself, even if it’s from a game.

Even if you have cheat abilities, whether or not you can demonstrate them depends on the person who uses them. I will try to make excuses to convince myself.

“Even so, I envy Kagali-sama. I wanted to go to the elf village too.” (Shinobu)

“You’re right about that. I also wanted to see Mumroot-sama and Ruimin-san’s village.” (Sakura)

“Hmmm… Well then, when I drop Ruimin off, do you want to go?” (Yuna)

As expected, if we go to the elf village now and come back to the Land of Harmony immediately, Ruimin’s presence will be problematic.

The only time we could go is when it’s time to send Ruimin home.

“Are you sure?” (Sakura)

“I think it’s okay for you to stop by while you’re picking up Kagali-san.” (Yuna)

“But just like Grandpa said, there’s nothing there.” (Ruimin)

“I’d like to see what kind of place you live in, Ruimin-san.” (Sakura)

“It’s not as splendid as your house, Sakura-chan, so it might be embarrassing.” (Ruimin)

I don’t think it’s any more embarrassing than the bear house.

“So, how long are you guys staying here?” (Sakura)

“I haven’t decided in particular, but maybe two, three days?” (Yuna)

I don’t plan to stay long. Besides, I also have Fina and Shuri in tow.

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I think we have to go home soon.

“Is that so? In that case, it would be better to tell Suzuran not to come here in the meantime.” (Sakura)

“Does Suzuran-san come every day?” (Yuna)

“No, she only comes once every few days. Suzuran seems to want to come every day, but Kagali-sama says it’s okay not to come too often.” (Sakura)

“I see.” (Yuna)

“I think it’s probably because parting becomes painful, so she doesn’t keep her by her side all the time.” (Sakura)

I’m not talking about Mumroot-san, but with longevity, you will be the one to see them off. Those who are left behind to bear the burden of grief.

It’s a very difficult problem.

And we chatted while soaking in the hot springs.

Having fully enjoyed the hot spring, we moved to the changing room to put on our clothes. Ruimin looked at the basket and picked up her clothes.

“What’s with these clothes?” (Ruimin)

Ruimin was holding a kimono in her hand.

“Everyone seemed to like this country’s clothes last time, so I have them prepared.” (Sakura)

She even prepared mine.

It was placed on top of my bear costume.

“Also, Yuna-sama’s usual outfit will stand out too much.” (Sakura)

Yes, but. I don’t feel comfortable unless I’m wearing my bear suit. Still, Sakura prepared it for me, and I can’t be disrespectful.

Well, we have Shinobu as an escort, so I guess it’s okay if I just wear bear shoes and gloves.

We decided to receive Sakura’s surprise gifts and changed into kimonos.

We leave for the town.

Uu, no fair.” (Shuri)

Shinobu, who’s riding her horse, Hayatemaru, looks enviously at us riding Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear.

“Your horse is cute too.” (Shuri)

Perhaps understanding Shuri’s words, Hayatemaru neighs happily.

“Then Shuri, would you like to ride Hayatemaru too?” (Shinobu)

Shuri compares Hayatemaru and the Swaying Bear she’s riding.

“I’m good with Swaying Bear-chan.” (Shuri)

Hayatemaru neighs sadly at Shuri’s words.

Children’s innocent words can sometimes be cruel.


Author’s Note:

Kagali-san went to Mumroot-san’s village.

And Shuri wounded Hayatemaru’s feelings.


Please note that the number of stories you can read on Nico Nico Manga is increasing due to the campaign for more bears.

Also, I apologize for the delay in posting and replying to your feedback.

I am busy with many things, but I also need to start the bookwork for volume 15.

I wish the bear god would give me more free time. (lol)

As always, thanks to everyone who has reported typos. I am not able to reply, so I will leave this here.
