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Lost Me Gained Regret

Chapter 546
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I sighed, turning to Mark. "Mark, thanks for everything today. And this injury... you got it because of me. If there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to call." "Sure." Mark offered a light smile, glancing towards the direction of the emergency room. "Since Mr. Ford is with you, I'll head off. I'll be around Vista Town for a while, so feel free to reach out if you need anything." "Take care and get well soon, Mr. Larson." Gregory, with his casual charm, slung his arm around my shoulders. "If she needs anything, I'm here. Chances are she won't be needing to trouble Mr. Larson." Mark arched an eyebrow, "We'll see about that." After a brief farewell, Mark left.

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His departure left my thoughts entangled with worries for my grandmother, unsure of her condition inside the emergency room. Kane said the medication given to her wasn't immediately deadly. But if it was poison, the antidote wouldn't be easily obtained... My thoughts were a tangled mess.

The comforting hand on my shoulder gave a gentle squeeze. "Worried about Ramona?" "Yeah." I nodded, voicing my concern. "Just when she was on the mend, this happens. I'm not sure if she can withstand this..." "Let's wait for the doctor's word," Gregory suggested, huggingand smoothing out my disheveled hair. "Don't worry, your grandma has always been a fighter. Plus, whatever comes our way, we'll face it together." Looking up into his eyes, I found a sliver of comfort and let out a sigh, "Okay." Before Ramona could emerge, Lucius arrived instead.

Gregory cut straight to the chase. "Didn't catch him?" "No." Lucius hung his head. "There's a river behind the factory. The guy's a strong swimmer, jumped right in. We searched up and down the river, and scoured the nearby areas too. Nothing." "Greg, I'm sorry for not being thorough enough. I'll take whatever comes." "No rush," Gregory said, checking his watch. "Take your team and search the area again later." Lucius was puzzled. "Search again?" "The most dangerous place is often the safest," Gregory succinctly explained, then pressed, "Did you get anything out of his cronies?" "Not a word." ét Lucius shook his head, frustration evident, "Whoever this guy is, his men are tight-lipped. But I noticed they all have the stattoo on the inside of their arm." Mark stepped out of the hospital, his assistant waiting in the car.

Once inside, his gentle demeanor vanished as he made a call, his tone icy. "Where?" After receiving a brief reply, he hung up without another word, instructing his assistant, "To the Cove Mansion." Not located in the city center, the mansion was near the abandoned factory, just a few minutes' drive away. The car sped off, the assistant catching glimpses of Mark's barely contained anger through the rearview mirror. Not wanting to provoke him but needing to ask, the assistant ventured, "Mr. Larson, PL Group is asking what their next step should be?" "Pull back." "Pull back? Now?" "Do I need to repeat myself?"

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There was no longer any point for PL to continue clashing with the Pord Group.

Hanson had squandered a perfect opportunity to keep Gregory busy, failing miserably.

It was tfor PL to step back.

Otherwise, with Gregory's as capabilities, it would only serve as an opportunity for him to solidify his standing within the Ford Group and possibly even trace things back to Mark.. After all, it was a deeply rooted Tminor scuffle wasn't going t them down. Patience was haste wouldn't bring success.

Peter Grill Let it Loose! CH/F-PSE