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Lost Me Gained Regret

Chapter 548
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Kane had been Mark's right-hand man for years, but being more than two decades his senior, he could often read between the lines of what Mark was really thinking.

Kane was well aware of the fact that he was dealing with a man who didn't shy away from getting his hands dirty. The only question that remained unanswered was how far Mark's obsession with Ms. Webster would go. When would his patience run out, prompting him to take a more direct approach rather than weaving this intricate web of plans and schemes? Stuffing a vial into his suit pocket under Kane's inquisitive gaze, Mark stood up. "Let's get moving." Kane paused. "And what comes next..." "Your immediate priority..." Mark glanced toward the yard, his voice cold, "is to get your men and move to a new location." "Move?" Kane frowned. "The Ford family has already turned this place inside out. It's safer here now than anywhere else." Mark nonchalantly tossed the remains of his cigar into the ashtray, clearly annoyed. "You think Gregory is playing games? If you've thought of it, don't you think he has too?" Glancing at his watch, he warned, "You've got less than ten minutes. Vista Town is Ford territory. Until all your assets are back home, you'd do well to keep a low profile." After Mark took off, Kane wasn't totally convinced but figured it was better to play it safe and start planning a move.

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Before leaving for home, Kane had secured several properties.

On the road, he still felt Mark might be overreacting.

Just as he began to scoff at the idea, one of his men reported, "Boss Kane, our guys at the Bayview Villa got word. Gregory's men did make another sweep." Stunned, Kane checked the time-exactly ten minutes had passed, not a second more or less.

Mark was indeed a man of deep calculations.

As the evening approached, the doors of the emergency room finally swung open.

The serious look on the doctor's face said it all.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Mr. Ford..." My heart sank. Gregory squeezed my shoulder reassuringly, turning to the doctor, "No need to beat around the bush. Just tell us how Ramona is doing." "She's...awake." The doctor seemed troubled as he spoke, "But there's definitely poison in her system, and so far, nobody can identify it." I clenched my fists, "How serious is the poison? What effects could it have?" Seeing my concern, the doctor's face softened slightly, "It appears to be a slow-acting poison. So far, it hasn't affected Ramona's health." I quickly asked, "Is there any way to counteract the poison?" Given Kane's ominous intentions, even if there were no immediate effects, future complications were inevitable. The only solution was to find an antidote quickly.

"At the moment..." The doctor shook his head, "There's no known cure." Gregory's brows furrowed, "All the experts are stumped?"

The doctor hurriedly replied, "Gaye the lab, honing has taken a team to the lab, hoping to identify the poison first. That's the only way we might find a cure." Hearing this, my unease grew.

Suddenly, Gregory checked his phone, "Don't worry. Have you heard A Have of Dr. Abdul? Herbert has reached out r. Abdul? + to him; and he's on his way here." I was surprised, "Herbert knows?"

As for Dr. Abdul, I had indeed heard of him-a renowned figure in m alternative medicine, though he had been out of the public eye for years. His involvement was a beacon of hope. "Not just Herbert. Bella is also on her way to the hospital." In that moment, Gregory's usual flamboyant demeanor was replaced by a calm resolve, "So, don't worry. We're all in this together. Jane, you're not alone." X