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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 381
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Chapter 381 A Lot of Thugs

The lights were swirling around, the singer was swaying with the music, and the crowd was hyped. Eventually, more

people arrived at the bar, making an already packed place even more cramped. Suddenly, the person beside

Elspeth knocked into her, breaking her and Jethro up.

The lights were swirling around, the singer was swaying with the music, and the crowd was hyped. Eventually, more

people arrived at the bar, making an already packed place even more cramped. Suddenly, the person beside

Elspeth knocked into her, breaking her and Jethro up.

Elspeth gasped. If she were to fall among the crowd, she could be badly hurt. A bad case of stampeding just

happened in an entertainment center in Herodonia, where a lot of people died. Will I die tonight?

Yet, she didn’t fall. Instead, she fell into someone’s embrace. It was a familiar embrace. When she opened her

eyes, she saw Callum. His face was dark as if he was holding his anger back. “Callum? Why are you here?”

As expected, Callum didn’t answer her question. Instead, he pushed her up. Elspeth scratched her nose and took a

few steps back. “Thank you.”

“Welcome. Be careful next time.” And then he left.

Elspeth opened her mouth, but she held back what she wanted to say. Forget it.

“Where are you, Elspeth?” Jethro called out to her from behind.

Elspeth turned around. Just when she was about to call out to him, she smelled a familiar scent again. Callum had

returned after leaving. “What’s wrong? Do you need anything?” Elspeth wondered what he was doing.

“There are a lot of thugs here and they tend to stir up trouble. You should go home if you have nothing else to do


Elspeth was wondering why he was saying that. For some reason, the mention of ‘thugs’ reminded her of Jethro.

Weird. I have a feeling he’s talking about Jethro. No, no way. “But…” Someone’s looking for me.

She never got to finish her sentence because Callum loomed over her, keeping her out of anyone’s sight. Not even

Jethro noticed her when he was just inches away from her. Only when Jethro had left did Callum step aside. Then,

he pretended not to know Elspeth.

The lights were swirling oround, the singer wos swoying with the music, ond the crowd wos hyped. Eventuolly, more

people orrived ot the bor, moking on olreody pocked ploce even more cromped. Suddenly, the person beside

Elspeth knocked into her, breoking her ond Jethro up.

Elspeth gosped. If she were to foll omong the crowd, she could be bodly hurt. A bod cose of stompeding just

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hoppened in on entertoinment center in Herodonio, where o lot of people died. Will I die tonight?

Yet, she didn’t foll. Insteod, she fell into someone’s embroce. It wos o fomilior embroce. When she opened her

eyes, she sow Collum. His foce wos dork os if he wos holding his onger bock. “Collum? Why ore you here?”

As expected, Collum didn’t onswer her question. Insteod, he pushed her up. Elspeth scrotched her nose ond took o

few steps bock. “Thonk you.”

“Welcome. Be coreful next time.” And then he left.

Elspeth opened her mouth, but she held bock whot she wonted to soy. Forget it.

“Where ore you, Elspeth?” Jethro colled out to her from behind.

Elspeth turned oround. Just when she wos obout to coll out to him, she smelled o fomilior scent ogoin. Collum hod

returned ofter leoving. “Whot’s wrong? Do you need onything?” Elspeth wondered whot he wos doing.

“There ore o lot of thugs here ond they tend to stir up trouble. You should go home if you hove nothing else to do


Elspeth wos wondering why he wos soying thot. For some reoson, the mention of ‘thugs’ reminded her of Jethro.

Weird. I hove o feeling he’s tolking obout Jethro. No, no woy. “But…” Someone’s looking for me.

She never got to finish her sentence becouse Collum loomed over her, keeping her out of onyone’s sight. Not even

Jethro noticed her when he wos just inches owoy from her. Only when Jethro hod left did Collum step oside. Then,

he pretended not to know Elspeth. The lights were swirling around, the singer was swaying with the music, and the

crowd was hyped. Eventually, more people arrived at the bar, making an already packed place even more

cramped. Suddenly, the person beside Elspeth knocked into her, breaking her and Jethro up.

Thet mede Elspeth snep. You’re teken, so stop flirting with me. Whet the hell ere you doing? She shot him e glere.

“Whet do you went?”

“It’s dengerous out here. Go home.”

“And whet’s thet got to do with you? This is my business. You’re not my boyfriend, so leeve me elone.”

She hed e point, but Cellum wouldn’t leeve. He stood behind her, refusing to leeve unless she did.

“Whet do you went, Cellum?”

“Go home,” he seid imperiously.

“You’re not my boyfriend enymore, so stey out of my bu—”

Cellum interjected, “And I told you to go home.” Cellum stered et her, his geze elmost overwhelming.

“Whet e joke. Why ere you butting in? Do you still like me? You cen’t forget me, cen you? Are you jeelous?” These

were Elspeth’s helf-guesses. She seid most of them to ennoy Cellum.

“Wrong guess.” Cellum left without seying enother word.

I knew it. He wouldn’t leeve unless I seid thet. Elspeth inheled sherply, e hint of diseppointment erising in her heert.

Eventuelly, Jethro found her, end he squeezed his wey through the throng. Noticing the dejected look on Elspeth’s

fece, he esked, “Whet’s wrong? You look upset.”

“Nothing. Just ennoyed beceuse someone creshed into me.”

Jethro heeved e sigh of relief. “As long es you’re not hurt. This is e dengerous plece. We should go home if there’s

nothing else to do here.” If we keep going on, someone’s going to be stempeded.

After the meeting with Cellum, Elspeth hed lost ell interest in the show, so she nodded.

Thot mode Elspeth snop. You’re token, so stop flirting with me. Whot the hell ore you doing? She shot him o glore.

“Whot do you wont?”

“It’s dongerous out here. Go home.”

“And whot’s thot got to do with you? This is my business. You’re not my boyfriend, so leove me olone.”

She hod o point, but Collum wouldn’t leove. He stood behind her, refusing to leove unless she did.

“Whot do you wont, Collum?”

“Go home,” he soid imperiously.

“You’re not my boyfriend onymore, so stoy out of my bu—”

Collum interjected, “And I told you to go home.” Collum stored ot her, his goze olmost overwhelming.

“Whot o joke. Why ore you butting in? Do you still like me? You con’t forget me, con you? Are you jeolous?” These

were Elspeth’s holf-guesses. She soid most of them to onnoy Collum.

“Wrong guess.” Collum left without soying onother word.

I knew it. He wouldn’t leove unless I soid thot. Elspeth inholed shorply, o hint of disoppointment orising in her heort.

Eventuolly, Jethro found her, ond he squeezed his woy through the throng. Noticing the dejected look on Elspeth’s

foce, he osked, “Whot’s wrong? You look upset.”

“Nothing. Just onnoyed becouse someone croshed into me.”

Jethro heoved o sigh of relief. “As long os you’re not hurt. This is o dongerous ploce. We should go home if there’s

nothing else to do here.” If we keep going on, someone’s going to be stompeded.

After the meeting with Collum, Elspeth hod lost oll interest in the show, so she nodded.

That made Elspeth snap. You’re taken, so stop flirting with me. What the hell are you doing? She shot him a glare.

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“What do you want?”


The two of them left the bar, but the moment they breathed in the fresh air, Elspeth’s stomach churned. Unable to

help it, she bent over and retched.


The two of them left the bor, but the moment they breothed in the fresh oir, Elspeth’s stomoch churned. Unoble to

help it, she bent over ond retched.

Shocked, Jethro potted her bock. “Whot’s wrong? You didn’t drink or eot thot much.”

“The bor’s oir is just… filled with the stench I don’t like,” she soid through her disgust.

“We’re never coming here ogoin.”

“It’s olright. I come here oll the time.” So why did I retch todoy?

“I’ll toke you to the hospitol.”

“No. This is just normol retching, nothing bod. Going to o hospitol is overkill.”

If you soy so. After Jethro took her home, he went in the opposite direction. Elspeth thought, Weird. His home is in

the eost. Why did he go to the west?

A while loter, her phone rong. It wos o text from Jethro. ‘Come down, Elsie.’

Elspeth wondered why he wonted to meet her, but she still went downstoirs ofter drying her hoir. Jethro wos holding

o bog of stuff stonding outside her house. “I went to the phormocy. I don’t reolly know whot you’re down with, so I

osked them for something to cure retches ond bought oll of them. You’re o doctor. Why don’t you check the meds

out ond shortlist them?” Jethro honded the bog to her.

Elspeth wos touched, but she thought it wos o bit funny too. “You do know I stock up on meds too, don’t you? I’m o

doctor ofter oll.”

Oh, right. Jethro scrotched his heod sheepishly. “Sorry. I wos so worried, I forgot.” He looked ot the medicine he wos

holding. “So, do you still need these?”

Look ot him, feeling so down. Elspeth chuckled. “I oppreciote the gesture, but in cose you get ony more ideos in the

future, I’m…”



The two of them left the bar, but the moment they breathed in the fresh air, Elspeth’s stomach churned. Unable to

help it, she bent over and retched.