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Loving Madeline

Chapter 294 No! Stop!
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Madeline's POV

"Madeline, what are you doing here?" He asked in more than a whisper, and I could see how my husband's angry face turned soft.

I hated that I had to see my husband's misery and concern during this difficult time in his life, but I didn't have a choice but to go on with my mission of getting back at his father for everything Clark had done to us.

"Hello, my love; I am sorry. I know I have made a terrible mistake, but you have to believe me; I need to do this," I answered, and I could see the alarm on his face as he shook his head.

He looked dashing as ever, even if he was mourning, and I knew I didn't have time to explain what was going on, but I knew he would understand later on after everything was in place.

We all be happy, and when this is over, I will make sure to make him understand that I did all this for our son and his family.

"You have to get out; this is my brother's funeral, you are fake, and you need to leave before I call the police. We are mourning for losing my brother and his wife. I couldn't believe someone like you would ruin this solemn event!" He shouted at me, which made my entire body tremble in fear while I could hear the crowd gasping in disbelief.

I was shocked because I had never heard my husband shout at me, and I was taken aback by how he reacted to my presence because I was expecting he would understand why I needed to come to Archois.

I could hear the murmuring behind us, and I became so confused about what to do; I was on my way to telling my husband why I had come home to our hometown, and I tried my best to stop my entire body from trembling.

Hunter knew I was real, and I suddenly felt worried about why he got so angry with me and pretended he didn't know me; we aimed to make

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my husband believed I was a fraud, but I felt hurt because he called me fake.

"I am your wife, Hunter," I mumbled, trying my best to make my voice as low as possible so that only my husband could hear me talking.

I couldn't believe my husband would make a show by shouting at me, and I am sure everyone's attention was on me. It was my plan all along; I wanted to make Clark and Charlotte realize I was attending the burial so they would make their evil plan.

"Don't ever fool me, and my wife was in Neospoli country as of the moment. I talked with her a while ago through a video call. Madeline was not here, so you better get out before I will drag you out of this place." Hunter said, and I could see the anger on his face that I took a back step.

It seemed my plan all worked out, but I couldn't believe my husband would not recognize me at all. I felt so hurt, but I needed to be vital to make Clark believe I was real, and now that Hunter denied my identity.

I don't think Clark will do something to me after Hunter announced to everyone I was fake. My shoulders sagged as I looked into Hunter's eyes.

"How could you do this to me, my love?" I asked as I tried to act normal, but everything I said now was true.

"I am Maddie, and I am sorry if I came here to say my last goodbye to Parker and Rebecca; they both mean so much to me. I didn't know this would make you angry. I am real, and I am your wife!" I shouted back to him so that I could make Clarke believe I was his daughter-in-law.

"Hunter, please, don't do this," I begged as I moved closer to my husband.

"No, I don't believe you; please, don't make this hard for all of us, give us some respect; I don't know who sent you, and you can tell your boss to go to hell, isn't it enough that my brother and his wife died?" He asked.

"What do you want from us? From our family? Tell your damn boss to leave my family alone. I don't even know how you copied my wife's voice, her face, her figure, but I just want to tell you, even if Madeline would change her appearance into someone else's face and physique, I will always know it was her." My husband added.

"Even my assistant, Cal, knew you were fake; you can go back to your damn big boss and tell him to back off because the Divenson will never stop until we can give Parker and Rebecca's death justice." He added sternly; I heard another gasp from the audience. I could tell my husband poured out his raw emotions as he talked with me.

"I don't have a boss, Hunter, and you have to believe me; I am your wife. I only came here to say my last goodbye and to see them for the last time." I responded, and before Hunter could talk, I could feel strong hands gripping my wrists.

"Please, Miss, you need to come with me," he said with authority as he started to yank me away from my husband.

"Hunter, please! It is me!" I yelled as the man used force on me, and I could see Lily coming after us.

"Wait! Please, let her go!" My sister-in-law shouted, and the man suddenly stopped from grabbing me by the hands, and I stopped struggling as I smiled at Lily. I felt so delighted that she intervened, or else all that I had planned for will be gone to waste.

"Lily, what are you doing?" I heard Hunter ask her.

"Can't you see it, Hunter? She is Madeline, and I couldn't believe you were doing this to your wife. She came all the way here to mourn with us. Are you getting paranoid that something might happen to her, and that is why you beg her to stay at her grandpa's castle?" Lily shouted at his brother.

"No one will hurt her, Hunter, Madeline is a strong woman, and I don't understand why there would be someone capable of hurting her," Lily said, and her words made my tears fall.

"Madeline is the most loving and selfless woman I have ever met; she did her best to save me when I was kidnapped; I just want you to know I will be brokenhearted if something happens to her, Hunter; I don't know if I can cope up if someone evil

person will hurt your wife." She added.

"Hey, sweetheart, I know how much you love Maddie, but don't worry, she isn't your sister-in-law, my wife was safe in Neospoli, and this woman here is not real." Hunter insisted.

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"No, I don't know why you are doing this to your wife, Hunter, but I can tell she is Madeline," Lily responded, and I could tell everyone was listening to their conversation, and all eyes were on me.

"Lily, please, not this time; you have to believe me for Madeline's sake; she was only using Maddie's face to make us believe she came here to mourn with us, so please don't get fooled by her face, Lily," Hunter begged his sister.

"I knew the truth behind all this, and she wanted to do something evil to any member of my family, especially you," my husband added, but Lily shook her head as she walked towards me.

"I am sorry, big brother, if I have to disobey you this time, I want to be with Maddie; if you ask her to leave, I will go with her," Lily answered, and she gave me a weak smile as she looked at me.

I couldn't stop beaming at her, even if I could taste the tears in my mouth. Lily has been my savior countless times; I loved her on the first day she became my friend, and she is like a biological sister to me, and I could see how much she loved and adored me every time she looked at me.

I could see Clark's face pale as he looked at his daughter, and then, when he turned his gaze at me, I couldn't read the expression on his face as he looked at my face.

"No, Lily, stop where you are! Lily!" Clark shouted at his youngest daughter, and I could feel the concern in his voice, and I could tell something was about to happen, but Lily didn't listen to him as he moved closer to me.

I could see the horrified looked on Clark's face as he stood up from his seat and ran towards me, and I didn't know what was going on as I felt the man's hand loosen on my wrists, and I couldn't believe he had let me go.

"Dad, stop!" It was Charlotte's voice; she also got up from her seat, and I could tell she was worried for her dad; I could also see the horrified look on her face.

Then I heard the gunshot, and I could feel it in my chest, and I could feel the taste of blood in my mouth.

"No! Madeline!" I heard Hunter's voice, and then I could hear Clark shouting the word stop that reverberated throughout the entire place.

"I am sorry, my love," I mumbled, and I heard another gunshot as I felt someone hug me before my entire surrounding turned black, and I lost consciousness.