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Loving Madeline

Chapter 303 Forever Enemy
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Hunter's POV

"Does Madeline know about this plan of yours?" Cal asked and I shook my head as I adjusted my tie.

"No, she wanted to let it go, but I don't want anything to happen again to my wife. I want Charlotte to be in her place." I responded.

"She was staying in one of your properties in the north, do you still want to see her?" My long-time assistant asked, and I couldn't deny how much I miss Cal and his wisdom.

"Prepare the helicopter tomorrow morning, and please, don't ever tell Madeline where I am going, Calixto, I trust you. I need to do this for Maddie and our son." I said, and he nodded his head.

"Of course, I will never tell her about this, not even your mother, but I got upset since you don't want my services anymore." He responded sounding a little bit hurt.

"Come on, Cal, you knew my wife needs you, and you better be with her at this time," I responded, and he grinned at me.

"What time do you want to leave?" He asked as he wrote down something on his organizer.

"I want to leave together with some of my men as early as 6.30 a.m," I responded and he scribbled on his notes before he looked at me.

"Don't worry, Mr. Divenson, everything will be ready in your residence, I will wait for you as early as six o'clock in the morning." He stated.

"Good, you are dismissed, Cal, I knew how much you wanted to spend time with your wife and grandchildren," I said, and he chuckled.

"Of course, at last, you understand because you are now a father," he replied.

"Of course, I couldn't even wait to go home to Neospoli and be with our son, I hope you will take care of everything until Lily will be ready to run the company, for now, we still need you, Cal, don't retire yet, please, all I asked for you is to wait for my younger sister to take over, then you will free to go," I said, and he chuckled.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"As long as I am able, I am still willing to serve your company, it is my pleasure to be part of the Divenson Mining Company, besides, I am not yet ready to resign." He replied and I beamed at him.

I said goodbye to Cal and made my way to the parking lot, I don't know how to tell Maddie, but I need to find an excuse for why I will not be around tomorrow the entire day. I wished to come back home as early as possible if there would be no complications, I hope Charlotte will cooperate.

"Hello, how's your day, my love?" My wife asked the moment I got inside the house and I felt glad my mother and Lily were in our home; since Gina was staying at Jack's place.

I kissed my wife on the lips before I answer her question, and I couldn't believe I would be missing her like crazy, I haven't only seen her for hours, and now I wanted to take her to our room and be alone with her.

"I had a busy day as usual, but I got help from one of your favorites persons," I responded and she gave me a beautiful smile as she helped me remove my coat.

"I knew it, it was Calixto Morgan, I am glad Cal is still working at the company, I missed talking with him," she replied.

"Yeah, I could tell he misses you too," I responded.

"Mom and Lily are already waiting for us in the dining hall," my wife said, and I took her hand and we walked towards the dining hall holding hands.

The dinner was superb and it felt like everyone was enjoying dinner, and I missed my mother's laughter; I was delighted she was beginning to recover from her grief of losing my brother and father.

"Maddie, I would be going out of town tomorrow, and I will be leaving early," I said as we got back to our room, and I could see how Madeline tensed up as she turned around and faced me.

"Where are you going, Hunter?" She asked and I could see the worries on her face.

"I needed to visit the mining site, I have to deal with some issues that need my attention," I responded and her face fell as she moved closer to me.

"My love, the last time you visited that place I almost lost you, is there any way to fix things without going there?" My wife asked and I closed the distance between us in an instant.

"Hey, don't worry, no one can hurt me now, my love," I said as I cupped her face.

"I don't know, I don't want you to go," she whispered as she tried to avert my gaze. I took her into my arms and kissed her forehead.

"Maddie, you have to trust me, I will go there and then we will go back to Neospoli and be with Frank, I know how much you miss our son, I missed him too, and I couldn't wait to carry him in my arms." I declared, and she tightened her arms around me.

"Yeah, I miss our little boy, I want to go home." She replied.

"Don't worry, we will go home soon, my love," I mumbled, and I took her into the bed, and my wife slept in my arms; it took me a long time before I drifted to sleep since I couldn't stop thinking about my sister.

When I woke up the bed was empty and I wondered where my wife could be. I took a bath and get dressed, and I am shocked to find Madeline in the dining room; she was preparing my breakfast, and I couldn't stop my heart from beating so fast as I looked at her beautiful face and gorgeous figure.

"Good morning, beautiful!" I greeted my lovely wife, and she greeted me back with a beautiful smile.

"You don't need to do this, my love," I said as I looked at her beautiful face.

"You are my husband, and I should take good care of you," she responded.

"Oh, I am such a lucky man for having you as my wife, Maddie," I said as my grin widened.

"Take care, Hunter, and you should come back to me," Madeline said before I went to the helipad.

"Of course, I will, my love, you should take care of yourself too while I am away. You still need to recover from your surgery, Madeline." I declared.

"I am now fine, I will wait for you, my love." She replied.

I could feel the heaviness in my heart after I kissed my wife and turned around and left without taking another glance. I don't want to leave her, but I have to do it so we can finally have peace.

We safely landed in one of our estates, and I suddenly felt worried about how I am going to face my sister. I know Charlotte is hard-headed and she will never listen to me.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"According to our informant, your sister is alone, Charlotte has no bodyguards like she used to, she only has maids in the house, I think it is safe if you will speak with her alone, Mr. Divenson," Roman said before I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Okay, I am going inside alone," I responded.

"Be careful, Sir," he replied, and I got up after I mumbled my thanks and made my way to the main entrance of the house.

We used to enjoy our summer here when we were kids with our mom, I didn't know our lives will become chaotic, and we will end up hating each other because of greed.

"What do you want, Hunter?" Charlotte asked with anger on her face the moment I found her in the living room.

"Is that your way of greeting your brother?" I asked, and she laughed.

"Come on, Hunter, you don't come here in peace," she replied.

"That is not true, Charlotte, I was worried about you," I responded.

"No, you are taking me to jail, go ahead, Hunter, I couldn't believe it until now that because of that woman, you turned your back on your family, Parker was dead, and our father was gone because of your wife!" She yelled.

"Hey, that is not true, Charlotte, dad was gone because it was his choice to save Madeline," I responded and she fell silent.

"I am not taking you to jail, all I want is to know how you are doing, I care about you, Charlotte, I felt responsible for you, and I don't want you to be miserable in here." I declared and she shook her head.

"I know why you are here, Hunter, you want to make sure I won't do anything to your wife, flash news, while I am still free and alive; I will never give you and your family peace! I will be your forever enemy, and I will never rest until I have your wife." She said and my face fell.

"I will do anything to get back at Madeline for ruining my life!" Charlotte added.

"Don't do this, Charlotte, you are better than this," I said.

"I don't care if I will go to jail as long as I can take her down, I will make sure she will be living in hell, Madeline doesn't have the right to be happy, I hated her existence, Hunter, I hate your wife." She shouted, and I was curling my fists on my sides.

"I will never allow you to hurt, Maddie, I will protect her with my life, Charlotte, whatever you are planning, you will not succeed. I will be your enemy, and I won't allow you to get closer to my wife." I declared.

"Watch me, Hunter, and when that day comes, I will be laughing at you. I will not hesitate to kill you if I have to," she responded with a sinister smile on her face.

I couldn't believe anger enfold Charlotte's heart and turned her into a wicked person; I could see in her eyes that she will never change, and she was determined to be our forever enemy.