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Loving Madeline

Chapter 308 The Break-Up
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Jack's POV

"How's Madeline?" I asked Gina the moment she arrived at my house, and she looked so haggard and tired wearing the same clothes she wore before she left my house yesterday.

"She is fine, and the doctor said Madeline would be discharged by tomorrow." My girlfriend replied with a smile on her face, but I could tell something was off since her smile didn't reach her ears, and even if she was smiling her eyes still looked sad.

"Hey, is everything alright?" I asked as I motioned her to sit beside me.

"Everything is great, especially now that Madeline is finally going home to Neospoli, and Hunter couldn't wait to bring his wife home," she responded, and it felt like she emphasized Hunter's name, and I couldn't stop the pang on my chest and felt so guilty.

Gina is a great person, but I couldn't deny after what happened to Maddie during the funeral of Parker, I realized I am still crazy in love with my first love. I know it was crazy because when I met Madeline for the first time she was already in love and engaged with Hunter Divenson.

But the idea that her heart already belonged to one of the wealthiest men in the country didn't stop me from loving her, and it wasn't a secret to everyone since I showed to Madeline I was really into her, and I confessed to her how I really felt.

Maddie was honest with her feelings and told me, she only liked me as a friend, and she couldn't imagine herself loving anyone else, but Hunter.

I attended their wedding, and I knew it was the stupidest thing I had ever done because I only made my heart bleed that day. She was so beautiful on her wedding day, and I couldn't forget her lovely face wherever I go.

The guilt I felt was eating me up as I looked at Gina's beautiful face, I could tell she was no longer happy with our relationship because of me. I knew I couldn't break up with her knowing it would break her heart, and I don't want Madeline to get angry with me.

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Gina is a perfect girlfriend and she deserved someone who will love her the way she deserved. I had learned to love her, but after Maddie almost died when she was shot in the chest by one of Clark's men, I realized I am still in love with her, and it was so unfair for Gina, and I was trying to tell the truth, but I don't know how to tell her.

I don't have the heart to hurt Gina, but I know she has been waiting for me to propose to her, but I couldn't do that knowing I am in love with her best friend, and I need to tell her the truth.

"Jack," she mumbled as she sat beside me, and I hate that I didn't kiss her when she arrived because I know it wasn't right.

"Yes," I answered.

"I am sorry, but I need to break up with you," she said, and I was stunned by her words and wondered if she could read my mind.

"What?" I asked trying to look surprised and worried, and I wanted to punch myself for feeling excited that she finally set me free.

"I said, I want us to break up," she responded.

"But why?" I asked.

"I fall in love with someone else," she responded, and my face fell and her answer made me speechless. I couldn't believe that would be the reason she would break up with me since it was a big slap on my face.

"I am sorry, Jack. Please, say something," she said in more than a whisper as she fidgeted in her seat.

"What should I say? I am not happy that you are telling me you wanted to break up with me because you found someone else, but I couldn't blame you, Gina. I wasn't a good boyfriend to you, and I know my shortcomings, I think I should be the one who should apologize," I responded.

"Hey, don't apologize to me, Jack, you were the perfect boyfriend that I had been dreaming of, and thank you for all the memories I had with you, I will never forget you," Gina said as she smiled at me.

"Oh, Gina, I don't know what to say, I am hurt that you were breaking up with me, but I am so thankful for your honesty, I know you are no longer happy with me." I declared.

"Hey, don't say that Jack, but I guess long distance relationship is not for me, I couldn't ask you to give up your work here and be with me in Neospoli. Besides, I fell in love with someone, and I hope you will forgive me, Jack." She responded.

"Of course, I had forgiven you," I replied and took Gina in my arms, and kissed her for the last time.

She was blushing when I released her mouth and I could tell she was avoiding my gaze.

"Are we still friends?" I asked after an awkward moment.

"Of course, and I think, I should be the one asking you that question because I was the one who cheated in our relationship." She declared, and I wished to tell her I am so relieved that she fell in love with someone, and I don't need to break her heart.

"I still want you to be my friend, Gina, I would be happy if you feel the same way," I responded and she beamed at me.

Gina had been long gone but I was still seating where I was when she left, and I couldn't believe that it finally happened. I am back to being single, but why I felt so empty inside, I know it was because I wished to be with Madeline, and I hate why Hunter Divenson existed.

If he wasn't in the picture, I know Maddie would be my wife, and I know I am crazy for thinking that way.

Days passed, and I tried calling Gina to check on her if she was really okay, I got disappointed when I could no longer contact her number and she blocked me on her social media accounts, and it dawned on me, we could never be friends again. I wondered if her new boyfriend forbid her to communicate with me, and I smiled as I realized at least she is now happy.

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"Hunter?" I was surprised since he is the last person I wanted to see. I was busy supervising my staff in the kitchen when one of the waiters approached and told me someone was looking for me in the restaurant, and guests are so important in my line of business.

I didn't expect I would be seeing Madeline's husband, the person who reminds me I am not good enough for her since I couldn't be as rich as him no matter how I will work day and night.

"Are you alright? The restaurant is empty, all your staff had gone home, yet you are still here in your office spacing out, what is wrong, big brother?" Lianne asked, and I didn't expect she would be waiting for me.

"Nothing, Lianne," I responded as I glance at her.

"Come on, Jack, you can't lie to me, Madeline is now fine, you don't need to worry about her anymore, I think you should start worrying about yourself and stop thinking about others, especially Maddie." She declared, and I let out a soft sigh as I looked at Lianne.

My sister and I are very close, and I could tell she is my best friend, we don't have secrets, she knew how crazy I am with Maddie, and she kept telling me I was crazy, but loving Madeline was like an addiction to me, the more I try to forget her, the deeper I became more in love with Madeline.

I don't have a choice but tell her about the stupid contract I signed, and I begged her not to tell anything about the deal I made with Hunter to our mother. After all, I need her to understand I am doing it for the expansion of my restaurant.

"Well, I think you made the right decision, Jack, besides, I think it is rude for us to judge Charlotte, maybe she was misunderstood by her parents, and I think she deserves to have a second chance, don't you think?" My sister asked after I told her everything.

"Of course, but I still hate her for trying to hurt Madeline so many times, I witnessed it myself when I came to their mansion," I responded.

"Maybe it is time to know her and found out what she is, you can't hate her base on what she had done in the past." My sister replied.

"Look, I will go there to cook her food, but I will never be friendly with her, she is wicked, and I don't think someone like her would ever change, Lianne, I am doing all this for the money, nothing more nothing less," I said with finality.

"Okay, but I hope when you are away, you will take this chance to forget about Madeline. You will be in a new place, maybe you are too busy daydreaming about Maddie and you didn't realize you already met the girl just for you." Lianne said and I gave her a hard look.

"Jack, she is happily married to Hunter Divenson, she was in love with him, you have to stop your craziness, you have the right to be happy too." She added.

"Don't worry, I will try harder this time, Lianne," I replied in more than a whisper and my sister's face lit up as she hugged me. And I don't want to tell her I don't know even know where to start, and I still find it so hard to forget Madeline, but I was hoping one day I can finally say I was over her.