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Loving Madeline

Chapter 39 - To Have Her Back
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Hunter's POV

As I drive my car going to my office, I can't stop thinking about Madeline. Her innocence and her sweet kisses make me crazy, and I want to go back and kiss her again, but I need to go to the site because of some emergencies, and as I get out of my car, Roman, the head of my bodyguard, got out from his car and followed me inside the office.

"Mr. Divenson, it is nice to have you back." Calixto greeted me

"You haven't only seen me for almost twenty-four hours, Cal." I said.

"Of course, but I am used to seeing you almost every morning until dusk. The chopper is ready, Mr. Divenson." He said, and we all get out of the office and proceed to the elevator. The moment we arrived at the helipad, the chopper is ready, so we all climbed up and settled ourselves, and as the helicopter takes off, I remember Madeline's face, and I realized I want to take her on a date soon. I am so engrossed with thinking about her that I haven't noticed we arrived at the site.

Our underground mining is now deep, but I always remind them of safety precautions. I am just glad the gold deposit of this area is vast. That is why our company is still leading, but to be on the top. I work hard every day to maintain what we have. I got investments, and so far, I am glad that I don't have bad investments, and my newly acquired asset is for Madeline. I want her to finish her studies, and after she graduated from college, that is time she will run her own company.

I want her to be vital to experience what is the real meaning of business, and I know she is smart, so in due time my family will acknowledge her. I know they don't like Madeline because she is poor and an orphan, and most of all, she is a misfit in our society, but I will change that. I want her to be known because I know she had a terrible life growing up, and now that I am in her life, I will make sure she will have a better life, and I will offer her everything she wants.

As we go deep down the site, I can see the mining types of equipment such as trucks, loaders, diggers, and many more. I can see my men nodding at me as I scan them if they are wearing the proper gears, and I am glad they always follow protocols. And I always remind them to think about their safety first because, for me, life is essential. When I check and assist with the damage, I am glad it isn't that bad. I had a brief meeting with some personnel. Every time I conduct a meeting, I always include the safety protocols because creating a safer workplace means good business.

"Cal, please, I need to have a word with you." I said to him after we arrived at the Divenson Tower.

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"Yes, Sir." He replied.

"What do you want to tell me, Mr. Divenson?" Calixto asked the moment we get inside my office, and I sat on my swivel chair and put my hand on my chin as I leaned my back on the back of my chair.

"Have a seat, Cal," I ordered him.

"Please, invite the Morigan family. I want them to witness my union with Madeline, especially the chef. I want him to realize Madeline is mine." I said, and I couldn't believe Calixto will laugh at my face.

"May I know why you are laughing, Calixto?" I asked, confused.

"I couldn't believe you, Mr. Divenson; you are jealous of Lydia's son." He said, and I can feel my face turned red because of my anger with Cal.

"Cal, I am not jealous, okay? I want him to know Maddie is mine." I responded.

"Okay, whatever you say, Mr. Divenson." He replied, and I can tell he doesn't believe me.

"Did you finalize the caterer? How about the cake? The florists?" I asked him, and he smiled at me.

"Everything is okay, Mr. Divenson, including Madeline's bridal gown. Your suit, and the gowns of your mother and sisters. The couturier already went to your mansion last week, and it will be ready this week." Calixto declared.

"Good job, Cal, you may go now," I said.

"Aren't you going to go home now to Madeline?" He asked, and I stared at him.

"I am sorry, I will go now, Sir." He said and left my office without a second glance, I don't tell Cal, but I am so happy that he is working with me. Calixto is a very reliable man, but ever since Madeline came into my life, he became more concerned about my love life. I release a sigh, and I check some emails before I get out of my office, and I drop by a flower shop and buy a bouquet for Maddie.

By the time I arrived at our mansion, the maid had informed me that my family is in the pavilion having a family tea, and I felt disappointed that they didn't invite Madeline.

"Hunter, please join us, son." My mom said enthusiastically.

"Thanks, mom, but I need to see my fiancee," I said as I put my hand in my pockets as I go back to my car. I get my things and the flowers. I took a bath and dressed in my cargo shorts and T-shirt, and I go to Madeline's room, and when I open her room, I find her sleeping on her side. I can tell she was still tired from her swimming escapade yesterday.

She moves her body and stretches her limbs, and I can't stop myself from looking at her perfect lips. I want to lay beside her and claim her mouth since our sweet moments together were stopped because of Calixto's call, but I can set aside my desire and let her have a nice rest. I lay the flower on her nightstand and walk out of her room quietly. The moment I get outside her room, I came across my little sister, Lily.

"She is sleeping, Lily, and I think we should let her rest." I said.

"Um, okay, Hunter, do you have some free time this coming weekend?" My little sister asked.

"Why?" I asked her in return.

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"Can you take Maddie and me to the lake so we can go fishing?" She asked, and I can't help but smile at her.

"Sure, I can never say no to you, sweetheart." I replied, and her face lit up, and she moves closer to me, and she hugged my waist.

"Thank you, Hunter, I promised Maddie that we would go fishing someday, and I felt so glad that you agreed." She declared.

"You did? Well, thank you for keeping Madeline company, Lily. I appreciate it." I spoke.

"You don't need to ask me what to do, Hunter, I love Madeline, and I always enjoy being with her." She said, and I couldn't be happier at least one member of my family likes Madeline.

"Thank you, big brother, for taking her back. I miss her." She said.

"I miss her too, Lily, don't worry, Madeline will stay here with us starting today; I will make sure she will never leave." I said.

"You better be because I will never get tired of helping her." She said, and I laugh. I take Lily to her room, and I walk back to my bedroom, and I try to take some sleep, but no matter what I do, I can't stop thinking about her. When I look at the clock, it is almost time for dinner, so I got up from my bed and walk to Maddie's room, I knock, and I am still surprised to see how beautiful she is when she opened the door for me. She blushed, and I can tell she was thinking about the hot moment we shared, and I can't help myself from beaming. She opened the door wide, and I get inside.

"Thank you for the flowers, Hunter. They are beautiful." She said, and she sat down on her bed, and I walked to her couch and settled myself as I looked at her face. I asked her to come and sit beside me, and as she walks towards me, I can't stop myself from swallowing my saliva as I watched her lovely face, and I want to tell Cal to change our wedding day tomorrow because I can no longer wait to have and to taste her. Because I can't stop the aching that I feel, and I can no longer think of anything.

"You are welcome, Madeline, and I am glad you like them." I replied.

"Of course, this is the first time I received a bouquet, and I love it." She answered, and when she sat beside me, I can smell her shampoo and body wash. I pull her closer to me, and I can't stop myself from claiming her soft lips; I can tell how responsive she is, and I am shocked when Madeline kissed me back with hunger, and she slithered her tongue inside my mouth. I take her into my lap, and she curled her legs around my waist. And I love the way she put her hand at the back of my head while she continues kissing me.

Her sweet moans have ignited the fire that I felt, and as we are kissing, I put my hand on her thigh, and I caressed her smooth skin. This time I kissed her back expertly, and I can feel my erection between my legs, and I could say Madeline is turning me on beyond she could imagine. We were still kissing when we heard a loud knock on her door, and I know dinner is ready. We both looked at each other with a wide grin on our faces, and I am so glad she is no longer upset with me. I help her fixed herself, and together we walk out from her room, and we find Cerila outside her door.

"Mr. Divenson and Ms. Brownwood, dinner is ready." Cerila declared.

"Thank you, Cerila." We both said, and we made our way through the hallways, and when we reach the grand staircase, I find my sister waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs.. And she was smiling at us, and she focused her eyes on our entangled fingers, and I felt so happy to have Madeline back in the Divenson mansion.