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MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 169: Rescue Operation!!!!
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Jack watched all the players perish without giving a single fuck— or that's what it looked like anyway.

Their numbers kept dwindling, but even then, he didn't do anything about it, only gently smiling. He looked as if a man watching grass be cut, completely indifferent.

As their bodies were crushed and their limbs severed, many gave a resentful glance his way.

Why, why, just why?! Why hadn't he saved them?! It would have been so damn easy for him! All he had to do was kill the damn shadowy creatures!

But he didn't, even as they disappeared, even as they lost their hard-earned XP. This was what being abandoned felt like.

Surprisingly, the old cultist survived until the end, but even he was about to go down. As the life left his eyes, he gave an apologetic smile toward his king for dying so quickly.

Jack was left alone with the dozen hunters.

They eyed him while opening their dark-hole-like maws. They wanted to devour his essence. Not only was it shining the brightest, but it also contained something that attracted them.

Even they didn't know what it was, but they would certainly grow stronger should they devour this man.

It was freaking calling out to them, and they wouldn't wait anymore. Oh, this would be so delicious! That's when they pounced on him.

This would soon be over….

━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

Moon Moon had been gleefully devouring sausages when it almost choked on one. Its surprised expression made the Butcher chuckle:

"Hahaha, no need to eat so quickly. Now that your master has won, the mystery sausages are going back into production! No need to be sneaky about it anymore! Here's another!"

But the previously cheerful wolf suddenly rose, an incredibly solemn expression on its tiny face. Then the Butcher saw the little one's eyes and unconsciously took a step back in fright.

What the Hell?! They were color of ink and overflowed with incredible rage. The little wolf wasn't looking at him, and yet he could feel his legs shake.

But a second later, Moon Moon looked as it always did, fluffy and cute. Had it just been a mirage? The perplexed Butcher didn't have time to ponder that the little one was already gone.

It didn't know how, but at that moment, it knew that its master was in danger and there was no way it would abandon him! After all, they were family!

At first, the little wolf was rushing as fast as its tiny legs could carry it, even about to transform in its mighty battle form, but then it controlled itself.

It could hear the shadowy devilish creatures in the distance. They were everywhere! At this moment, Moon Moon knew that it couldn't afford to die— or else who would rescue Master?! No one!

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Could it fight them? No way!

It could sense how scary these creatures were, and it didn't stand a chance. But then it remembered all the adventures with Master! They had seen something similar before.

Moon Moon could vividly remember the sneaky foxes hiding in bushes, the bully wolves roaming all over the place, and the crazy exploding chickens!

At this moment, the little wolf understood just how wise its master was. He had taught it so much, and it was time to put it to use!

I had to be sneaky, but it had to be quick too! It also needed to bring help!

That's how a strange fluffy orange and black shadow began sneaking from house to house across the village akin to a ninja!

Whenever it sensed an enemy coming nearby, it would throw itself on the ground, behind cover. Then it would slowly count inwardly, repeating its favorite number.




Moon Moon knew "one" very well: it was a warm and caring number. It loved it! Its master would always go, "I'm getting a sausage. Want one?"

Then after counting to a few ones, the scary shadows would leave, and it would dash again.

Usually, Moon Moon wouldn't have been afraid of them. Dying was no big deal; it just meant chasing that six-eyed god again! But this time, it could sense that its master's situation was bad!

Moon Moon quickly reviewed possible helpers in its head,

Man that smells of iron? Too weak!

Man with the plants? Too unreliable!

Man with the big hammer? Way too far!

There was only one guy left that it could think of. He was incredibly annoying, but that didn't matter right now. The priority was Master!

Moon Moon knew where to go already: it could hear the annoying man. He had been shouting a lot today and was still doing it now.

That's how Moon Moon made its way over, as quickly as possible.

Then it finally reached a large group of players. There he was! The annoying man was in the back, as naked and loud as usual.

But many I.R.L. players noticed it first and decided to cause trouble. Before Moon Moon could attract the annoying guy's attention, it was already surrounded!

The cowards wanted revenge on the Demon King but didn't dare to attack the man directly. But now his pet was alone and isolated. How would the little thing resist? It couldn't!

They chuckled, a vile light in their eyes:

"Goddammit, it's the Demon King's mutt!"

"Let's make it into a freaking coat!"

"Kill that fucker's pet!"

A dozen enthusiastic players grabbed their weapons as they charged forward. They were ready to skin the poor wolf!

At this moment, Moon Moon realized its precarious situation.

Die —> Fail to Save Master

No freaking way!

It found its little heart overwhelmed with rage for one of the first times in its life. These bastards wanted to hurt its master?!

That's when something clicked inside it as it began cursing them!

"Woo!" (You don't deserve any meat!)

"Woo!" (You don't deserve headpats!)

"Woo!" (You don't deserve to live!)

"Woo!" (Evil Bastards!)

They were evil! So freaking evil! They were enemies of everything good in this world! It felt the same black energy it had felt back then overwhelm it.

The players were laughing:

"Is it really trying to be menacing!"

"Hahaha, it couldn't scare a fly!"

"What a dumb fucking wolf!"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Moon moon didn't know how, but it suddenly knew what it had to do. It used all the hate it felt and harnessed its power! It would need all the power to save Master!

Then it opened its mouth and….

—̵̨̛̗̹̹̘̿ ̷̰̔̐͑̍́̒̚Ḧ̸̼̙͔̟̄̋̕͠Ǫ̴̭̟͊͗̔͘͘͝W̴̜̹͚̓̍͛̊́̍͆̎L̶̨̤̥͇̩͙͉̭̾̋̾̈́̐̃̀̈̏͠!̷̛̛͈̺̙̟̟̫͚͚͇̜̒̐͠͠!̶̼̕!̸̬̟̹̙̺̳͂͑̂͗͛̔—̷̡̻͖̈́͗̆̈́͑̿ͅ

All the surrounding players turned pale as they fell to their knees.

The smiles of ridicule disappeared instantly, as they were far too busy soiling themselves.

The nearby I.R.L. players all kneeled in a pool of their own piss; their eyes widened in horror at the shadow that had very briefly appeared behind the little wolf.

A distance away, the annoying guy had been busy monologuing.

"Everyone with me! It will be time for a counterattack and—" But he froze in shock as he heard AND felt Moon Moon's mighty howl.

What the heck was that?! It sounded like an archaic godly demonic beast!!

He saw a small orange wolf staring straight at him as he turned around. But for some reason, there were at least a dozen braves lying defeated at its paws. What the hell?!

This was the Demon King's pet, right?! What the fuck was it doing here, and how had it done so much damage?!

In the pet's eyes, he could see its reluctance to be there, displeasure, a bit of hate, and even disdain! How could a pet be so goddamn expressive?!

That's when it opened its mouth.


Moon Moon waved its paw at the annoying guy, gesturing to follow it. Then it walked away, leading the way.

The Village chief stilled. How the heck was he supposed to understand this?! He wasn't a freaking druid! Was he mistaken, or was the wolf asking him to follow it?

"W-what is it?! Do you want me to follow you?" He asked, perplexed.

Moon Moon rolled its eyes at the idiot, giving him a disdainful glance. How many times would it have to repeat itself?


The Chief followed the small wolf, shellshocked. As for the players in the background, they were either trying to get up or pinching themselves.

The cute-looking Moon Moon was that scary?!

It was to be expected. After all, Moon Moon was a wolf on a mission: it had to rescue its Master….


[A/N] Hype! Feb Mass Release Time! ?

Day 6: Time traveling like a Boss! ^_^v ⏱️ (2/4)