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MMORPG: The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1565: the rebellion began
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Chapter 1565: Chapter 1565, the rebellion began

Two days later, Jiang Fei and the others followed the slave army to the outskirts of Mara city. However, there were only about 500,000 slaves who had arrived at Mara City. There were also more than 300,000 old, weak, women, and children following behind them.

“Sir, what should we do next?”Gilent asked.

“Attack the city!”Jiang Fei said without hesitation. The reason why the slaves were able to reach Mara City successfully was because the technology in this era was backward. There was a lack of fast means of communication. Therefore, under the condition of deliberately keeping it a secret.., the Norton Empire had no idea that these slaves had rebelled.

The Norton Empire was a Super Empire that ruled an entire planet. They had a huge army. It was enough to wipe out Gilent and his slaves. However, these armies were scattered all over the planet, therefore, it was difficult to gather them all at once.

Therefore, for Gilent and the others, time was their only weapon. They had to defeat Mala and kill the emperor before the empire could react. Only then would the empire be leaderless, when that time came, there was a high chance that the generals from all over the world would become their own kings and rule over a region.

When that time came, the Empire’s army would be completely scattered. It would be impossible to gather together again. At that time, Gilent and the rest would be safe.

“But Marla city is very strong...”Gilent said with some difficulty.

“Strong my ass!”Jiang Fei rolled his eyes. If this kind of earth-built city could be considered strong, then the ancient cities on Earth would become castles that would never fall.

“But sir, we have neither weapons nor siege weapons. How are we going to siege the City?”Gilent was still very conflicted.

“What do we need siege weapons for? We need dozens of strong slaves. No, we need dozens of strong warriors. We need them to find a thick log and carry it to the city gate!”Jiang Fei said halfway, then, he suddenly remembered that the most taboo thing for these slaves was for others to talk about their identity. So, he immediately changed his words.

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“Is that okay?”Gilent said with some doubt.

“Whether it’s okay or not, you just have to do it. When the time comes, remember, you have to be the first to lead the Charge!”Jiang Fei said.

“No problem. But I only ask you one thing,”said Gilent after taking a deep breath.

“What?”Jiang Fei asked.

“If I die in battle, please make sure that my brothers can live.”Gilent did not care about the lives of the other slaves. He only cared about his little brothers.

“Don’t worry. You Won’t die,”Jiang Fei said with a faint smile.

“I hope so.”Gilent sighed.

The next morning, Gilent began to mobilize the slave army.

“As everyone can see, Marla city is right in front of us. As long as we break through the city and kill the vermin inside, not only will we be free, but we will also receive the power bestowed by the Yellow Heavens. We will also be able to obtain the wealth and women of those vermin!”Said gilent loudly.

“Kill them!”

“Rob them of all their wealth!”

“Rob them of all their women!”


In an instant, those slaves who had been suppressed for too long were incited. Once upon a time, freedom was a luxury for them. But now, not only was freedom within their grasp, they would also obtain great power.., along with them were countless wealth and women with delicate skin!

Slaves were not even qualified to marry commoners. Once the girls they gave birth to had a bit of beauty, they would be taken away by their masters when they were young. Therefore, those delicate and delicate noble girls.., to them, there was an inherent temptation!

“Damn it!”Jiang Fei cursed silently. Although he had instructed Gilent to incite the slaves, he did not expect Gilent to incite the slaves into becoming thugs. If he were to conquer Marla City, Jiang Fei would not even need to think about it.., the entire city would become a purgatory!

“Sigh!”Jiang Fei sighed. In his history class, although he had praised the peasant uprising, Jiang Fei could still see the brutality of the peasant uprising from the occasional historical records, after these people overthrew their previous oppression, their oppression of their companions was even greater than before.

If even the peasant uprising army was like this, then the rebellious slaves would be even worse. They had suffered even greater oppression. Once they overcame their oppression, they would definitely pass the cruel oppression on to others!

However, although Jiang Fei sighed endlessly about this, he did not intend to stop the rebellion. The reason was simple. After the fusion of the dark soul, Jiang Fei’s character was no longer as weak as before, although he sympathized with the civilians of Norton, he knew the importance of the safety of the universe. Therefore, even if he had to sacrifice the entire Norton planet, Jiang Fei would not change his decision.

After a short mobilization, the 500,000-plus slave army was already boiling with excitement. Under Gilent’s arrangement, they forcefully suppressed the excitement in their hearts. Then, they pretended to be travel-worn as they headed towards Marla City.

From Afar, the guards of Marla City had already discovered the slaves that had come from afar.

There was a saying that there was no end to the number of people who came. When the number of people reached over 100,000, it was as if the sky was connected to the sky. The 500,000 slaves army slowly arrived, and the line was almost as long as the horizon.

However, the guards of Marla City did not care about this. After all, they had long known that the Emperor had bestowed a few million slaves to the kingdom. These slaves should have arrived in Marla a few days ago, however, they were delayed because of the heavy rain in the south.

“Hehe, these unlucky fellows are finally here!”

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“Yeah, a group of poor slaves. They had to travel so far just because of a new master. Who knows how many of them will die on the way...”

“How many will die? You are really ignorant. You Don’t know that His Majesty has issued the latest decree, Right?”

“What decree?”

“All those who fail to comply will be executed!”

“All of them?”

“That’s right! None of these unlucky bastards will survive!”

The two guards discussed leisurely. They had never expected that these slaves had turned from a bunch of sheep that were at the mercy of others into ferocious hungry wolves!

Very quickly, the group of slaves arrived near the city gate. At this time, some sharp-eyed soldiers had already noticed that something was wrong!

“Eh? Why isn’t this group of slaves being escorted?”

“Why are the soldiers’weapons in the hands of the slaves?”

“F * ck! is this group of scum rebelling?”

“Close the city gate! Quickly close the city gate!”


After a burst of noise, the soldiers began to close the city gate in a hubbub. Because Chengping had been too long, the noose that opened and closed the city gate had already begun to jam. It was not easy to close it!

“Charge!”After discovering the unusual movements on the city wall, Gilentte immediately realized that his group had been exposed. However, there was nothing to hide at this time, so he roared loudly, he was the first to charge towards the city gate!

“Charge! Follow the footsteps of the Chosen One!”The slaves shouted loudly and then swarmed towards the city gate!