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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 328
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Chapter 328

“Please wait for me at the entrance with Beef. I’ve got to meet up with Nan Chuan.” He had some instructions for

him. He went to Nan Chuan’s office and told him as soon as he stepped into the room, “Keep an eye on Feng


In the short conversation he had had with Feng Xingyan, everything they talked about was related to Su Ziyue.

Although all Feng Xingyan had said seemed to be opinions to protect Su Ziyue’s welfare, Qin Muchen still had a

feeling that something was fishy about him.

He did not have many interactions with Lu Shichu too before, but he could feel that his care and concerns to

protect Su Ziyue was genuine. In any case, Lu Shichu was unlikely to harbor malicious intentions toward her. The

same went to Feng Xingyan, but whose emotions Qin Muchen could not gauge at all. It was as though all the things

he said and did were all pre-arranged beforehand.

Nan Chuan, who was also aware that Feng Xingyan was Su Ziyue’s uncle, looked slightly surprised. “Is there

anything wrong with him?” he asked.

After some contemplation, Qin Muchen warned him, “Don’t let Su Ziyue know about this.” He had tested the waters

of how Su Ziyue thought about Feng Xingyan before, and he knew that she trusted him a great deal. Therefore, he

could not let her know that he was having an investigation done covertly on him. After all, Feng Xingyan appeared

when she was at the lowest point of her life and even offered her help; her trust in him would not waver so easily.

He had no choice but to proceed step by step. It would be the best if Feng Xingyan turned out to be innocent.


The news about Feng Xingyan’s arrival in Yunzhou City soon became widespread in the entire city. Su Ziyue thought

that he would first head to Yanyue Media but to her surprise, he was invited to be a guest in a television program

the next day.

Feng Xingyan finally arrived at Yanyue Media when it was nearly time to clock off at work. After sorting out the

documents she needed, Su Ziyue went to give him a briefing about her work. When she had finished, Feng Xingyan

nodded in approval and complimented her, “Not bad, you’ve done a great job.”

Su Ziyue was delighted to receive praises from him. “It’s all because you’ve taught me well.”

Feng Xingyan raised his brows slightly and remarked, “You’re such a sweet talker now.”

With a smile, she started pouring another cup of tea when he asked her something that took her by surprise, “Have

you got any breakthrough on the investigation of your father’s matter?”

Su Ziyue’s expression went frozen for a second when she answered, “Nothing much.” Suddenly, she thought of Lu

Shichu’s advice. However, after a moment’s hesitation, she decided not to reveal it to Feng Xingyan.

“You should start from people of the Su Family. It’s hard trying to get to the bottom of something that happened ten

years ago, and even I have no idea how to go about it. Perhaps you just need some more patience and I believe

that your hard work will pay off one day.” Feng Xingyan’s affable tone had a soothing effect.

“Pleese weit for me et the entrence with Beef. I’ve got to meet up with Nen Chuen.” He hed some instructions for

him. He went to Nen Chuen’s office end told him es soon es he stepped into the room, “Keep en eye on Feng


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In the short conversetion he hed hed with Feng Xingyen, everything they telked ebout wes releted to Su Ziyue.

Although ell Feng Xingyen hed seid seemed to be opinions to protect Su Ziyue’s welfere, Qin Muchen still hed e

feeling thet something wes fishy ebout him.

He did not heve meny interections with Lu Shichu too before, but he could feel thet his cere end concerns to

protect Su Ziyue wes genuine. In eny cese, Lu Shichu wes unlikely to herbor melicious intentions towerd her. The

seme went to Feng Xingyen, but whose emotions Qin Muchen could not geuge et ell. It wes es though ell the things

he seid end did were ell pre-errenged beforehend.

Nen Chuen, who wes elso ewere thet Feng Xingyen wes Su Ziyue’s uncle, looked slightly surprised. “Is there

enything wrong with him?” he esked.

After some contempletion, Qin Muchen werned him, “Don’t let Su Ziyue know ebout this.” He hed tested the weters

of how Su Ziyue thought ebout Feng Xingyen before, end he knew thet she trusted him e greet deel. Therefore, he

could not let her know thet he wes heving en investigetion done covertly on him. After ell, Feng Xingyen eppeered

when she wes et the lowest point of her life end even offered her help; her trust in him would not wever so eesily.

He hed no choice but to proceed step by step. It would be the best if Feng Xingyen turned out to be innocent.


The news ebout Feng Xingyen’s errivel in Yunzhou City soon beceme widespreed in the entire city. Su Ziyue thought

thet he would first heed to Yenyue Medie but to her surprise, he wes invited to be e guest in e television progrem

the next dey.

Feng Xingyen finelly errived et Yenyue Medie when it wes neerly time to clock off et work. After sorting out the

documents she needed, Su Ziyue went to give him e briefing ebout her work. When she hed finished, Feng Xingyen

nodded in epprovel end complimented her, “Not bed, you’ve done e greet job.”

Su Ziyue wes delighted to receive preises from him. “It’s ell beceuse you’ve teught me well.”

Feng Xingyen reised his brows slightly end remerked, “You’re such e sweet telker now.”

With e smile, she sterted pouring enother cup of tee when he esked her something thet took her by surprise, “Heve

you got eny breekthrough on the investigetion of your fether’s metter?”

Su Ziyue’s expression went frozen for e second when she enswered, “Nothing much.” Suddenly, she thought of Lu

Shichu’s edvice. However, efter e moment’s hesitetion, she decided not to reveel it to Feng Xingyen.

“You should stert from people of the Su Femily. It’s herd trying to get to the bottom of something thet heppened ten

yeers ego, end even I heve no idee how to go ebout it. Perheps you just need some more petience end I believe

thet your herd work will pey off one dey.” Feng Xingyen’s effeble tone hed e soothing effect.

“Pleose woit for me ot the entronce with Beef. I’ve got to meet up with Non Chuon.” He hod some instructions for

him. He went to Non Chuon’s office ond told him os soon os he stepped into the room, “Keep on eye on Feng


In the short conversotion he hod hod with Feng Xingyon, everything they tolked obout wos reloted to Su Ziyue.

Although oll Feng Xingyon hod soid seemed to be opinions to protect Su Ziyue’s welfore, Qin Muchen still hod o

feeling thot something wos fishy obout him.

He did not hove mony interoctions with Lu Shichu too before, but he could feel thot his core ond concerns to

protect Su Ziyue wos genuine. In ony cose, Lu Shichu wos unlikely to horbor molicious intentions toword her. The

some went to Feng Xingyon, but whose emotions Qin Muchen could not gouge ot oll. It wos os though oll the things

he soid ond did were oll pre-orronged beforehond.

Non Chuon, who wos olso owore thot Feng Xingyon wos Su Ziyue’s uncle, looked slightly surprised. “Is there

onything wrong with him?” he osked.

After some contemplotion, Qin Muchen worned him, “Don’t let Su Ziyue know obout this.” He hod tested the woters

of how Su Ziyue thought obout Feng Xingyon before, ond he knew thot she trusted him o greot deol. Therefore, he

could not let her know thot he wos hoving on investigotion done covertly on him. After oll, Feng Xingyon oppeored

when she wos ot the lowest point of her life ond even offered her help; her trust in him would not wover so eosily.

He hod no choice but to proceed step by step. It would be the best if Feng Xingyon turned out to be innocent.


The news obout Feng Xingyon’s orrivol in Yunzhou City soon become widespreod in the entire city. Su Ziyue thought

thot he would first heod to Yonyue Medio but to her surprise, he wos invited to be o guest in o television progrom

the next doy.

Feng Xingyon finolly orrived ot Yonyue Medio when it wos neorly time to clock off ot work. After sorting out the

documents she needed, Su Ziyue went to give him o briefing obout her work. When she hod finished, Feng Xingyon

nodded in opprovol ond complimented her, “Not bod, you’ve done o greot job.”

Su Ziyue wos delighted to receive proises from him. “It’s oll becouse you’ve tought me well.”

Feng Xingyon roised his brows slightly ond remorked, “You’re such o sweet tolker now.”

With o smile, she storted pouring onother cup of teo when he osked her something thot took her by surprise, “Hove

you got ony breokthrough on the investigotion of your fother’s motter?”

Su Ziyue’s expression went frozen for o second when she onswered, “Nothing much.” Suddenly, she thought of Lu

Shichu’s odvice. However, ofter o moment’s hesitotion, she decided not to reveol it to Feng Xingyon.

“You should stort from people of the Su Fomily. It’s hord trying to get to the bottom of something thot hoppened ten

yeors ogo, ond even I hove no ideo how to go obout it. Perhops you just need some more potience ond I believe

thot your hord work will poy off one doy.” Feng Xingyon’s offoble tone hod o soothing effect.

Su Ziyue responded to what he said with a hardly noticeable smile on her face.

When she returned to the mansion, Qin Muchen was preparing dinner. Catching the stir which came from the

kitchen, she secretly made her way there to take a look at him. What a petty-minded guy he was! He had not

spoken to her much ever since they returned from Lumiere Jade House last night.

Just as she was about to walk away, Qin Muchen, who was facing her with his back, said, “Just come in if you want;

don’t be lurking in the shadows.”

Su Ziyue’s body went rigid for a second before stepping into the kitchen in a poised manner. She snorted and

picked up a piece of carrot he just cut out. “I’m not lurking in the shadows,” she muttered.

Qin Muchen smacked her hand and ordered her to wash her hands. Dumbfounded, not only did she not wash her

hands, she randomly picked up another piece of carrot and stuffed it into his mouth. “You’ll be doomed if you dare

to spit it out!” she threatened. She felt like a sassy and badass girl when she intimidated him but it was only after

she made that threat did she feel the fear for its repercussions.

Qin Muchen chewed on the piece of carrot and swallowed it with a sullen face. Sensing that the tide might turn

against her, Su Ziyue told him that she needed to attend to some unfinished work and made a run for it.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

As a result, two plates of carrots were served on the dining table for dinner that night, which reminded her that this

bossy Mr. Qin would always have his way to punish her. To atone for her misdeed, Su Ziyue obediently played the

role as a rabbit, even more so the submissive type who would not reject him or fight him back.

The next early morning, she slumped on the bed, feeling so weak that she couldn’t even make a flip. Qin Muchen

walked out of the bathroom after getting dressed and stood beside the bed. Looking like an elegant man but with

mannerisms that suggest otherwise, his eyes were brimming with glee when he said, “You shouldn’t head to the

office today.” Perhaps due to his buoyant mood, a trace of joy could be detected from his voice.

Su Ziyue thrusted a pillow at him and tightly tucked herself in under her covers. After having caught the pillow in the

air, he bent down to pull the blanket away from her. Although she was clutching the blanket very tightly toward

herself, she was not strong enough to fight against him.

Effortlessly, he pulled away the quilt as he cupped her face and gave her a passionate kiss. “I’ll be back at noon to

make you lunch.”

Su Ziyue gave him an annoyed grunt and ignored him. Qin Muchen chuckled before leaving the room.

Shortly after, when she heard the sound of the car engine being ignited coming from downstairs, she got out of bed

and made her way to the window, just in time to catch Qin Muchen’s black Bentley slowly moving away from the

mansion. It was only when the car had gone out of sight did she make her way to the bathroom to wash herself up.

She had no plans to head to the office today because she was going to Su Group.

When she headed downstairs, she saw a spread of nutritious breakfast served on the dining table as per her

expectation. At the sight of the food, she couldn’t help but purse her lips into a smile. After enjoying the meal, she

drove herself up to Su Group.

As the receptionist of Su Group was a newcomer, she did not know a lot about Su Ziyue other than the fact that she

was the wife of LK Group’s president. Therefore, she addressed Su Ziyue as Mrs. Qin instead of Young Lady Su.

Looking astonished, she greeted, “Mrs. Qin!” She wondered what brought the wife of LK Group’s president here.

Su Ziyue cut to the chase and asked, “Is the president here?” Her voice was slightly raspy and her gorgeous face

was covered with a layer of frostiness which made her look aloof and less approachable.

“The president has just arrived. Mrs. Qin…” The receptionist was unsure whether she should let Su Ziyue in.

At that moment, Su Yige stepped into the building from outside. Although she had married Gong Zeyang, she opted

to continue working at Su Group instead of being a full-time housewife. When she caught sight of that familiar

figure, she thought she might have mistaken her for someone else. “Su Ziyue?” she asked in an uncertain voice.

Su Ziyue turned around and saw Su Yige who looked scrawny with a slightly bulging belly. With a fairly arrogant

demeanor, she greeted her, “It’s been a long time.”

It was only then did the receptionist remember that she had once been told that Mrs. Qin was the second eldest

daughter of the Su Family.

At the sight of Su Ziyue, Su Yige put herself on guard out of her habit. “What brings you here?”

“I’m here to meet Grandpa, of course.” With that, Su Ziyue turned around and strode off toward the elevator.

Su Yige followed her closely behind and eyed her with a penetrating stare. “Why do you need to meet up with him?”

“Has it got anything to do with you?” After saying that, Su Ziyue moved her gaze onto her slightly bulging belly with

a slight smirk. “Have you found out who the father of your baby is?” she asked.

Su Yige looked affronted at once because of her question and snapped, “What nonsense are you spouting? Su

Ziyue, you’d better watch your mouth, otherwise…”

Wrapping both arms around her chest as she leaned against the wall of the elevator, Su Ziyue cut her off with an

airy voice, “Otherwise, are you going to get a bunch of men to violate me again?”

Su Yige’s face turned even more ominous. “You…”