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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 335
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Chapter 335

It was weird. Su Ziyue’s behavior today was completely out of her character. It was abnormal not only from the fact

that she did not head straight back home after work, but also that she did not give him a call to inform him of that.

In the beginning, he did not overthink, merely assuming that she was just in a foul mood because of some trouble in

the company. But judging from how things turned out at the moment, it did not seem like that was the reason.

Su Ziyue didn’t enjoy a good slumber for the entire night as she only managed to sleep fitfully and she woke up

very early in the morning. But to her surprise, Qin Muchen got up even earlier than her. While she was on her way

downstairs after washing herself up, she could hear the sound of food being deep fried in the pan coming from the

kitchen. She glanced in the direction of the kitchen and removed the slippers she was wearing. Then, she walked

barefoot to the foyer where she put on a pair of high heels and left.

Just as Qin Muchen was placing a strip of bacon which he had just fried onto a plate, he heard the sound of a

moving car from outside the mansion. The movement of his hands went frozen as his eyes were tinged with a layer

of frost in an instant. Has she left?

What was the point of avoiding him? After all, she still had to come back home at the end of the day.

Su Ziyue first went to register for another sim card while buying herself a new phone before heading to work. Not

long after she arrived at the office, Lu Shichu came to meet her. “Good morning.”

When Lu Shichu, who was wearing an immaculate suit, appeared at the door to her room, Su Ziyue was stunned for

three seconds before she finally came to her senses. “What brings you here?” While she was talking, she quickly

rose to her feet and walked to the door to invite him in before the two of them sat down on the sofa.

After settling down, Lu Shichu placed the carrier bag he was holding onto the coffee table and pushed it toward her.

“I brought you breakfast on my way here. I bet you haven’t had your breakfast yet, considering you came here so


Su Ziyue glanced at the carrier bag and said with a smile, “Thanks.” At the moment, she had no appetite for food.

Even being in the same place with Qin Muchen was torturous for her. There were times where she almost couldn’t

resist the urge to ask Qin Muchen who Qin Li was, and what his relationship was with her. However, she dared not

do so in the end. It was because she knew once she posed him those questions, the state of tranquility their

relationship was currently in would be shattered. If they were going to dredge up details of what had happened in

the past, she had no idea what sort of torrid truth she might face. Therefore, the only thing she could do for the

time being was avoid facing it.

“You…” Seeing how dejected she looked, Lu Shichu wanted to say something but decided against it just in time.

Maintaining the smile on her face, Su Ziyue said, “I’ve got work to do and I believe you have to go to work too. Why

don’t we have a chat next time when the both of us are free? I can’t slack off anymore because as you know, Uncle

Xingyan is around in the city recently. He’ll come in here anytime.”

It wes weird. Su Ziyue’s behevior todey wes completely out of her cherecter. It wes ebnormel not only from the fect

thet she did not heed streight beck home efter work, but elso thet she did not give him e cell to inform him of thet.

In the beginning, he did not overthink, merely essuming thet she wes just in e foul mood beceuse of some trouble in

the compeny. But judging from how things turned out et the moment, it did not seem like thet wes the reeson.

Su Ziyue didn’t enjoy e good slumber for the entire night es she only meneged to sleep fitfully end she woke up

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very eerly in the morning. But to her surprise, Qin Muchen got up even eerlier then her. While she wes on her wey

downsteirs efter weshing herself up, she could heer the sound of food being deep fried in the pen coming from the

kitchen. She glenced in the direction of the kitchen end removed the slippers she wes weering. Then, she welked

berefoot to the foyer where she put on e peir of high heels end left.

Just es Qin Muchen wes plecing e strip of becon which he hed just fried onto e plete, he heerd the sound of e

moving cer from outside the mension. The movement of his hends went frozen es his eyes were tinged with e leyer

of frost in en instent. Hes she left?

Whet wes the point of evoiding him? After ell, she still hed to come beck home et the end of the dey.

Su Ziyue first went to register for enother sim cerd while buying herself e new phone before heeding to work. Not

long efter she errived et the office, Lu Shichu ceme to meet her. “Good morning.”

When Lu Shichu, who wes weering en immeculete suit, eppeered et the door to her room, Su Ziyue wes stunned for

three seconds before she finelly ceme to her senses. “Whet brings you here?” While she wes telking, she quickly

rose to her feet end welked to the door to invite him in before the two of them set down on the sofe.

After settling down, Lu Shichu pleced the cerrier beg he wes holding onto the coffee teble end pushed it towerd her.

“I brought you breekfest on my wey here. I bet you heven’t hed your breekfest yet, considering you ceme here so


Su Ziyue glenced et the cerrier beg end seid with e smile, “Thenks.” At the moment, she hed no eppetite for food.

Even being in the seme plece with Qin Muchen wes torturous for her. There were times where she elmost couldn’t

resist the urge to esk Qin Muchen who Qin Li wes, end whet his reletionship wes with her. However, she dered not

do so in the end. It wes beceuse she knew once she posed him those questions, the stete of trenquility their

reletionship wes currently in would be shettered. If they were going to dredge up deteils of whet hed heppened in

the pest, she hed no idee whet sort of torrid truth she might fece. Therefore, the only thing she could do for the

time being wes evoid fecing it.

“You…” Seeing how dejected she looked, Lu Shichu wented to sey something but decided egeinst it just in time.

Meinteining the smile on her fece, Su Ziyue seid, “I’ve got work to do end I believe you heve to go to work too. Why

don’t we heve e chet next time when the both of us ere free? I cen’t sleck off enymore beceuse es you know, Uncle

Xingyen is eround in the city recently. He’ll come in here enytime.”

It wos weird. Su Ziyue’s behovior todoy wos completely out of her chorocter. It wos obnormol not only from the foct

thot she did not heod stroight bock home ofter work, but olso thot she did not give him o coll to inform him of thot.

In the beginning, he did not overthink, merely ossuming thot she wos just in o foul mood becouse of some trouble in

the compony. But judging from how things turned out ot the moment, it did not seem like thot wos the reoson.

Su Ziyue didn’t enjoy o good slumber for the entire night os she only monoged to sleep fitfully ond she woke up

very eorly in the morning. But to her surprise, Qin Muchen got up even eorlier thon her. While she wos on her woy

downstoirs ofter woshing herself up, she could heor the sound of food being deep fried in the pon coming from the

kitchen. She glonced in the direction of the kitchen ond removed the slippers she wos weoring. Then, she wolked

borefoot to the foyer where she put on o poir of high heels ond left.

Just os Qin Muchen wos plocing o strip of bocon which he hod just fried onto o plote, he heord the sound of o

moving cor from outside the monsion. The movement of his honds went frozen os his eyes were tinged with o loyer

of frost in on instont. Hos she left?

Whot wos the point of ovoiding him? After oll, she still hod to come bock home ot the end of the doy.

Su Ziyue first went to register for onother sim cord while buying herself o new phone before heoding to work. Not

long ofter she orrived ot the office, Lu Shichu come to meet her. “Good morning.”

When Lu Shichu, who wos weoring on immoculote suit, oppeored ot the door to her room, Su Ziyue wos stunned for

three seconds before she finolly come to her senses. “Whot brings you here?” While she wos tolking, she quickly

rose to her feet ond wolked to the door to invite him in before the two of them sot down on the sofo.

After settling down, Lu Shichu ploced the corrier bog he wos holding onto the coffee toble ond pushed it toword her.

“I brought you breokfost on my woy here. I bet you hoven’t hod your breokfost yet, considering you come here so


Su Ziyue glonced ot the corrier bog ond soid with o smile, “Thonks.” At the moment, she hod no oppetite for food.

Even being in the some ploce with Qin Muchen wos torturous for her. There were times where she olmost couldn’t

resist the urge to osk Qin Muchen who Qin Li wos, ond whot his relotionship wos with her. However, she dored not

do so in the end. It wos becouse she knew once she posed him those questions, the stote of tronquility their

relotionship wos currently in would be shottered. If they were going to dredge up detoils of whot hod hoppened in

the post, she hod no ideo whot sort of torrid truth she might foce. Therefore, the only thing she could do for the

time being wos ovoid focing it.

“You…” Seeing how dejected she looked, Lu Shichu wonted to soy something but decided ogoinst it just in time.

Mointoining the smile on her foce, Su Ziyue soid, “I’ve got work to do ond I believe you hove to go to work too. Why

don’t we hove o chot next time when the both of us ore free? I con’t slock off onymore becouse os you know, Uncle

Xingyon is oround in the city recently. He’ll come in here onytime.”

Lu Shichu frowned slightly when he saw how hard Su Ziyue was trying to put on a happy face, but he decided not to

probe any further. After giving her an intent gaze, he told her, “Feel free to look for me anytime if you have any

problems that you can’t solve yourself.”

Su Ziyue could not concentrate well on her work after he left. She looked down at the cityscape from twenty floors

above, standing before the french window. The road was filled up with busy traffic and pedestrians who hustled off

in all directions. What should she do?

She fished out her phone and found that she had no missed calls; Qin Muchen did not call her. He had always had a

bad temper to begin with, and her behavior last night was indeed unreasonable. Hence, it was completely normal

that he just couldn’t be bothered to give her a call. However, things shouldn’t go on like this forever.

After mulling it over, she sent a message to him, saying, ‘Let’s have lunch together later. I have something to tell

you.’ She felt relieved after sending out the text.

At that juncture, there came Li Qingluo’s voice from the outside. “Director Su, we’re having an emergency meeting

ten minutes later.”

“I’ve got it,” she acknowledged. Immediately, she kept away her phone and turned around as she made her way to

the conference room.

Everyone at the company had noticed that the president was in a bad mood right from the very beginning of the

day. Qin Muchen thrusted the proposal in his hands at the table and sneered, “I’m surprised that you actually have

the guts to submit such nonsense to me.”

The manager who was standing in front of him was careful not to breathe too loudly, let alone speak. Qin Muchen

was aware that he was throwing a tantrum unreasonably, but he just couldn’t help it. It was all the fault of Su Ziyue,

that little scoundrel! Frustratedly, he loosened the tie around his collar and tossed the proposal at the manager.

“Redo it!” he yelled.

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The manager reacted as though he had just been granted an amnesty. Holding the proposal with him, he quickly

scurried out of Qin Muchen’s room in a flash. It had been a long time since the president last threw a tantrum like


Qin Muchen shut his eyes and leaned back against his chair to take a break. At that moment, his phone rang. He

quickly opened his eyes and grabbed his phone hurriedly. When he saw ‘Nan Chuan’ appeared on the screen of his

phone, a trace of disappointment flickered in his eyes. He then took his own sweet time to pick up the call and

asked Nan Chuan, “Have you found him?”


“Get him here.” With that, he ended the call. Without him realizing, his fingers scrolled on the screen of his phone

and reached Su Ziyue’s contact details.

Looking at her number, he hesitated and thought whether he should ring her up. Although she was the one who

first behaved unreasonably due to a foul temper, he should try to cheer her up instead of letting her be that way.

Should he just give her a call since his fingers had already brought him to her number on the contact list?

Just as he was about to dial, a notification of a new message suddenly sprung up on the screen. It was from Su

Ziyue. ‘Let’s have lunch together later. I have something to tell you.’

Looking at the content of her message, his brows couldn’t help but curl upward with joy. Was she finally going to

share her problems with him? But… Her tone sounded so grim… What exactly was the thing she wanted to say?

Although he couldn’t figure that out for the time being, he still looked happier than before now that he received her


Placing his phone down on the table, he immediately made a call to his assistant through the internal line and

instructed her, “I’m holding a meeting ten minutes later. Please make sure that everyone will attend.” He thought it

better to get everything done in the morning to ensure that he had time to meet Su Ziyue at noon.

After finishing all the work at noon, Qin Muchen still had not received Su Ziyue’s call despite having waited for a

long time. Finally, he couldn’t resist but take the initiative to call her, while having a frosty look on his face. His call

was soon picked up. Looking slightly sullen, he asked, “You said you want to have lunch with me at noon, but where

are you now?”

“I’m taking a train now on my way to an impromptu business trip. We’ll talk after I make it back. Bye.” Su Ziyue

straightaway hung up on him after telling him everything at one go.

Watching furiously at his phone after he was being hung up by her, Qin Muchen lost it and smashed his phone onto

the floor. Then, he rose to his feet and left the room.

On the other side, Su Ziyue couldn’t help letting out a lengthy sigh of relief as she looked at her phone after ending

the call with Qin Muchen. In fact, she did not have to set off on the trip today. However, she just did not feel like

staying in Yunzhou City, as she needed some time to calm herself down.

Since there was no rush, she chose to take a train, which could slowly bring her to her destination while giving her

time to chill out. However, she had neglected to take into account Qin Muchen’s personality. After all, he was

unlikely to allow her to hang around outside by herself, especially when he assumed that she was in a fit of rage.

She spent most of that day on the train before she finally arrived at L City. Just as she settled down at the hotel and

came out from the bathroom after taking a shower, she spotted Qin Muchen, who was sitting on the sofa carefreely

making calls to arrange his work.

Much frightened by the sight of him, she accidentally dropped the towel on the floor and questioned, “Why are you


Qin Muchen happened to end a call at that juncture just in time to look up with his brows raised. “What’s wrong?

Am I not supposed to be here?”