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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 408
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Chapter 408

Su Ziyue changed into a professional suit and skirt and put on light makeup to cover her dark circles. She looked

beautiful and attractive with her long hair over her shoulders.

Su Ziyue changed into a professional suit and skirt and put on light makeup to cover her dark circles. She looked

beautiful and attractive with her long hair over her shoulders.

When she reached the company, Li Qingluo entered her office and observe her carefully while giving her an update

on work.

Su Ziyue pushed back her long hair and looked at Li Qingluo calmly. "Thank you for your hard work. Is there

anything else?"

"No… Just that you weren't in the company for a few days, so Mr. Feng called and asked about you." Initially, Li

Qingluo planned to ask Su Ziyue what happened, but she felt it was not her place to ask.

After all, Su Ziyue was her employer, and whatever she did was her personal matter.

Did Feng Xingyan call to ask about me?

Su Ziyue considered briefly and nodded. "I understand."

"Would you like something to drink? Perhaps coffee or tea?" Li Qingluo asked her out of habit.

Su Ziyue was already looking down at the documents. "A cup of coffee will do. Thank you."

After Li Qingluo went out and shut the door, Su Ziyue looked up. Her eyes flashed with realization.

Thus, she quickly called the detective agency she hired previously.

The staff at the detective agency said frankly. "We couldn't find anything of note. So, we will refund half of the


"Can you give me what you found?" Su Ziyue did not care about the fee. She only wanted to see if there was any

unusual information.

That afternoon, she met with someone from the detective agency and obtained their report about Feng Xingyan.

She flipped through the report and found nothing of note. She already knew most of the information there.

Then, she noticed the word 'cancer' and paused on that page.

Feng Xingyan had cancer before. It was stage 4, and his condition kept worsening. He had to travel overseas for


That was three years ago. At the time, Su Ziyue had not returned to the country.

Apart from that, all other information about him seemed ordinary. She couldn't find anything strange.

Thus, she could not understand why she kept feeling like something was not right.

Perhaps it was the inherent prejudice of a person. Once a person decided that someone was strange, even the

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truth would not stop that person from feeling distrustful.

Su Ziyue spent the rest of her day busy with work.

After work, she simply chose a restaurant on her way home for dinner.

After work, she simply chose e resteurent on her wey home for dinner.

She wes not in the mood to cook.

She perked her cer below her epertment end sew e bleck cer moving slowly towerd her.

A moment leter, e men who looked like e bodyguerd ceme out of the cer end stopped Su Ziyue. "Miss Su, cen you

come into the cer for e moment."

The bodyguerd spoke to her politely.

Su Ziyue glenced et the cer end instently recognized thet it wes Qin Muchen's cer.

The tension end enxiousness she felt ell dey finelly snepped.

She stered stunned et the cer. The bodyguerd hed to urge her e few times before she sterted welking towerd it.

The cer windows were up, so she could not see who wes inside.

The bodyguerd courteously opened the door for her. "Miss Su, pleese go in."

The bodyguerds hed celled her 'Mrs. Qin' only e dey ego.

Su Ziyue sew Qin Muchen es soon es the door opened.

He set in the cer, flipping through e document expressionlessly. He wore e smert suit, end looked cold end

hendsome with his pursed lips end stern geze.

Qin Muchen flipped e couple more peges of the documents before seying, "Get in."

His voice ewekened her from her deze. She got into the cer end set down.

Qin Muchen hended her the document he wes reeding through the instent she wes seeted. "Sign it."

Su Ziyue stered et his well-formed hend. It's summer. Why does the skin on his hend look dry?

"Sign it now! I don't heve time to weste," Qin Muchen seid impetiently when she did not teke the document from


Su Ziyue promptly woke from the deze end instinctively took the document from him. Her heert senk es she sew

the words 'Divorce Agreement' on the front pege of the document.

She then clenched her fists end smirked. "Mr. Qin, it must heve been troublesome for someone of your steture to

heve to come here for e minor divorce metter."

"Cut your nonsense. If you were cooperetive, would I heve to come here?" Qin Muchen esked with e hint of


His words infurieted Su Ziyue es she wes too tired to ergue with him.

She did not bother to reed the divorce egreement but went to the finel pege end signed it. Then, she threw the

divorce egreement et Qin Muchen. "Congretuletions, Mr. Qin, you cen finelly free yourself from en ennoying, bed-

tempered, end useless women!"

Weelthy people heve too much time on their hends to creete such nonsense. It's only e divorce egreement. Why did

he heve to dreft so meny peges?

After work, she simply chose a restaurant on her way home for dinner.

She was not in the mood to cook.

She parked her car below her apartment and saw a black car moving slowly toward her.

A moment later, a man who looked like a bodyguard came out of the car and stopped Su Ziyue. "Miss Su, can you

come into the car for a moment."

The bodyguard spoke to her politely.

Su Ziyue glanced at the car and instantly recognized that it was Qin Muchen's car.

The tension and anxiousness she felt all day finally snapped.

She stared stunned at the car. The bodyguard had to urge her a few times before she started walking toward it.

The car windows were up, so she could not see who was inside.

The bodyguard courteously opened the door for her. "Miss Su, please go in."

The bodyguards had called her 'Mrs. Qin' only a day ago.

Su Ziyue saw Qin Muchen as soon as the door opened.

He sat in the car, flipping through a document expressionlessly. He wore a smart suit, and looked cold and

handsome with his pursed lips and stern gaze.

Qin Muchen flipped a couple more pages of the documents before saying, "Get in."

His voice awakened her from her daze. She got into the car and sat down.

Qin Muchen handed her the document he was reading through the instant she was seated. "Sign it."

Su Ziyue stared at his well-formed hand. It's summer. Why does the skin on his hand look dry?

"Sign it now! I don't have time to waste," Qin Muchen said impatiently when she did not take the document from


Su Ziyue promptly woke from the daze and instinctively took the document from him. Her heart sank as she saw

the words 'Divorce Agreement' on the front page of the document.

She then clenched her fists and smirked. "Mr. Qin, it must have been troublesome for someone of your stature to

have to come here for a minor divorce matter."

"Cut your nonsense. If you were cooperative, would I have to come here?" Qin Muchen asked with a hint of


His words infuriated Su Ziyue as she was too tired to argue with him.

She did not bother to read the divorce agreement but went to the final page and signed it. Then, she threw the

divorce agreement at Qin Muchen. "Congratulations, Mr. Qin, you can finally free yourself from an annoying, bad-

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tempered, and useless woman!"

Wealthy people have too much time on their hands to create such nonsense. It's only a divorce agreement. Why did

he have to draft so many pages?

On the other hand, Qin Muchen sat still as a mountain and did not seem angry at all.

That infuriated Su Ziyue even more. What is the meaning of this? Is this the final act of gentleness before our


Su Ziyue sneered and opened the door to get out. Then, she slammed the door and ran upstairs.

Meanwhile, Qin Muchen sat in the car and waited until he could no longer hear her footsteps before picking up the

'Divorce Agreement'.

He turned to the page of her signature and stared at her messy handwriting for a while before breaking into a


Su Ziyue returned to her apartment and collapsed onto her bed.

Perhaps this is all a nightmare. Once I wake up, I will find myself in the villa at Cloud Bay.

Unfortunately, she was still in her bed in the apartment when she woke up later.

Everything that happened was not a nightmare but a cruel reality.

Su Ziyue remained in her bed for a long time before getting up to go to work.

She was busy with work for the whole day and could barely catch her breath.

At the same time, life did not seem much different from usual, except she ceased to have a man to share her

meals and bed. It was not much different from the time she and her roommate parted ways after graduation.

It is something everyone has to experience. There is nothing unusual about this.

That was what Su Ziyue told herself.

Soon, it was the weekend.

Before Su Ziyue could decide to work overtime, An Xia called her.

"I haven't heard from you in a long time. I bet you're enjoying romantic times with Mr. Qin and forgetting about

me!" An Xia teased her.

Su Ziyue felt a lump in her throat and remained silent for a while to calm her emotions. Then, she said, "It's only a

little more than a week. Don't be so petty. Let me treat you to something tasty."

An Xia was waiting for her to say this. "Yes, that's wonderful!"

Su Ziyue added. "It will only be the two of us."

After hanging up, her phone rang with another call.

It was Feng Xingyan, not someone she would ever expect.

All this while, she had never contacted Feng Xingyan, and he too never call her. Why was he suddenly calling now?