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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 458
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Chapter 458

Qin Muchen lifted on eyebrow. "Pretty much. In ony cose, his fomily holds o lot of power."

Even though Qin Muchen did not eloborote, Su Ziyue knew whot he meont.

Coming from o high-ronking militory fomily, they hod o lot of power ond outhority.

The Boi fomily…

She quickly ron through whoever she knew with the some surnome. From whot she remembered, there wos o high-

ronking militory officiol with the surnome 'Boi' who often oppeored on the news. If they were the some person, it

would be olmost impossible for An Xio ond Boi Jingshu to be together.

Su Ziyue couldn't help herself from osking Qin Muchen for confirmotion. Her heort sonk when she heord his onswer.

"Yup. Thot is Jingshu's fother." Qin Muchen nodded.

Su Ziyue wos shocked. She soid worriedly, "Whot obout An Xio…"

"I wouldn't soy it'll be completely impossible if they reolly insist on being together." Qin Muchen looked deep into her

eyes. His voice wos deep ond low os he tried to reossure her.

Even though Boi Jingshu usuolly looked like he wosn't reolly concerned obout onything, he wos on eornest person

who held true to his own heort. He wos o rebellious child. He wouldn't listen, no motter how they tried to discipline

him. But he hod olwoys known whot he wonted ond would not be swoyed.

Which wos why Qin Muchen wos never too concerned obout Boi Jingshu's relotionship issues.

Right now, it wos more importont for him to get to the bottom of the issue thot Boi Yunon hod told him: Gricy wos

selling drugs in Country Z.

Boi Yunon wos in chorge of this cose.

Qin Muchen norrowed his eyes. He turned to Su Ziyue, "Did Lin Enyong soy thot the nome of the virus is 'K1LU73'?"

"Yes." Su Ziyue nodded, not quite understonding where he wos going with this.

"Their reseorch teom is colled 'K7'. I'm guessing thot the 'K1' in 'K1LU73' is sort of like their signoture." Whereos,

'LU73' must hove something to do with the reseorcher behind this.

Li Yonnon once mentioned thot K1LU73 wos developed by the leoder of the reseorch teom, 'K7'. LU73 must hove

something to do with someone connected to him.

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But how con they moke sense of these letters ond numbers? They don't hove much to work on.

Su Ziyue suddenly thought of something. "Does this hove onything to do with why Boi Yunon come looking for you?"

Qin Muchen lifted an eyebrow. "Pretty much. In any case, his family holds a lot of power."

Even though Qin Muchen did not elaborate, Su Ziyue knew what he meant.

Coming from a high-ranking military family, they had a lot of power and authority.

The Bai family…

She quickly ran through whoever she knew with the same surname. From what she remembered, there was a high-

ranking military official with the surname 'Bai' who often appeared on the news. If they were the same person, it

would be almost impossible for An Xia and Bai Jingshu to be together.

Su Ziyue couldn't help herself from asking Qin Muchen for confirmation. Her heart sank when she heard his answer.

"Yup. That is Jingshu's father." Qin Muchen nodded.

Su Ziyue was shocked. She said worriedly, "What about An Xia…"

"I wouldn't say it'll be completely impossible if they really insist on being together." Qin Muchen looked deep into her

eyes. His voice was deep and low as he tried to reassure her.

Even though Bai Jingshu usually looked like he wasn't really concerned about anything, he was an earnest person

who held true to his own heart. He was a rebellious child. He wouldn't listen, no matter how they tried to discipline

him. But he had always known what he wanted and would not be swayed.

Which was why Qin Muchen was never too concerned about Bai Jingshu's relationship issues.

Right now, it was more important for him to get to the bottom of the issue that Bai Yunan had told him: Gricy was

selling drugs in Country Z.

Bai Yunan was in charge of this case.

Qin Muchen narrowed his eyes. He turned to Su Ziyue, "Did Lin Enyang say that the name of the virus is 'K1LU73'?"

"Yes." Su Ziyue nodded, not quite understanding where he was going with this.

"Their research team is called 'K7'. I'm guessing that the 'K1' in 'K1LU73' is sort of like their signature." Whereas,

'LU73' must have something to do with the researcher behind this.

Li Yannan once mentioned that K1LU73 was developed by the leader of the research team, 'K7'. LU73 must have

something to do with someone connected to him.

But how can they make sense of these letters and numbers? They don't have much to work on.

Su Ziyue suddenly thought of something. "Does this have anything to do with why Bai Yunan came looking for you?"

"Yes, it is as you guessed." Qin Muchen said unhurriedly. "Li Yannan is the contact person for Gricy's live experiment.

Anything regarding his case in the system is encrypted. And when they finally caught him, he died. This attracted

the attention of the higher-ups, which was why Bai Yunan came to Yunzhou City to investigate."

Su Ziyue nodded. After some thought, she added, "They caught Li Yannan because you reported him to the police.

That's probably why Bai Yunan came to find you. He probably thought that you knew something about it."

Qin Muchen burst out in laughter. "You're a smart cookie, aren't you?"

"You've always said that I was smart!" Su Ziyue retorted.

"I've also said that you were pretty!" Qin Muchen chuckled. But noticing that Su Ziyue was about to yell at him, he

quickly added, "You're still really pretty now."

He grinned mischievously at her. He sounded serious, even though he looked like he was teasing her.

Su Ziyue blushed. "I'm gonna go call Zixi down for dinner." She snorted.

Qin Muchen watched as she stomped off. The smile on his face slowly disappeared.

As the Feng Group had been transferred to Su Ziyue, she had to go to Jingcheng City whenever she had to manage

some business.

She had to go to the main office to hold a board meeting.

She should at least let them know that she was their new president.

The truth was, she had given some thought as to how she would be dealing with the company.

She used to be really interested in business but managing such a large corporation would be way too much for her

to handle. She would rather spend her time caring for Qin Muchen and Qin Zixi.

She realized that she was becoming much weaker than before. She was not as ambitious as she once was. All she

wanted right now was for her loved ones to be happy.

Besides, the K1LU73 virus in Qin Muchen was a ticking time bomb. He could die at any moment as long as they did

not have the antivirus.

Su Ziyue sat in front of the mirror and thought long and hard before putting on some light makeup and left.

Qin Muchen was aware that she would be going to Jingcheng City and so, stayed at home.

"All ready? The driver is waiting for you downstairs." Qin Muchen was standing at the stairs. He was just about to

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come and get her.

"Yes, it is as you guessed." Qin Muchen said unhurriedly. "Li Yannan is the contact person for Gricy's live experiment.

Anything regarding his case in the system is encrypted. And when they finally caught him, he died. This attracted

the attention of the higher-ups, which was why Bai Yunan came to Yunzhou City to investigate."

Su Ziyue gave him a kiss on the lips. "Take good care of Zixi for me. I should be home by tomorrow."

Qin Muchen tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. His eyes held so much warmth for her. He gently said, "There's

no need to rush. Take your time and finish what you have to do. It'll be a good idea to stay a few more days to take

a good look at Feng Group's books. Lin Enyang has been in charge of Feng Group for three years. I'm sure that their

accounts are a mess. Check them thoroughly. There is a chance that the board will not be so welcoming. When that

time comes…"

He was giving her good advice on what to do, but Su Ziyue barely heard a thing. Instead, she was just staring at him

in awe.

It was rare for Qin Muchen to speak to her so warmly and gently. His eyes were so tender Su Ziyue almost felt like

she could drown in them.

Qin Muchen finally finished what he had to say. "Do you get it?" He asked.

"Er… I don't get it…"

Su Ziyue froze. She chose not to hide that she was not paying attention at all.

In any case, she had already decided to get Qin Muchen to buy over Feng Group. He'd get someone to manage the

company for her while she continued to work for Yanyue. That way, she wouldn't need to travel to Jingcheng City,

and she could spend more time with Qin Muchen and Qin Zixi.

It was obvious to Qin Muchen that Su Ziyue wasn't paying attention at all. He was exasperated. He held her nape

and pulled her in for a deep kiss.

He sucked on her lips so hard that she thought they might bruise. He parted her lips and delved in. He kissed her so

hard that her lips felt numb. She tried to resist, but Qin Muchen didn't think she had learned her lesson and kissed

her harder.

He was kissing her so hard that it almost felt like he wanted to swallow her whole.

When he finally let go of her, Su Ziyue's lips were swollen and bruised. She was about to touch her mouth when Qin

Muchen pulled her into his embrace and held her tight.

Su Ziyue felt that there was something off with him. "What's wrong?" She asked.

Her voice was muffled and a little hoarse from his kiss.

"Nothing." Qin Muchen kissed her ear and let go of her. He led her downstairs.