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Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Chapter 45 Host #7
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'Laura Kinney?' Alex thought as he looked at the disheveled face of the person who was curled on what was supposed to be the bed with her arms wrapped around her legs and her face buried in her knees. The so-called bed was just a rug that was only slightly better than the floor.

Her legs were completely bare, so Alex wasn't sure what she was wearing, but he had an idea that she was probably only wearing small scraps that would barely cover her. Probably so that she doesn't have anywhere to hide some tools to escape.

Her complexion was ruddy and seemed perfectly fine, but that was probably only because of her healing factor and that they were giving her the correct nutrients.

'Well, this changes things…' Alex decided that he'd found his host for Earth-Z.

"X-23, I need you to come with me," Douglas said as he walked to the door.

"Fuck off," She gave him the finger. She'd looked up and that revealed a thick metal collar that was wrapped around her neck

"Don't make it more difficult than it's supposed to be…" Douglas had an exasperated edge to his tone as he picked out a stick-like tool from the side of the entrance to the glass box.

Seeing that he was going to come into the cell, Laura stood up with a vigilant expression as if getting ready for a fight.

That was when Alex noticed something extending out from her back, presumably somewhere in the middle of her spinal column. It was a tube that was collecting some sort of reddish substance that was far more viscous than blood. It was her bone marrow that was constantly being extracted from her back. And that too without any anesthesia.

Alex knew how unbearably painful the procedure actually was, he'd once experienced a bone marrow biopsy and he was in pain for a few weeks after that, and that was after they'd used anesthesia. He couldn't imagine how much pain she must constantly be in as they extract her bone marrow without any sort of pain relief or anesthesia.

As she stood up, Alex also noticed the state of her clothes. She was wearing a tight sports bra that covered her modest cleavage, while her panties were also the bare minimum, covering her only slightly.

'And they send a guy to bring her there?' Alex thought of the insinuations of the situation and didn't like the thought.

"Come on in, bitch…" Laura said with a vindictive look on her face, with no trace of pain from the bone marrow extraction visible on her face. It wasn't that she had painkillers, she had been experiencing that pain for years now and ended up getting used to it.

Douglas on the other hand had a pensive look on his face as he pressed the button to open the glass door.

The moment the door opened, Larua lunged at the guy and drew her claws to attack him.

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'No wonder… I doubt anyone would be brave enough to do anything to her if she doesn't have her powers suppressed. It makes sense since they need her regenerating bone marrow at all times. Suppressing her X-gene would be detrimental to their supply process since she wouldn't be able to recover fast enough.'

As she was about to attack Douglas, he stepped back. Laura wasn't able to reach him and ended up pulling on the tube that was extracting her bone marrow.

"Aarghhh!" She felt an extreme amount of pain as she felt her entire spine churring from the shock of the pull against the extractor. It was probably completely stuck inside her skin and spine and taking it out herself would be impossible for her.

"Why do you have to do this…" He rolled his eyes with annoyance as he stabbed the stick in her neck, specifically on her collar. With that, the stick attached to her collar, and Douglas pressed a button on the stick.

"Aaarhg!" She was shocked by an extremely strong electric discharge from her collar and was incapacitated for a few seconds.

Douglas took this chance and pushed her back into the cell while walking in with her.

Then he attached that stick to a specific groove that was made for it to be attached into.

By then, Laura had recovered and tried to attack him again.

"Can you stop that?" He shouted as he hurriedly stepped back, "Damn it." He looked at two rips on his body armor and the slight sting in his chest where she'd cut him. It was a shallow cut and he was bleeding.

"They couldn't have at least got rid of these damn Vibranium-Adamantium claws…" He complained as he used a remote that he'd just picked to shock her again, this time it lasted longer so she stayed incapacitated for a few seconds to give him the chance to detach her from the marrow extractor.

He moved behind her and held the square metallic box that was attached to the center of her back and going onto her spine. Using a key, he unlocked it and removed the tube that was extracting her marrow and connecting her to the cell.

Alex also took this chance to go into Laura and merge with her. He didn't waste any time and formed a preliminary Level 0 bond with her.

Before Alex could check her status, Douglas abruptly jumped back, dodging Laura's attack.

"I knew that you'd attack me again!" He almost had a tone of triumph as he said that and shocked her again. Then he grabbed the stick and detached it before she could attack him again.

He held the stick and pulled her out of the cell, he made sure that she stayed in front of him after she recovered again so that she doesn't have any leeway to attack him again.

"Annoying ass bullshit…" He complained as he went into the elevator while keeping Laura who was trying to attack him away from himself.

Alex stopped caring about Douglas' situation and paid attention to his new host. He directly formed a Level 1 bond as Laura felt a slight prick in her neck. Though she didn't even react to it since the collar was so damn uncomfortable with the stick.

[ «Status- Host #7»

«Name: Laura Kinney (X-23)»

«Bonding Rate: 0%»

«Bonding Level: 1»

«Powers: Low Superhuman Physique (5 Tons)— Low Cosmic Healing Factor— Bone Claws (Vibranium-Adamantium Alloy)— Melee Mastery— Weapons Mastery— Espionage Mastery»


'Ayoo… My first cosmic level stat…' Alex cheered inwardly as he looked at her Low Cosmic Healing Factor.

[Laura…] He didn't waste any time before communicating with her.

He didn't want to waste any time. If she ended up being brought wherever they wanted to bring her, they might just use certain probing methods that could discover him, he wasn't going to risk it.

"Hm?" She frowned imperceptibly but didn't react in any other way.

[I'm talking to you telepathically, don't react. You can speak to me in your mind too.] Alex didn't want her to alert the guy behind them.

[Professor?] She hesitantly asked. She thought that Professor X had finally sent some backup for her.

[Sorry to burst your bubble, but no. I'm not related to the X-Men. But I'm not related to this facility, either. I just ended up in a bad situation and went through a series of events that led me to you.] Alex was sure as hell not going to give any fucking credit to the fucking X-Men for busting her out.

[What are you?] Laura realized that he was talking as if he was right here with her. She knew that there was no one around them so he must be some sort of obscure creature. Someone invisible was impossible since they had far too many precautions against that.

[I'm a symbiotic alien species. They've been holding me within this facility for a while. I finally got a chance to escape by attaching to this Douglas fuck, but when I saw you, I decided to help you out.] Alex mixed some truths and lies to make her trust him more and told her about himself.

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[Is that so?] She asked skeptically. She wasn't exactly a trusting person after years of being experimented on and treated like some sort of commodity.

[Yeah, now we don't have much time. We need to get out of this facility as soon as possible.] Alex knew that their time was limited and they would have enough time to take care of everything later.

[…Fuck it, I'm in.] Although skeptical about Alex, she'd realized that this was her best chance of getting out of this facility. She'd tried more than enough times but ended up failing every time.

The only reason that she hadn't given up and broken down was because of her healing factor affecting her mental state. It was keeping her sane and preventing her from completely giving up.

Whether it was a fortunate thing or not was for Laura to decide.

[Great, here's the plan, I'll prevent the collar from shocking you and you do your best to kill him as the elevator goes up. Also, change the level to the ground level, that's where the exit is.] He told her a vague plan.

[You can make the shock collar ineffective?] Laura asked in confirmation and some underlying anticipation.

[Yep.] It was easy for him, all he had to do was to absorb the released electric discharge with his ‹Basic Lightning Manipulation›.

[Perfect, leave everything else to me. Anything that I should know?] She wanted to know everything so she isn't caught unprepared.

[I need you to find some sort of computer terminal. I need to do something there. It will only take about 2 minutes for me to finish up. Also, I provide a three times increase to your base stats. Including your reflexes. It's an ability that I have, I can enhance my hosts after bonding with them. There's more but we can talk about that stuff later.] He informed her.

[Really… Perfect. I'll get your computer stuff done. Though, hold back on the enhancements for now. I don't want to lose control over my strength.] She had a vengeful smirk on her face.

'Why do I feel like she's going to try to massacre this facility…' Alex had a premonition.


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