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Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Chapter 60 Bloody Date (2/2)
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"Let's tail him." Nat and Alex went to the car that they'd rented and started tailing Juan Cuarto Terrones when they saw that he'd left the strip club. Nat had ample funds that she'd hidden around which were completely inaccessible to anyone other than her and she was able to get enough money to get whatever they needed.

Soon, the guy turned off the highway to an empty area with a single road and nothing but empty fields all around.

"I don't think that we can follow him anymore without getting his attention," Alex commented.

"I agree… Can you camouflage the car?" She asked him.

"Sure, that works…" Alex was expecting a more interesting solution from Nat.

"What? You're disappointed?" She read his expression.

"What? No…" He trailed off.

"I'm a spy and espionage master, Alex. In another situation, I would've been in the trunk of his car and threatened him to take the car to the villa. I'm with you so I have the liberty to utilize the better resources that you provide. There is no situation where I would willingly go in guns blazing with no subtlety in my actions whatsoever." She explained to him.

"I guess that works…" Alex understood that his usual all-out style preference was the exact opposite of Natasha's subtle working style. She preferred going in with finesse.

"How about this? We'll sneak into their base of operations, map out everything and get all the information that we can get. And then we can go out guns blazing while destroying everything that's there. What do you say?" She offered.

"I like that plan." Alex was happy with that. He would get to learn about espionage from Natasha and he could enjoy a nice little bloodbath of murder.

'Maybe I won't kill them all…' Alex thought. He knew that he couldn't be as unrestrained in this world as he acted in Research and Farm Earths. Those places didn't have any presence of superheroes or at the very least, their presence was extremely minimal. But the MCU was different.

Alex camouflaged the car and they both kept going on their merry way.

Soon, they saw a large farmhouse on the horizon.

"That's the place." Natasha followed the guy to the gate of the farmhouse and parked the car somewhere discrete around the area. That was when they both got out of the car.

[Let's just talk through the telepathic connection.] She told Alex.

[Works.] He agreed.

[Follow me.] Nat told him and started looking around the perimeter of the estate. She was looking for an optimal entry point. At the same time, she took the initiative to explain exactly what she was doing and why she was doing it.

Alex realized that she was practically tutoring him about how espionage works. She gave him a description of why she parked the car at that specific spot and why she chose the specific place on the fencing to climb over.

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'I may not trust him, but I am grateful…' Nat thought as she discretely looked at Alex's thoughtful expression after her explanation. Just as she was helping him with combat skills, she was also teaching him about espionage.

For now, their relationship was a give-and-take where Alex allowed Natasha to get stronger and Natasha taught him her skills. The regular wild sex was just a bonus in her opinion.

'He does feel amazing, though…' Nat loved the sex that they had.

They were in the estate.

[Let's not camouflage for now. Even if we get caught we can take care of it. Also, if we camouflage then I won't be able to tell you about my infiltration process.] Nat told him. She was practically using this as a training exercise for Alex.

[Damn, girl…] Even Alex was a little surprised by how confident she was.

Alex followed her around stealthily as Natasha kept giving him little tips that she'd gained from her experience as a master assassin and spy. Alex learned quite a lot of information from her.

'If I had this information when I was sneaking around The Bastion then it would've been so much easier…' Alex thought as he digested all the information that Natasha was throwing his way. And he knew that what she was telling him was just the tip of the iceberg and she had a treasure trove of information in her head with this knowledge.

Alex was almost tempted to directly read her memories but held himself back.

'I decided that I wasn't going to do that to my hosts…' He had set some boundaries with his hosts. The reason for this wasn't anything moral, it was more that it was necessary for him to have a good relationship with his hosts.

He was still exploring how his whole bonding levels system worked, but he was sure that at one point, the bonding would extend to a level beyond the physical and to the level of their souls.

Alex couldn't just use his hosts and tools and had to treat them with his genuine feelings. That was the only way that he could be able to truly grow with them till the end. And he didn't mind that at all. He didn't want some depressing life where everyone is no more than a tool. He wanted to love and care for someone with his heart.

[Heads up.] Nat alerted him. They had a guard approaching their direction and they couldn't hide anywhere nearby. She was hiding behind a corned as she peeked at the approaching assailant.

'3…2…1!' She mentally counted down as she waited for the guard to reach the perfect spot. Just as the guy stood right before the corner, Natasha's count finished and she grabbed the guy in a chokehold and grabbed his neck, twisting it and killing him soundlessly.

She made all those moves in less than a second.

'She holds back with me…' Alex realized as he looked at her skill. He realized that she utterly outmatched him in skill.

If she didn't hold back during their spars, then she would have him beat within seconds. Granted, he uses the exact same physical stats as her. Though that didn't demotivate him in the slightest. If anything, he was more motivated after seeing her level of skill.

[You've got to teach me all that…] He told her.

[Learn the basics first.] She chortled mentally.

[Yeah, yeah…] Alex grumbled. She'd been drilling the so-called basics into him ever since they started and he was getting bored.

An hour later they had mapped out quite a bit of the estate and finally stumbled upon what they were actually here for— Information.

They both reached the central server room where all of the cartel's data was stored. They were going to copy all of that data and then release it for the police to deal with.

Nat jumped down from the vent that she was crawling through and Alex followed after her.

'I'm sad that I can't admire that booty anymore…' Alex was sad. Going through the vent behind Natasha was an amazing experience. He had a first-class view of her toned ass at all times. Even though he had full access to her body at all times, these little things were something Alex loved to enjoy.

Natasha brought out a drive that she'd procured before they came here and plugged it into the terminal. Natasha had already programmed the drive with the necessary program and just as the drive was plugged in, it started copying the data. Alex didn't really need that data, but he also directly connected himself to the terminal and sent the data to the server that he'd placed in the Research Earth for future use.

'I think I might be a data hoarder…' He knew that this data was completely useless to him but he still kept it. The server in research earth already had multiple petabytes of data and it was approaching an exabyte.

"All right, you can now go all out." Natasha graciously told him as she put the drive into her pocket after it was done copying the data.

"Now we're talking." Alex had an excited smile on his face.

[Keep in mind that you don't provoke unnecessary fights. We've already got what we came here for. Now we just need to get out of here.] Nat reminded Alex. She didn't have any problems with killing but that didn't mean she took joy in doing that.

[I know…] He said.

This time Alex took the lead as Nat followed after him.

He kicked open the main door that led to the server room and elbowed one of the guards in the throat making him choke. Though in that time, the other guard at the door took action and sounded the alarm. Just as the alarm was sounding, Alex punched the guy in his stomach and grabbed his head before hitting it with his knee. There was s sick cracking sound as the guy fell to the floor with a bleeding skull.

He also took care of the other guy after that.

[I know I said that we don't have to be subtle, but you could've tried to not get the alarm sounded so quickly.] Natasha grumbled.

[Then how else would everyone know that we're here?] Alex asked with a genuinely confused tone.

[Haha… Whatever you say, Alex.] Nat laughed at his innocent tone.

Alex ignored her as two more people appeared through the corridor and started shooting at the duo of Alex and Natasha.

They both took cover while letting the guys shoot at them. Soon, the guys ran out of bullets and that was when they both how out of the covers and tackled both of the assailants.

Natasha took care of one guy, while Alex took care of the other.

That was how the next 15 minutes went.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Holy fuck that was intense…" Alex was slightly shaken as he sat in the passenger seat while Natasha drove away from the farmhouse.

"Hahaha…" She was laughing her ass off while driving.

"Come on… How was I supposed to know that they would have an RPG?" Alex grumbled.

"Come on, you have to admit. Your terrified girly scream was funny. Hahaha…" Natasha, who had just stopped laughing, sharted cracking up again when she remembered it again.

"Whatever…" Alex grumbled with an amused smile. His reaction was understandable. An RPG is a weapon that directly targets both his major weaknesses.

"I had fun… Quite a bit of it to be honest…" Natasha told him her thoughts.

"Well, that's what we're here for." He said. There were here on a date. The Mexican Cartel was just unlucky since they ended up becoming targets for fun for them.

"Let's go get some dinner. I'm starving." Nat told Alex.

"Sure, we can go to that Enchiladas place that you were talking about." He said.

"Sure." Nat agreed.

As they were eating their food at the restaurant.

There was a banging sound coming from outside the restaurant.

A few seconds later, a red and gold armored individual barged into the restaurant and pointed his hands at everyone in the restaurant.

"Everybody out. Now!" There was the sound of his repulsors powering up.

'Tony…' Natasha realized who it was.


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