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Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Chapter 95 0095: Reunion (1/2)
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"What the fuck?" Yelena barely kept piloting the helicopter as the huge bolt of lightning made her panic and pull it away from the prison.

She then noticed the huge explosion in the prison and panicked before remembering Natasha's confident expression. Deciding to trust in her big sister she said, "Don't die sis… Please," As she looked at the aftermath of the electric explosion.

That explosion slowly fizzled out of existence within a few seconds, leaving no trace of ever having occurred, but the damage was done. Although all of the buildings and constructs were fine, the people were all already unconscious after that wave of lightning hit them. She didn't know if they were dead or not.

Natasha was nowhere to be found by Yelena and by the time she saw Natasha, the was waving, waiting for extraction with a fainted man lying on the ground behind her. She noticed that Nat's clothes had changed into a white armor combat suit while her hair fluttered in the wind as she looked up at her.

"Such a poser…" Yelena said and didn't waste any more time before descending to Natasha's location, having already noticed the avalanche that was approaching the prison, and dropped a rope for Natasha to climb.

Another couple minutes later, both girls were sitting in the pilot seat while a fainted fat man was strapped to the seat behind them. Nat was still in her white combat suit.

"You're crazy, you know that?" Yelena could still feel her heart thumping to the extent that she couldn't even pilot the helicopter and Nat was the one flying it.

"Now who's a heavy hitter?" Nat said with an amused smile. She liked impressing her baby sister and seeing her excited reactions. It made her feel like they were little again and she had just shown Yelena some cool trick that blew the little girl's mind. Although they'd grown up, that bond was still there, just buried under decades of baggage.

"Honestly… How did you get so strong? Superstrength, I can understand. But lightning? What exactly happened? Did you eat Thor?" Yelena was dying to know. To the point that she didn't even mention how Natasha's clothes changed mid-air.

"I guess you could call it a recent chance encounter…" Nat didn't seem to want to talk about it.

"Hell no, you're not getting out of this. I want to know." Yelena said.

"Yel—" Nat was about to explain to Yelena that she couldn't tell her in another way but a groan stopped her from saying anything further, "We'll talk about this after taking care of everything. We can continue this conversation when it's just the two of us."

At the same time, [Do you mind?] Nat asked Alex in her head.

[Nah, it's fine. You can tell her about me. Just don't ask me to bond with her.] Alex told her jokingly.

[I don't think I will.] Nat inwardly rolled her eyes.

[Could you introduce me to her with some cool badass name? Like… anything other than Alex. I told my name to you and Wanda because we're partners. It's an intimate thing. I don't want other people to know it.] Alex told her. His name is his identity, something that he prefers to tell only his hosts. He wanted some cool superhero name when it came to outside people with whom he wouldn't be bonding.

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[What are you, a kid?] Natasha smiled, saying the exact same words to him that he said to her about calling herself White Knight.

[I'm not sure how old I am— most likely millions of years old, but I can definitely tell you that I'm a child at heart.] Alex told her.

[Whatever. We'll come up with a cool superhero name for you some other time.] Nat telepathically conveyed the thought of her shaking her head with a smile. Their entire conversation took no more than an instant as Natasha turned to look back at Alexi in that time.

"Fine," Yelena grumbled but agreed and took control of the piloting while Natasha shocked Alexi again to make him conscious.

"Ahh!" He jumped up and was about to punch Natasha in the face but she grabbed his hand and stopped his attack, pushing him down.

"Calm down," Nat told him.

"Natasha?" Alexi was confused for a few seconds as he understood the situation, "Oh… baby girl, how are you? And little Yelena too… I've missed you both." He also missed the fact that Natasha had just overpowered him just now. And it was a big deal for her to be able to do that. He may have been a knock-off of Captain America, but he was still someone far beyond normal human levels.

Neither Natasha nor Yelena replied to him.

Alexi didn't realize it initially and kept going before realizing that the aviation headsets blocked his words. Then he grabbed another headset and put it over his head.

"It just means so much to me that you girls would be willing to come for me…" He started.

"Don't get your hopes up, Alexi. We're here 'cause we need you to lead us to the Red Room." Nat didn't have the patience to listen to his bullshit.

"I have no idea," Alexi said and that resulted in a simultaneous scoff from both Natasha and Yelena.

Natasha turned to look at him and gave him a dry look, "Come on. You and Dreykov were like…"

"Yeah. General Dreykov, my friend, huh? Gives me glory, and makes me the Soviet Union's first and only super soldier. I could've been even more famous than Captain America. What does he do? He buries me in Ohio on that stupid mission for three years. Three fucking years! Taking care of two orphans and dealing with his scientist for three whole years for a dumb undercover operation. So fucking annoying. So tedious, boding me to tears." Alexi notices Yelena looking at him with a complicated look of emotions, hurt being the most prevalent.

"No offense," Alexi said. Yelena shook her head and paid attention to the flight and Nat gave her a look. Alexi continued, "Then he puts me in prison for the rest of my life. I'm not even the one, who… you know, killed his daughter." Alexi looked at Natasha with a sharp look.

"All right. Can we throw him out the window now?" Yelena asked. She was done with this bullshit.

"Let's get to a higher altitude first," Nat added, "Wouldn't want him to survive… Super soldiers are exceptionally tough."

"Good idea." Yelena agreed, "Why don't you ask Melina?" Alexi interrupted their plans to murder him.

"She's alive?" Nat asked with a surprised tone. "Mom Melina?" Yelena also chimed in from the side.

"Hm?" Alexi was confused for a moment, "Oh, you're referring to those wounds from when we escaped from Ohio. Of course, she's fine. She's a tenacious fox, that one." Alexi said with a reminiscent tone that had an undertone of his pent-up lust.

"Ugh… I did not need that information," Nat turned away from him. Yelena was so annoyed that she just took off the headsets so that the sound of the rotors could overshadow Alexi's voice before putting them back on after a few seconds since the noise from the rotors was hurting her ears.

"She was the scientist, the strategist. I was just the muscle. You two were just there to look cute and sell the idea of a happy family. Her work was directly under Dreykov, far more than mine."

"You're telling me that Melina is working for the Red Room, present day?" Nat asked, not noticing Yelena's expression that had hurt marred all over it, 'If you were alive then why did you never help…' Yelena's thoughts were naive.

"Yes, she works just outside of St. Petersburg," Alexi told them.

"Well, that's just great. We have to go the exact opposite way…" Yelena wasn't having a very good day.

"It's fine, we have enough fuel," Nat commented.

"How do we have so much fuel?" Yelena asked. They'd traveled quite a bit and the fuel counter wasn't even halfway down.

"It's got a big tank." Nat shrugged. She couldn't exactly tell Yelena that she had a slime monster helping her take care of the fuel levels.

"Did you have to destroy my front yard?" Melina asked as she stood in front of her ruined garden and pigpen that she managed. She was glad that she'd already brought them away after being notified that the airspace above her house was being breached.

"Don't really care." Natasha stepped out of the helicopter with her hair flailing in the wind. She looked at Melina after running her hand through her hair. Melina was pointing a rifle at Nat's face.

"Of course, you don't…" Melina mumbled, "Why are you here?" She asked. At the same time, Yelena and Alexi also got out of the helicopter.

"We're home." Alexi was a straightforward guy. He just said what he thought. And he was thinking about the 3 years of peace that he'd spent with Melina and their two 'adoptive daughters' in Ohio.

Melina sighed as she put down her gun and started walking, "Let's go." Alexi followed after her.

As they walked into Melina's house, she said, "Welcome to my humble abode. Make yourselves at home." She said and walked to a specific bookshelf.

Nat wasn't exactly trusting of her and followed after her. Seeing Melina push back that bookshelf to reveal a gun closet she got tense, "Hey, no funny business." She told Melina. Just because she was now confident in her power didn't mean that she was arrogant.

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And she didn't know about Alex's recent power-up either. So she was clueless about how strong Alex actually was by now.

"I'm putting away my weapon," Melina said as if she was disappointed in Natasha.

"Right," Natasha rolled her eyes and walked away after making sure that Melina didn't get something from that closet. She walked around the house and commented, "Any booby traps that we need to be worried about?"

"I didn't raise my girls to fall in traps," Melina said

"You didn't raise us at all," Nat said.

"Maybe so. But if you got soft, it wasn't on my watch." Nat couldn't help but scoff at Melina's words. She understood the slight mental tricks that Melina was utilizing on her. She was utilizing that mother angle. The older widow had been a big part of Natasha's and Yelena's practically non-existent childhoods and she was leveraging that influence fully.

They moved to the dining area and saw Yelena already seated at the table. Alexi was nowhere to be found, but his groans were very audible from a specific area of the house.

"Let's drink." Melina pulled out a bottle of vodka and poured four shot glasses for Natasha, Yelena, herself, and Alexi.

Natasha was about to breach the topic that she'd come here for but it was halted by Alexi's presence in the room. He was wearing a crimson red spandex suit with the Red Guardian tones and theme.

The other two also turned to look at Alexi. Yelena froze for a moment before grabbing the glass and drinking the vodka in one go. Melina on the other hand whistled in appreciation at Alexi's outfit.

"Still fits." He said as he walked to the table and took a seat.

Nat couldn't help but grab the shot glass and was about to take a sip before she heard Alex's voice in her head, [It's got a slow-acting sleep-inducing agent.]

[Can you neutralize it?] Natasha asked. If she put the drink down now, it would be suspicious.

[Can I fuck you to the point that you can't think about anything but my cock?] Alex asked back.

[Got it.] Natasha chugged the shot.


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