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Master Of None

Chapter 2096: Heading Home Again
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"You're trying to meditate again?" It had been three days since the party and the Genesis forces had started working on new things before they moved back to Genesis with the teleportation rune formation. Making them took time. Especially with the changes in the world as they were now.

"I want to get back to being stronger soon. If I walk around Genesis and see someone that needs help, well, I can't be the one that helps them trite now." Walker had cto realize that he would be a danger rather than a hero right now. If something bad were to happen during a building project, he was too weak. How would he lift something heavy that fell on someone? How could he leap ahead to stop that thing from falling? How could he heal those that were injured if he didn't have enough mana to support multiple healing skills that were above a basic healing skill?

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What if there were new monsters that decided to attack the farms? He couldn't use the multi buff skill right now. Eh wasn't strong enough. If he were to be leading a group of soldiers, he would need to be protecting them rather than leading them entirely. He couldn't stand by their sides. These thoughts had plagued him the more that he had stayed still. The healers had already handled those with the worst injuries. Either they were in stable conditions to be transported back to genesis or they were on the mend. That left him to wander through the Genesis forces. To learn about things from others.

"If you stay like that, you are going to get stuck like that. From what I can see, you just need to keep training like normal. You noticed that we are all properly getting experience points from our actions. Instead of hero points to help us, we get bonus experience when we act along with our hero titles. The shas to be for you too, right?" Su's words were very clear. She was even sure that Walker would be a little off. It just made sense with his personality. He cared a lot about what others were going though. He wanted to save and help them at every single turn. But he had to remember to care for himself. While Alice had been very supportive with Walker focusing on regaining his strength, she had been worried enough to find Su. she knew that Su would be able to talk more sense in to him. Not that Walker would not listen to Alcie. It was a simple matter that Su had a more motherly and protecting aura around her. That cfrom all her work in the cathedral helping the healers. Beyond that, it cfrom the True draconic guardian class. Even more so when someone were to look at her origins. When Su had first becan adventurer, it was to look for a better way to heal her mother's illness. Therefore, she had always cared for healing and guiding others.

"I went through many of the fighters and even spent a lot of twith the vampires. Sof the vampires are healing without needing blood now. Their entire race can now eat sfoods. Mostly undercooked meats, but the world and the denser mana helped them expand their diet. They need help grasping the state of the world, Genesis, and I am not strong enough to keep up with all that." He had tried to show off sof the skills he had but kept finding that he couldn't help the vampires in certain situations. He had too many locked skills right now. He had too much weakness by comparison with the vampires whow were naturally powerful.

"It will take stime. But you already said that you had managed to understand how manas influenced one another in an entirely different way. You can even use those manas to help you recover your energy. That's not something you could do before all this happened." Su made a good point and Walker couldn't argue with her.

"I am also something called an origin race. A race that literally grasps what true mana is. So I have to learn about it. Then I might be able to do what Remey will do. Go to the elemental planes and meet others like me." Walker and Remey had spoken about this just the other day. When it cto Remey's pans, she would travel off in to the fire elemental planes when she and Ignus were ready. They would go there searching for the fire dragons and other fldragon souls that were like Remey. If they were able to find ancient dragons that had left the world and made it to the fire elemental planes, then it would be a major event. The dragons could meld their history together. Figure out what ancient dragons were like and how they had developed outside of the world. They could also reconnect with the dragon that were walking similar paths as them. Learn more. In Remey's case, she might be able to meet the unique dragon soul race. A race that inhabited the different elemental planes. A race that was unique in the fact that they were melded perfectly with physical and soul. Then she would be able to grasp how long she might live. What ehr body was needing other than mana. How she could better live an every day life without needing Ignus to share condensed and purer fire mana with her.

"I know, but I will be looking for more half dragons too. Now that the dragons have expanded their alliances, you know, Genesis. There might be srogue dragons or dragons forced out of the villages that return. They could have half dragon children. I'm not the only one." Su was sure of this. It made Walker feel that they were all pretty much in the sboat.

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"Hey! You two should head over here. The rune formation is just about done!" Alma shouted out. She had managed to gather everyone else and found that Su and Walker were sitting on part of fallen ruins. A little too high up, but Walker had climbed there anyways while Su had used her still newly grown dragon wings. Su grabbed Walker and dragged him toward the open space cleared for the large rune formation. It was triple the size of the last one made. This was so that the runes could be maximized to teleport more people.

"Oh!" Walker suddenly felt that he was looking at something much simpler than the last the had seen it. The runes were almost like basic words to hum. This wasn't the translation skill being used, it was more so that he had just realized the proper way to understand runes. He stopped the rune carver and began explaining a few things. The changes he pointed out were drawn with a piece of charcoal on the stones used. The rune carvers trusted his every word and made the changes. Smaller thin lines were added to wind runes. Deeper cuts to the earth runes. Then the spatial rune that was known was made with various additional connections to absolutely nothing. This last one stunned the rune carvers, but they felt it looked right when Walker had told them to do it. As if he had just created a proper rune compared to their half drawn rune. When the changes had been made, there was an almost audible clicking sound. Like the mana had fallen in to place and begun to flow. A slight glimmer of manas made their way through the air that everyone could see, not just mages.

"That feel better." Walker wasn't really sure how he had known it, but as usual, he had followed his instincts.

"And you were worried about how you could help Genesis being this weak. Didn't look weak to me." Su nudged his shoulder while the rest of the party nodded along. To them, this was a classic Walker move. Just casually making something ten times better when he was seeing it for the first tafter sadjustments. The entire party stepped in to the rune formation. They were going to be the first to leave. The royal dragons following with their more powerful warriors. This would be a procession.a victorious arrival. The vampires and angels coming to Genesis for the first twould be guided separately after so that they were not overwhelmed. Not that they were worried. More excited after hearing the stories so far. A deep breath was collectively taken as Walker sensed the manas food through his body and the space mana pushing them to a new place. No, to their home. Many people were waiting on them.


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