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Master Of None

Chapter 2112: Showing Growth
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After Onyx had finished his battle against multiple opponents, he had shifted to hide more of his size and moved to the seating. He met with Midnight and Walker to speak with them while they watched more of the battle going on. Plenty of the demi-human warriors were here showing off their new skills. They all had the desire to show off the strengths that they had now that the world had returned to its proper flow. Plenty of them were even testing out their skills since they knew the coliseum was the best place for it. The roar of the crowd was enough that plenty of people who were still awake cfrom the nearby streets to watch the fights. This was just the addictive desire that the coliseum inspired. So many people were attracted here to see the strength of Genesis as it ctogether. The dragonkin also made a showing here. they wished to show off their own power. The power that they used to represent their royal dragons in combat and in every day life. Sof them even turned their heads to give respectful salutes or nods to Walker and Midnight who were in the stands. They could sense them there. This drew a lot of attention to the stands. Walker was a hero of Genesis. So was Midnight. Adding on that Onyx had gone right to them when he had finished his battles, they knew what they wanted. The audience wanted to see the other two heroes entering the coliseum.

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"The coliseum is speaking, will the next euro take their tto bless the coliseum with their battle prowess?" The voice that echoed over the entire coliseum wasn't Scylla's. Everyone would have imagined that she was the one in charge here. Especially sicne she was the one that always was spending her thelping the coliseum thrive. Yet, even while she was the one in the highest seat watching, it was not her making this announcement. Instead, it was Leon. Around him, stood sof his toughest merfolk warriors. He had brought them here to show off their new battle prowess after they had returned and exhaled. They had to be able to fight on the land and on the water. Regardless of terrain, he wanted to show that the merfolk with him were always on the top of their game. Due to this, he had been sure to partner up with Scylla to be able to have them fight. They had all had their own battles tonight alone, let alone previous days since they had all returned to Genis. Because of this, many had begun to support and believe the merfolk forces within Genesis. This growing support was also due to the fact that the demi-humans who had fought with the merfolk forces understood their strengths. The aquatic forces had battled side by side with them, therefore, the bond had been born. Here in the coliseum, the aquatic forces only further supported the merfolk since they were now sharing their very own culture. Seeing that it was accepted and supported, well, that was just something that Genesis was founded to do. While Walker felt that he would not be showing his best, he also knew that he had no choice in whether he was going to fight or not. Midnight had been fired up since they walked in to the coliseum. With how Onyx had already shown off and the fact that Leon was calling them out, she had to go.

"Well, don't leave them all waiting. Show off your dragonkin form. You are pretty good at fighting with it now."

With Walker encouraging her, Midnight flapped her wings and took the main stage. She released a small dragon breath in to the air making the entire coliseum ring with cheers. They wanted to see just this. See the force that one of the heroes had. But what they had not expected, was that Leon himself was walking down the stands and right in to the stage as well.

"I can't call you out and not fight myself. It would be rude. It's a lot of fun though." Leon spun his spear around. The action caused water to appear and ripple in the air."I gained a few new skills as well when it comes to my weapon skills. And my class too." While Midnight had gained the class, true dragon champion, the sas her race, so, it made a lot of sense that she would live what she was and how she had been walking her path. This had fit right with her too. Midnight felt that she was what she ended to be through and through. Every single aspect of competition, or strength, that she had grown, was what she was. A true dragon champion would always be important to stand over all others. Would always be able to becmore flexible. That was why she felt that she was a true dragon champion and that she lived that as her class. It just made sense to her. While on the other side, Leon had experienced a greater change. His class had becsomething he had not expected. He beca flowing tides spear knight. A spear focused class that also revolved around the tides and the currents. While this made him even stronger within the water, he could also use his spearmanship to conjure up water from the air as long as it was there. Since that was the case, he had been learning how to wield the spear all over again. Training his basics to add in the water that allowed him to boost his combat abilities on land as well as the water. When the match started, Leon swung his spear and caused a large splash of water to push towards Midnight. She was surprised by this, but did not flinch. She repealed it by opening her wings and pushing the air away from her. It was pure physical strength. The audience loved this as they watched Leon charge ahead. The water wrapped his spear making it appear to be double the size. The dance that he fell in to made it appear Leon was following sunseen water current within the air itself. Midnight was made to flap her wings to dodge and weave around his slashes and stabs. All making the audience grow in awe of the two with very high skills. Midnight even began to use her claws to deflect the attacks here and there at times. Increasing the splashes of water that would catch the lights of the torches in the coliseum. A show for both skill and strength that perfectly showed why these two represented races. Why these two stood tall when they represented Genesis and its people. This was when Leon gathered even more water. Several water spears matching the spear he was now thrusting forward. This multi pronged attack made Midnight feel pressure. She opened her mouth and took a large breath before roaring out loud. This roar carried a large amount of water mana too. It disrupted the flow of Leon's mana and caused the water spears to fall apart. But it also caused Leon to be tossed backwards. While they had fought together, Midnight had massively outgrown him in terms of strength and level as a whole. This was to be expected with how the party had trained and battled by comparison. Not that anyone doubted this. When Leon tried to spin his spear again to gain momentum, he was surprised to find that midnight had touched upon the ground. Her legs had flexed and she shot forward. Her claws appearing to stop just in front of his face.

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"Ha! That was great. I haven't been able to test that water spear attack against anyone capable of breaking it other than Scylla." against what many would expect, Leon was glad that Midnight had won. He had been able to test sof his new skills and find the ways that he needed to improve them. Plenty of training in the future for him.

"It was fun!" Midnight was still ready to fight again if she could. But she could also see that the short exchange that she and Leon had inspired many of the others waiting to fight. It would be even more fun to see them show off next. This was exactly the reason that Leon felt that he had to cdown and fight. He wanted to see the people inspired. Especially since they were all adapting to their new skills. Those that had returned from battle had suddenly seen changes but no way to experiment with those changes. The coliseum was the healthy outlet for all of this. The safe place they could grow their strength. …


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