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Master Of None

Chapter 2113: Mountain plans
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"You can't just casually chere and tell us that you are going to raise a mountain range and that the wyverns are moving here."

Gil's voice had risen in octaves when he found himself being asked for help on this matter.

"It is going to happen.

I am the one guiding the earth wyvern race. They will be under my care."

Terron wa speaking with a calm and collected expression. He didn't seem to find that this was something a little outrageous to ask in the east.

"No, havingget the elves, and Alma, to make an entire mountain habited with plants so that it is a more natural environment is ridiculous. The area we have here is too small too.

The dragon villages can't have such a large space that won't work as a farm or anything." Gil Was beside himself with the fact that Terron might not have thought this through at all.

"There is a plan in place. The village I have will be mixed with the wyverns as well."

Teron still pushed forward.

"The space is not large enough.

How will it work? The wyverns will need more food and that will mean more space for farms. That means more livestock.

If there is not enough space, then they can't grow." Whether it was just this that would be a problem or not, there was a clear disparity in resources for this to happen right away.

"I am an earth dominator dragon. I have the ability to raise the land in to a mountain now.

I just need nature to catch up to it. The flow of manas will not be broken.

Genesis is already balancing the elemental manas better than what the world could do before." While this was true, Gil was still not convinced.

He could only think of the issues this brought up. Yes, the dragons were making their villages right outside Genesis.

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Basically, they were an expansion of Genesis as a whole. A massive growth in the territory which would allow the travel between the villages and the main city of Genesis like they were just neighboring districts.

Even the map would only be divided by the farms between them along with the merchant routes.

"When the mountain is made, it will give the alchemy guild a place to plant unique herbs.

Sof them need earth dragon mana to be in the air. It will be a very large benefit for them.

Then there are farmers experimenting with unique planting methods. The earth elves have plants that can not be grown in a normal environment.

The dark elves will also be able to help carve out a hthere." The more that Terron started to speak, the more Gil felt that Terron's more silent approach was being thrown away to be stubborn here.

But that was what Terron was, stubborn. That was just how the earth dragons were.

"From there we can also use sections of the mountains to grow the tumbling rock goats. They are a monster that can not be farmed because of the harsh mountain environment.

But now that we will have a controlled mountain and wyverns to guard them, they can be." Terron had clearly thought in to this as well.

Three things would be valuable to ensure that the mountain benefited the wyverns, dragons, and Genesis.

"There will be a hfor the wyverns and the earth dragons to live together.

That is my responsibility. My goal."

Terron had thought about what he wanted to achieve now that they had solved the major threat to the world. Now that he had seen how powerful he really was to the world and how he could grow beyond that by later heading to the earth planes.

"Really?" Gil sighed out loud as he asked this. He didn't feel like he was being asked for help any more.

More like the plans had been made and he was just being updated about them. Like this was all prepared, he just ended to be told what his role would be.

"Then you will be needing to payoff." Gil decided that instead of arguing against this, he had to just accept it.

But there was sother thing she needed. Terron was a strong ally.

So why would Gil not take the chance to ask for a few things?

"The earth elves are worried about the flow of water that goes over the dwarven city. The dwarves say that they can build a dam to redirect the flow.

How about you make a more natural river bank that will not require so many materials. Then I will have you break up the harder clay soil to the south where it starts to dry out more near the demon lands.

That way the new farms can be grown better." This was what the elves were focusing on the next few months.

Projects that would take tbut also be valuable to Genesis. The earth elves had been helping the dwarves a lot.

Their innate sense for the flow of earth mana had proven to be an abundant tool for the dwarves to have. The dwarves could focus on the best ways to extract a material from the earth safely instead of the risker mining with collapse chances.

The farms were also a big investment to all the elves since they were planting more of their foods from around the continent where they had once lived. If they brought more of them to grow here in Genesis, then they would shorten their trade routes.

Increase the foods they wished to eat in general too.

"That can be done.

My few elders are ready to assist. They need to train their control of earth mana before they are old enough to take dragonkin forms."

Many of the elders had made dragonkin forms a priority. This was for every species of dragon.

They wanted to walk through Genesis as their royal dragons did. Feel what they had felt.

See the results of their hard work. Yet, this was not an easy achievement.

It took a lot of training and time. This would cause the understanding of their basic elemental affinity to suffer.

Especially since the manas had becdenser leaving new understandings to be made about each elemental mana.

"You already looked for records of who the dwarves have hollowed out mountains too? For structure?" Gil saw Terron take out a scroll from the large robe he had been wearing when moving around the city.

It kept the bulk of his dragonkin form covered while making it easier to carry things as he wished. Especially since it was covered in earth sewn rune formations, it was very comfortable.

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"I was brought several of them. They have created three small mountains with cavern networks in to livable areas.

One had ruins already within that had collapsed. They were able to support those ruins again and excavate them."

Just the fact that the dwarfs had the technology and knowledge to do this was enough. especially since they would need just that to support a mountain.

"So, how are we raising a mountain in the first place? It will take a lot of mana that you will have to spend on it." Gil knew that Terron was a dominator dragon now.

While he had room to grow, Teron was definitely able to raise or destroy a mountain. But the fact was, the earth and stone would have to cfrom somewhere.

"That will require the magma mages, Ignus, and Myself working together. We already know of the lava flowing deep in the earth.

The dwarves refused to connect to it since there is a lot of danger with the heat and flow. That will fill the space deep beneath where the mountain will rise from."

Now this was where things would becgroundbreaking, literally. Gil had heard that the dwarves had put all the potential experiments and research in magma flow on hold.

Not because they could not do so, but because there was a difference. The magma on the top of land where volcanoes and other events happened was weaker than the magma deep in the earth.

The magma moving in cycles deep within the earth never solidified. It was always moving like unknown rivers.

The entirety of it was a mystery that was very dangerous to study. Therefore, the dwarves held off because of safety.

They didn't have the correct materials.

"We have the dragons now and the unique mages.

Fine, let's see how this goes. Start building the teams and the plans.

I will get the elves that can grow things as you wish. I'll also find the farmers."

Gil gave in to it all. He felt that his life wouldn't be boring in the least with everything happening.

Now he just needed to get the right people together.

This ontent is taken from .

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