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Chapter 439 - Entering The Sacred Land
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When one becomes an heaven realm expert, one doesn't remain an entity under the heavens but become an entity with the heavens!

Every single thought of that person would synchronise with the energies of the world within the immediate vicinity around that person, amplifying their strength by more than a hundred times.

The process is similar to when one becomes an Integrated Phaser, one's genetic energy would transcend through time, summoning a replica of the genetic beast the user had integrated and after merging with it, ones strength would soar to an astonishing degree, giving one the true capabilities of the beast.

As an integrated Phaser, you just don't summon the beast, you become the beast itself!

The wind blew past them with a terrifying speed as the large sword transverse across various mountains and valleys, flying through the air with a speed not to different than a Sky Cruiser.

But if one asked him, David would definitely chose this over the sky cruiser. Although the sky cruiser is safer than being in the sword, it really doesn't let one witness the beautiful sceneries that flash by as they travel.

David sat cross-legged with his eyes closed as he meditated. Flint was purring cutely on his lap while it slept. Its black fur occasionally rustled backwards by the wind as they travelled.

Occasionally, it's tail would flap around. Meeting David's face either by chance or knowingly. During it's time with David, it had recently realised that no matter what it did, it would never be able to penetrate through David's tough skin, so it had resulted into doing something else.

Since humans value their clothing a lot especially with other humans around, it had decided to start ripping David's robes now.

Currently, David looked like a beggar. The upper part of his robes had four scratch marks on them ruining the once clear white robe look like it had been gifted to him by another beggar.

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The days flew by. Gradually, days turned to a week and then another week flashed by, making two week.

Just as the second week had reached, David began to feel the sword beneath him slow down. He immediately opened his eyes and as he saw what was before them, he gradually stood up and an expression of awe overtook him.

In front of the large sword was a vast expanse of land covered with massive amount of beautiful herb flowers. The energies within this place was also bountiful, twice the amount that was within the academies.

There were lots of people that had set up camp there already. Some academies had arrived much earlier than theirs already. But they weren't at all late since the sacred domain hadn't show signs of opening yet.

David could see four different camps already settled in in the plain field. As the large sword came to a stop, David and the others jumped out from the sword onto the plain field.

Soon enough, they begin setting up camps also. As he was setting up his camp, his ears twitched slightly. Something had cough his attention, or rather someone had mentioned his name.

His hands paused as he gazed towards a particularly direction where he had heard his name from, and his eyes met with the eyes of a young man who was no older than 20 years.

The young man was quite handsome, but he was totally expressionless as he also met with David's stare. David frowned as he sensed the vast amount of blood lust radiating off of the people within that camp but amount the young man radiated was far superior to the others within his camp.

David frowned. Although he had killed a lot of people, the amount of bloodlust he had wasn't this intense. Could be a technique. David shrugged his shoulders and seeing as the other party was just gazing at him, he smiled and waved and then he continued what he had been doing previously, setting up his camp.

Xue Ming's expressionless face gradually morphed seeing as David waved and the proceeded to ignore him. If one looked carefully, one could see a trace of an evil smirk on his face as he also stopped looking at David's camp.

David knew who that person was. Xue Ming, a blood thirsty expressionless demon who doesn't take no for an answer. The only time his expression usually changes is after he kills a person.

They said he didn't come to the scared land for the treasure, instead he came here simply to satisfy his urge to kill.

David shook his head, placing what had just happened to the back of his head. He wasn't at all phased by what had just happened. Either a blood thirsty demon or a water thirsty demon, he didn't care in the least as long as they didn't block his way.

Very soon, several other academies like the Clear River academy, the Floating Branch sect, the sky sword sect and various other sects gathered around to form camps at the vast land, keeping a distance away from each other.

David was munching on a large piece of mutated rabbit, he smiled as when he saw Flint snarling at him with its cute teeth while gazing at the piece of meat in David's hands.

It seem to have noticed the tense atmosphere, and the energies of powerful individuals around, it could be why Flint stuck to David's side and appeared more tame than ever.

Except for the occasional snarling, grinding of its teeth and ripping parts of David's clothes off, it didn't dare to growl too loudly.

As David busy teasing Flint, there was a sudden rumble, and the entire land shook. As this was taking place, vast amount of energies started gathering from all over the place, toward a specific point in the air.

Seeing his, four individuals simultaneously rose up to the skies, without the use of their flying blades. They were the heaven ranked experts from various academies.

The energy storm brewed as the converged at a particular point in space.


There was a splinter, and the very fabric of space split, leaving a slight mark in space. But the energy that converged seem to be barely enough to open it and the Crack began to close.

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The four heaven ranked experts nodded at each other seeing this result.


Heaven and earth shook as the four experts released their strength, using their brainwaves alone, they began expanding the tear in space.

The scene was absolutely beautiful yet it was so terrifying the weak minded might faint from it. It was as though the very earth itself is a large body of water, now, the complete body of water had a crystal tear shaped hole in it, like it was been torn apart by some sort of power, the scene was absolutely horrifying but beautiful.

David stood up to witnessed this scene, likewise every other students. It was likely they wouldn't be able to witness this scene again in their entire lifetime.

As the tear expanded to a certain level, reaching five maters in space, the tear gradually got stable allowing the heaven realm experts space to great.

The Dean flew separated from the other heaven realm experts and came toward David and the other students. He paused as he gazed at his students from his own academy. Surely some of them will die, but the world was cruel to begin with and if they didn't die here within the sacred space, they would die else where in the outside world which would be a waste. This was also meant as a trial for them.

Surviving through the trial should ensure they have enough talent and would be given proper nurturing and attention by the academy.

"It's time to go. Remember, always stick together. And if you see your fellow member in trouble, assist him or her the best way you can. Other academies will be looking to eliminate you. And the easiest way is to pick you off one by one, so be careful."

The dean paused as he sighed. He seem to be exhausted from the looks of it. "I'm sure some of you are wondering why it's called the Demonic hunt, if you survive till the end, you will figure it out. Now go before the entrance closes." His voice echoed through their ears, and the students immediately nodded their heads as they headed directly into the tear in space.

David inhaled and then exhaled. A flash passed through his eyes as he gaze at the tear in space. His fist clenched tightly. "Since I've been given this opportunity to grow stronger, I mustn't put it to waste. I can feel it getting worried, soon he will come find me and by then, is should be prepared."

David muttered and then with a stomp, he transversed great distances and entered into the spatial gate.. His very life was at stake, so he would do anything, kill anyone blocking his path just to get stronger.