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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 250
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250 Swap

Keira opened her eyes in shock and saw Keera’s face, rendered excessively pale by pain.

The two couldn’t speak in the water.

Yet, there was a resolute expression in Keera’s fragile look.

It was only at this moment that Keira finally realized Keera had swum up earlier to catch her breath!

After grabbing her, Keera continued to swim upward!

But Keera was somewhat weak.

After swimming for a while, she realized that she

simply couldn't reach the surface while dragging Keira

with her...





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Her sister had turned back for her, and that was

already enough!

She struggled to wave her hands in the water, signaling

to Keera.

| save,

Get yourself up!”

However, Keera shook her head and pointed upward

11:30 2


250 S&RD

with her maimed hand. “If we leave, we leave together!”

Keira’s eyes reddened slightly.

She wanted to gesture something more, but she had already exhausted all her strength helping both of them

escape from the ship, so she could only watch as Keera stubbornly pulled her hand, bit by bit, toward

the surface of the water...


Both of their heads emerged.

Keira gasped for air, but she felt heavy, as though she was still sinking.

She was slipping in and out of consciousness.

All she could see around her was water, boundless and endless, and she couldn't see the shore anywhere as she

bobbed up and down in the water.

She managed to discern that this must be the sea near Oceanion, only they were already very, very far away...

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In her daze, she saw Keera drag her steadily to the




260 Seter

The weakness brought on by anemia, along with the feeling of total exhaustion, made everything before Keira

darken as if her vision was blurring.

It sounded like there was water in her ears too, and

there was nothing but a buzzing noise...

“Keira, how are you holding up? Keep it together! You can’t let anything happen to you!”

Keera’s voice faintly flitted in and out of her ears.

“Keira, don’t die, it's all my fault! | shouldn't have come

to see you... | brought those people...”

Keera sobbed, her heavy breathing was right beside

Keira’s ear.

“You can’t die! | can’t let you die!”

eira could feel Keera’s strength waning. As she sank into the water again only to be pushed up by Keera, Keira

heard her voice. “Keira, look, there's a plank of wood over there. We might be saved!”

Keira couldn't see the plank clearly.

Her vision was darkening.

The last shred of reason kept her consciousness clear.


250 Swap

She felt herself being pushed onto a wooden plank in the water by Keera, tand again...

She wanted to tell her not to worry about her anymore, for Keera to climb up herself, as she could feel that Keera

had no strength left!

But she didn’t have the strength to open her mouth.

She wanted to push Keera away, but couldn’t even muster the energy to lift her fingers...

Keera never gave up.

Again and again, she pushed her onto the wooden plank, which kept slipping away from underneath her...

Not knowing how long it took, Keira only felt as if it had been a long as a century, yet it also seemed like

only a

nds had passed...


a managed to get her onto the wooden ting on the surface of the water.

g her head to the side, she could see the joy on a’s face. She wanted to reach out to pull Keera up but she was

utterly immobile.

With a sigh of relief, Keera appeared to let go, but she no longer had the strength to climb un herself.

250 Swap

A hint of sorrow flashed in her eyes.

“Take good care of little Amy...”

Leaving behind only these words, Keera suddenly sank.

Keira wanted to save her, but she couldn't muster any strength at all!


She watched helplessly as Keera sank below the water's surface. Inside, she was struggling, raging, wanting to

do something, but what met her was a vast expanse of darkness:

A drop of tear rolled down her cheek.

Floating on the surface of the water, unable to

eplenish her iron levels in time, she would be greeted y shock and death.

Keira’s eyes snapped open.

Just a second ago, she had been floating on the water, but now she found herself lying on a soft, large bed.

It seemed like only the blink of an eye had passed


250 Swap

between then and now.


Keira frowned as she looked around the room.

The room had a pastoral feel to it, with a bedspread of small, scattered flowers, and it was bright. When she

turned her head, however, she saw a little girl lying

next to her.

The girl seemed to sense something and slowly opened her eyes.

Upon seeing Keira, the little one burst into tears.

“Mommy, Mommy, you're awake! You're not dead! You didn’t abandon Amy!”


Keira was htly taken aback; wasn’t this Keera’s daug

as still stunned, the little one had already out of bed and, barefoot, ran into the living After a while, she came

back, trotting with a s of water in hand, which she offered to Keira.

Mommy, drink swater. If you drink water, does that mean you won't leave Amy?”


250 Swap

The child's voice weighed heavily on Keira’s heart.

She moved her fingers and found she had regained sstrength; she slowly sat up, surveying her


Was this... Keera’s home?

Was she being mistaken for Keera?

She asked, “Amy, how long have I... been asleep?” Little Amy answered, “Mommy, you've been asleep for two

days. You were found in the swimming pool. You almost died. A kind uncle took you to the hospital. Daddy said

you wouldn't die. He told you to chome...”

Keira frowned.

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g pool?


looked down at her hand and noticed the mark of an IV injection.

After moving her body, she felt strength returning, indicating someone had indeed replenished her iron in



250 Swap

Suddenly, Keira recalled that after being pushed onto the plank by Keera, she seemed to have seen a boat


Since she was rescued, then surely Keera was rescued as well, right?

She looked around, trying to find her phone to call Oceanion...

Before she could locate her phone, the door was pushed open, and a man in his mid-twenties strode in.

He had a somewhat feminine appearance and looked at Keira with eyes full of mockery and disdain.

Amy hid behind Keira and whispered softly, “Daddy.”

This man was Keera’s husband?

As soon a




ra realized this, she saw the man sneer much as glancing at Amy, he said to p just in time! Get ready. We're



then said, “Mommy is sick. Uncle said she needs rest well. Daddy, can we not let Mommy go out?”

250 Swap

The man scoffed. “She isn’t dead yet, is she?”

Then, looking outside, he called, “Mom, chere and help her pack sclothes!”

Following his words, a middle-aged woman walked in grumbling, “Such bad luck. Why do | have to pack for her?

Can't she do it herself?”

This was Keera’s mother-in-law.

She turned directly to the man. “Howard, you spoil her too much!”

The man named Howard laughed. “Mom, we're in a hurry, right? Let's not delay our departure!”

Howard's mother frowned. “Where are we rushing off to so urgently?”

oward smiled. “I just heard about something. It’s said that the head of the Horton family in Oceanion, Lewis

Horton’s wife, has died. We're going to attend her funeral. It'll be a good opportunity to meet sinfluential


Upon hearing this, Keira’s pupils contracted sharply!

She looked at Howard in disbelief, asking

subconsciously. “Who did you sav?!”
