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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 276
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276 To Clance Lewis's gaze was so intense that it stunned the few people who got out of the car.

Keira stood there holding Amy, silent.

Howard, however, was startled.

He noticed Lewis's stance, especially with a group of bodyguards as if they were about to encircle them, not allowing anyone to escape...

Was he here to settle accounts? Or after getting a taste last night, was he looking for Keera? He swallowed and instinctively looked toward his mother.

His mother also took a step back, suddenly pushing Keira forward, using the latter as a shield.

Then she said, “Mr. Horton, we were deceived by her last night, too. It was all her idea. It has nothing to do with us...” Hearing these words, Lewis frowned slightly.

11 276 To Clance Howard immediately nodded. “Yes, yes, it was all her Cx [SER Before he could finish, Lewis took large strides toward them.

Howard's legs went weak with fear.

He wanted to flee, but the black-suited bodyguards had already surrounded his car, cutting off his escape route.

There was no retreat! Just as Howard turned pale, Lewis reached Keira. His gaze fixed on her as though he couldn't bear to look away for even a second.

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Keira pursed her lips.

She didn’t know if Lewis would recognize her as s had washed off the iodine from her face and deliberately covered the mole at the corner of her with concealer.

Howard and his mother hadn’t noticed anything out the ordinary these past two days...

Keira feigned nervousness, clutching Amy’s hand a little tighter Amy immediately cried out “Mommy I'm 20 276 To Clance scared!” Keira then gently patted her. “Don’t be scared, Amy. Don’t be scared. Mommy is here...” Her eyes looked aggrieved and anxious, with a hint of shyness, just like a normal, delicate girl facing a one-night stand.

On her way back, she had already thought about how she should deal with him.

Lewis would surely investigate her once he woke up.

But Keera’s existence was without question. The more he investigated, the more he would find out that she was Keera.

Indeed, Lewis looked at her with hesitation in his fingers clenched tightly. His voice was dee said, “You are...

Keera?” The pronunciation of “Keira” and “Keera” was di Keira confirmed that he said “Keera,” so she nodde biting her lip nervously, barely daring to look at him “Mr.

Horton, may | ask if there is something wrong? After this, there was a moment of silence.

es, < 276 To Clance Lewis continued to look at her.

He stared intently at that face as if he was looking at her, yet it seemed as if he was looking at someone else...

No one knew how long he looked at her before he suddenly averted his gaze. “Sorry, | mistook you for someone else.” Keira immediately waved her hand. “No, it's no problem...” She played the role of a meek housewife to perfection.

Lewis's eyes were downcast.

He suddenly said, “You are indeed not her.” Leaving those words behind, he suddenly turned around, instructing someone beside him, “Let's go home.” These words allowed Keira to breathe a sigh of relief.

Lewis, after leaving behind those two words, got into the car.

The Bentley's door slowly closed, and the window rolled down. Lewis appeared there, suddenly glancing 0911 276 To Clance at her. “Last night...” Keira immediately said, “Last night Was just a misunderstanding... | entered the wrong room... Sorry, I'm sorry!” Lewis's gaze cooled somewhat.

He nodded and then rolled up the car window.

The car slowly started moving, driving past Keira and Howard.

As the car drove away, the remaining bodyguards got into their vehicles and followed behind. The group of more than a dozen people thus departed from the villa.

It wasn’t until the last black sedan disappeared the corner that Howard and his mother finally out of it.

When Howard saw so many bodyguards, his hea pounded with fear, and he regretted his actions the day before! He had been foolishly bold. How could he have had audacity to schagainst Lewis Horton? und Yet, when Lewis left nonchalantly, he frowned and sa ed < 276 To Clance to Keira, “When Mr. Horton mentioned last night's events, why didn’t you take the opportunity to gain sadvantage?” Howard’s mother smirked and said, “Exactly, how can you be so cheap? You let him sleep with you for nothing! Even prostitutes know to demand payment; what about you?” Keira’s eyes turned slightly cold.

She was just about to retort sarcastically but suddenly realized that perhaps Lewis was still around, so what she intended to say turned into, “I, | was just too scared... Aren't you afraid? | felt like Mr. Horton was going to eat someone alive... How could you dare schagainst him?” Howard was speechless.

He coughed and said, “That's disgraceful. After fina establishing such a connection with Mr. Horton, yo can’t even seize the opportunity! No wonder our company has cto this!” Howard’s mother expressed her confusion. “Son, what exactly did Mr. Horton mean just now?” Howard frowned and felt unsure. “He arrived here 6511 63 276 To Clance earlier than us, which means he should... care, right? But then he didn’t say anything...” Howard's mother turned her gaze back to Keira, “It’s all because of this useless woman! She gaveno grandson. You were sent to build a relationship for the company, and you can’t even handle that. | don’t understand what you are good for!” She entered the house muttering and grumbling with Howard.

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Keira followed behind them and suddenly turned to look in the direction where Lewis had just disappeared.

eyes. After a while, a hint of darkness flashed in her The black Bentley drove slowly past the entran the villa.

Tom was sitting in the passenger seat and had be surprised by Keera’s appearance; he looked at his in the back seat.

Seeing his icy facial expression, he couldn't help but ask, “Boss, doesn’t Keera look too much like Miss Keira? Apart from not having a mole under her eye, 276 To Clance she’s virtually identical! Could there really be people so similar in the world? Or are they actually twins?” No sooner had he finished speaking than Lewis suddenly commanded, “Stop the car.” The driver immediately pulled over to the side of the road.

Lewis turned to look back towards the villa.

After an indeterminate length of time, he suddenly ordered, “Keep an eye on the South family.” Tom blinked in confusion and asked, “Boss, why do you have people watch them? Is it because you think you didn’t remain chaste for Miss Keira and were sulli Keera, and you want to seek revenge?” Lewis was speechless.

He gave Tom a frosty look which frightened the lat into immediate silence.

After a moment, Lewis said, “Let's go.” Tom asked, “Back to Oceanion?” “No.” Lewis suddenly turned his gaze out the window. “The Py 8/1 < 276 To Clance first branch of the family has been stirring up public opinion in the company, claiming | have no ability to take the Horton family into Clance. If so, let them see that I simply didn’t wish to cto Clance, not that | couldn't!” Tom was bewildered. “But boss, that’s not what you said before...” Lewis had carved out his own niche overseas; how could he possibly be unable to enter the Clance market? The first branch spread rumors, and Tom was so angry at the tthat he wanted to request a mission to Clance to prove himself, but Lewis refused.

He’d said not to care about others’ opinions.

So why care now? And to personally venture into it? Wasn't this like using a sledgehammer to crack a nu While he thought this to himself and before he could finish, he met Lewis’s cold gaze and immediately nodded.

“Alright, boss.” “First, secure a residence.” 97 < 276 To Clance Tom sighed upon hearing this command.

Because of the presence of the Davis family in Clance, they had never established any assets there. That Was decision truly abrupt.

He ventured to ask, “About how long will we stay?” The response from Lewis stunned him. “It’s going to be a while before we can leave.” Tom was perplexed.

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