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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 300
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300 The Contract Keira and the others stood near the elevator, and thus, as soon as Ellis and Ken stepped out, they saw the group up ahead and quickened their pace.

Keira’s group also noticed them. Wayne immediately ceased his prior threats and, smiling, looked at Ken. “Ken, what a coincidence! Are you and Mr. Ellis... going out?” Ken, however, didn’t answer the question. His gaze swept over the group, clearly noticing the aggression on Wayne's face and the grievance in Mary’s eDaviss.

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He didn’t respond to Wayne's words but immediately furrowed his brows and asked, “What's going on here?” Fearing that Mary would tattle, Wayne quickly said, “It's nothing serious. It’s just that Mary is young and disobedient. She’s been lining her pockets, using her position for personal gain, and giving the company’s project to her friend. Now that the contract's deadline has passed, Keera hasn't handed over the goods, and the company has sued her. She cto the company today spouting nonsense, thinking about deceiving us 10:33 1/2 < 300 The Contract alongside Director Brian!” Brian spoke up right away. “I didn’t, Director Davis, here's the thing...” “You want to spew more nonsense here and disrupt my Ken?” Wayne interrupted him, scoffed, and then looked towards Ken. “Ken, you can’t believe what he says. He just toldthat Keera’s company released a project worth several billion. Isn't that ridiculous?” Upon hearing this, Ken also slightly furrowed his brows.

As the chairman of Davis Corporation, he didn’t involve himself with every detail and certainly didn't understand the technical aspects, but he also thought that a research finding worth several billion was far- fetched, after all...

Ellis burst into laughter and said what Ken was thinking. “A research and development project worth several billion? If there were such projects, you could apply for a patent, even win an award, right? So far, very few achievements in the new energy industry can reach that mark. Keera, if your company had such a talent, you would have taken off already. Would you 10:33 < 300 The Contract still need to argue here over an investment of a few million to pay a 20 million breach of contract fee?” Was that the solution Keera and Mary cup with? Create a new project and brazenly claim it’s worth several billion... They should thank their lucky stars for coming up with such an idea! Women, long on hair and short on insight. If he hadn't ctoday, how would those two manage to wrap this up? Wayne immediately chimed in. “Exactly, it's laughable, spouting such lies. And to think that Director Brian was biased towards them, insisting it was the truth... Ken, it's my fault for not managing Mary properly, causing such a big joke! But rest assured, I've already dismissed both Director Brian and Mary. As for Keera’s company, we must hold them accountable; we won't withdraw the lawsuit!” Ken frowned and before he could speak, Ellis took the opportunity. “That serious? No wonder it scared the two young ladies into thinking of such a plan!” He looked straight at Ken and said slowly, “Mr. Davis, isn’t your company management a bit too strict? And 10:33 378 < 300 The Contract aren't you a bit unkind to your partners? It's just a few days late on a submission! | heard because of this, they were driven to the brink of losing their hand breaking up the family?” Ken's brows knitted together in concern. “What's going on? Who got driven to ruin? How much did you invest in them?” Mary hurriedly said, “2.3 million! But the penalty is 20 million.” “That much?” Ken looked at Wayne, “That's not normal, what's going on?” Wayne simply coughed and said, “This is the contract that Mary signed. I'm just executing it as stated!” Mary immediately cut in. “Uncle Ken, there was a mistake in the contract at the time. The penalty is usually at most double, rarely ten times. Because of this, Keera’s husband divorced her. Even if she sold her house, she couldn't afford to pay... and now the project has been resolved, it's just a five-day delay...” Of course, Keira wouldn't make things difficult for Mary as she had also completed the previous project.

Ken furrowed his brows. “Is it a large impact on us?” < 300 The Contract Mary immediately replied, “No impact whatsoever.” Ken was resolute and immediately said, “Then there's no need to pursue it. Withdraw the lawsuit!” Wayne was about to say something when Ken turned to him, “Doing business is doing business, but we are one of Clance’s five major families, so we must have our own magnanimity. For a project of a couple hundred thousand, driving someone to ruin is too much!” Wayne couldn't speak after being reprimanded.

Ken looked again at Mary. “You can cback to work.” “Ken!” Wayne was dissatisfied. “We can let Keera’s comp slide as you said, but Mary's behavior is unaccepta If everyone invests based on relationships and continues asking for extensions out of sentiment, ho will our company function in the future?!” Ken then said, “Mary is among the youngest generation with the most drive. Moreover, she’s a Davis by name. She should have certain privileges in our company!” 300 The Contract That settled the matter.

Mary's heart leaped with joy.

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By remaining employed with Davis Corporation, her parents would be proud of her, and Wayne couldn't treat her too unfairly from now on...

But having offended Wayne, her future days in Davis Corporation wouldn't be easy.

As she was reflecting on this, Ken turned to Brian. “Brian, you...” Wayne interrupted him. “Ken, Mary is young and naive. She did it for her best friend, but Brian crossed the line, right? Not only did he not point out the young ones’ mistakes, but he actually tried to cover for them and hoped to bluff his way through. Talking about billion-dollar projects... | really don’t know what benefits Keera’s company has given you to make you spout such nonsense!” Brian's brow furrowed deeply.

Wayne said angrily, “Brian, with what you've done, the company could sue you! We can even accuse you of fraud!” < 300 The Contract Brian felt like a scholar against soldiers, bereft of reason.

Dealing with a management that doesn’t understand technology is utterly pointless! At that moment, a sports car screeched to a halt down. below their company building, and immediately, a person dashed over briskly. “Brian, Brian, what you said on the phone earlier, is it true? That project proposal, the Olsen Group wants it! Show it to me. If there's no problem, I've brought the contract!” Comment R Leave the first comment for this chapter Vote 8 Rate the translation quality Good Average Swipe left to continue > 0 Send Gift Ch.300 Terrible