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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 375
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375 Chapter 374 The only person in the Olsen family who could control that big devil, Ellis, was Uncle Olsen.

James understood that very clearly.

But after just taking a few steps, he stopped in his tracks.

He furrowed his brows and suddenly turned to his assistant. “Last night, Ellis went out drinking on his wedding night. Has Mary chyet?” The assistant immediately shook his head. “Not yet.” James immediately hesitated.

It seemed that there was something wrong between Ellis and Mary. They clearly cared about each other, yet there seemed to be sunresolved tension. If he went to complain to his uncle now, would it exacerbate the conflict between Ellis and Mary? After pondering for a moment, James finally said, “Forget it, I'll go to the kindergarten tomorrow!” 10.30.

1/10 375 Chapter 374 Mary indeed hadn’t returned home.

She and Rebecca were staying at the South residence, and their modest hsuddenly felt even smaller, with both guest rooms fully occupied.

Lewis was somewhat dissatisfied and couldn't help but complain when going to sleep at night. “Do they have no homes of their own?” Keira was staring at her computer, typing away at something, and didn’t bother to respond to him when she heard this.

Lewis slowly walked behind Keira and caught a glimpse of the document's title: Kindergarten Reform Plan.

It listed the current problems with the kindergarten and formulated a series of new rules.

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At the top of the list was the prohibition of snacks in the classrooms.

No kindergarten did that! Seeing her being so serious, Lewis couldn't help but ask, “Are you really invested in this?” Keira nodded. “Since I've taken this on, | have to be 10.30 2/10 375 Chapter 374 serious. Besides, Amy is almost three years old, and she’s going to need to go to school eventually. How can | be at ease if | don’t create a good environment for her?” Lewis nodded and didn’t try to stop her anymore.

Keira was always like that. No matter what she did, she would take it seriously and be responsible.

Otherwise, she could never have managed to work her way up, whether as a repair worker, a cook or as a courier... to eventually becsuccessful.

Lewis watched her, always feeling like there were aspects of her identity he didn’t know about.

When Keira finally finished the document and set the latest regulations, she stretched languidly.

Lewis immediately looked at her with eager eyes.

Keira raised her eyebrows. “Tonight | have plans to do facemasks with Mary and Rebecca.” Lewis was dumbfounded.

Before he could speak, Keira already left the room.

Lewis could only lie down, took out his phone, and 3/10 B75] saw a Chapter 374 message from Ellis. “Is Mary at your place?” Lewis immediately gritted his teeth in frustration. “Can you take your wife back?” That night, Keira didn’t return. After applying facemasks with Mary and Rebecca, the three of them ended up sleeping together in one room.

Keira slept soundly and woke up refreshed the next day. But as soon as she stepped out of the room, she got a fright when she saw Lewis standing there with heavy dark circles under his eyes, looking at her with a woeful gaze.

His voice was somber. “The feeling of being embraced from both sides must be nice, right?” Keira was speechless.

After breakfast, Keira asked Mary and Rebecca to hand watch the kids, while Lewis drove her straight to the kindergarten.

Today was Wednesday, and the kindergarten held a meeting every mid-week.

Keira planned to use this tto announce the newly 10:30 4/10 375 Chapter 374 planned regulations to all the teachers.

10 a.m.

In every classroom, one teacher stayed behind while the rest, particularly those who had previously skulked around and plotted with Christina, were organized by the principal to enter the meeting room.

Keira sat at the head of the table, looked at everyone, and without wasting words, distributed copies of the system she had devised yesterday to everyone present.

She then said, “From now on, everyone in the kindergarten will follow these rules. Does anyone have any objections?” The veteran staff were just about to raise their hands. when they heard Keira slowly say, “If you have objections, keep them to yourself, or get out. | don’t care how you used to conduct yourselves under Christina's leadership, but under me, you'll abide by my system, and there will be no more ranking of children into different classes!” Someone still couldn't help but speak up, “But the children at our school are all of extraordinary status, 16:10 GAYTO 375 Chapter 374 are we really going to treat them all the swithout any distinction?” “Indeed.” Keira looked at them. “Children cto school to learn, not to find a sense of presence. Furthermore, expelling students at will is no longer allowed!” The other teachers immediately lowered their heads and said no more.

However, at that moment, the office door was suddenly pushed open.

Immediately after, James strode in, followed by Christina and Bobby.

After entering, James found a seat and sat down arrogantly. “Miss Keera, is it? I've ctoday to demand an explanation from you!” Keira glanced at Christina and then at the man who bore a resemblance to Ellis, guessing he might be a cousin from the Olsen family.

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Yet with a cold look in her eyes, she said indifferently. “What sort of explanation?” James pointed to the kindergarten rules projected on 10 30 6:10 375 Chapter 374 the big screen set by Keira. “I see your first rule is about not abusing children. So, does yesterday's incident, where you made Bobby stand outside crying, count as corporal punishment?” The principal immediately responded, “That wasn’t punishment. Bobby just couldn't stop crying, and staying in the classroom would disrupt the other children, so he was taken outside to be comforted...” Within the kindergarten, the children were all very young.

One child crying had the potential to cause an upset among many others.

Therefore, taking a crying child out was actually a common practice.

Moreover, Bobby was particularly unruly yesterday, which had tried Keira’s patience enough to want to discipline him a little...

James sneered, “So in the future, if a child doesn’t behave, they can be taken outside to be soothed? What's the difference between that and punishment?” His gaze fixed on Keira, his eyes filled with ruthlessness. “Moreover your kindergarten made my 19.30 7/10 375 Chapter 374 child stand outside, cry, and catch a cold wind, resulting in him vomiting non-stop when he got hlast night. | need an explanation for this incident! Otherwise...” James cocked his head, looking at Keira with a sinister smile.

Although he didn’t finish his sentence, it still sent a chill down everyone's spine.

The principal was frightened, her face pale as she turned to look at Keira.

Keira remained seated steadily; she looked down and replied, “Bobby only cried a few times yesterday in the yard and stood for about ten minutes. His vomiting isn’t because he cried but because he has a brain tumor. Have you been to the hospital yet?” “You're still here talking nonsense!” Christina stared at Keira, “Are you a doctor?” “No.” “Then on what basis do you say my son has a brain tumor?!” Of course, because her current research included 8/10 375 Chapter 374 exactly this issue! Keira had encountered countless child patients with brain tumors, and every symptom of Bobby fit the profile of a patient with a brain tumor! Keira was certain that he was ill.

Yet just as she thought of this, James suddenly stood up with a violent motion, using both hands to overturn the table in front of him.

The loud crashing noise caused a great commotion in the room, startling all the teachers.

However, Keira’s first reaction was to look at Bobby.

Patients with brain tumors were extremely sensitive to sound, and sure enough, she saw Bobby covering his ears in fright, his face turning pale...

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