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My Space-Time System

Chapter 600  Infiltrating the enemies ranks.
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Chapter 600  Infiltrating the enemies ranks.

Cassius's voice cut through the silence. "Our troops must act swiftly and decisively," he asserted, his tone calm. "Any delay, even a moment's hesitation, will lead to their deaths. Dorian, the same goes for members of the League."

His words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the unforgiving nature of the battlefield. Dorian, Tidewalker IV, and the General nodded in solemn acknowledgement of the urgency underlying Cassius's directive.

"Regarding the bunkers," he continued, his gaze fixed on the Tidewalker, "Vigilance will be our shield. Our soldiers must remain alert, eyes wide open to prevent the enemy's stealthy manoeuvres from catching us off guard."

The necessity of understanding the enemy's patterns and anticipating their manoeuvres underscored the crucial importance of observation and readiness.

"Once we discern their patterns," Cassius emphasized, his voice carrying the weight of strategic insight, "Only then can we effectively counter their insidious attacks."


Amidst the sprawling landscapes and looming fortresses, the effects of Cassius's strategic directives became evident. The once swift and expansive advancement of the Tigerian troops ground to a cautious crawl.

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With the threat of the devastating cannons looming overhead, the Tigerian forces moved as usual, however, they avoided gathering extra units as they had done in Verdantovia. This strategic shift was a necessary adjustment to avoid the potential decimation of large gatherings by the merciless Death silo of the Synder Empire.

As a result, the Tigerian sieges encountered setbacks, their smaller units unable to muster the same forceful impact in certain places. The enemy fortifications, previously thought vulnerable to overwhelming numbers, now withstood the sieges with a newfound resilience, frustrating the Tigerian forces' attempts to breach the defences.

Conversely, within the Synder Empire's domain, a subtle but noticeable shift in their military movements unfolded. The increased vigilance and caution from the Tigerian side prompted a proactive response from the Synder forces. Troops were marshalled and set into motion, marching around key resource points and cities, a preemptive countermeasure against the possibility of failed warping attempts from the space distortion formation.

The Synder Empire maintained units on standby, a strategic readiness that ensured swift responses to any Tigerian siege attempts. This proactive stance, coupled with the bolstered defensive measures, aimed to counter any potential breaches in their defences, even if warping reinforcements proved ineffective.


Under the cloak of night, the Tigerian forces meticulously executed their plan, positioning themselves with calculated precision outside the range of Duststar's canons.

As the Tigerian troops settled into their strategic encirclement, a silent communication reverberated through the ranks. Each unit knew their place in the orchestrated siege.

Meanwhile, stationed in the mountain range not too far from Dustar City, the standby units received an urgent transmission to their communication devices. The message spurred them into immediate action as they began moving.

Through the rustling night, the sound of armoured footsteps echoed against the terrain as they surged toward the threatened city with a determination born from duty and allegiance.

Within Dustar City, the alarm reverberated through the garrison. Soldiers darted through the streets as they readied the city's defences. The fortified walls shimmered with protective purple and fiery orange barriers.

Meanwhile, the Tigerian forces maintained their encirclement but made no attempt to attack. The standoff between the encroaching threat and the city's defences heightened the tension.


Amidst the darkened expanse, the Synder Empire's standby units surged forward along the designated route, their urgency fueled by the impending threat looming over the city. Unbeknownst to them, a silent ambush lay in wait within the dense shroud of the forest.

Deep within the enveloping shadows, Tigerian troops lay concealed, their figures barely discernible among the foliage. Their trained eyes tracked the movements of the approaching standby units, awaiting the opportune moment to strike.

As Synder Empire's troops traversed the forest path, the silence shattered abruptly. Spells whistled through the air, finding their marks among the unsuspecting soldiers. The ambush was swift and decisive, catching the standby units off guard as chaos erupted amidst the darkened woods.

The clash was fierce and sudden. The Tigerian soldiers emerged from the cover of the forest, wielding water magic-enchanted weapons. Blades glistened with arcane power, as they slashed through the ranks of the Synder Empire's troops.

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The Synder forces rallied swiftly, fighting fiercely against the surprise assault. Clashing swords and echoing battle cries filled the air as the skirmish escalated into a whirlwind of chaos.

Just as the Synder standby units began to regroup and retaliate, the Tigerian soldiers executed a tactical retreat. With seamless precision, they faded back into the cover of the forest, their movements shrouded by the veils of the night.

But the Tigerian troops did not depart without leaving their mark. They unleashed devastating battle array spells, weaving intricate patterns of power that coalesced into torrents of cascading water. The spells surged forth, engulfing the battlefield, wreaking havoc and leaving chaos in their wake.

The Synder Empire's troops fought valiantly, but the sudden ambush coupled with the overwhelming power of the battle array spells left them reeling. As the Tigerian soldiers swiftly disappeared into the depths of the forest, the Synder forces regrouped amidst the remnants of the skirmish, drenched, injured and battle-weary.

Still cautious of an attack, the troops of the Synder Empire began attending to their fatally injured comrades, while silently mourning their fallen brothers and sisters. Once they were back to stable conditions, they had no choice to continue their march towards Dustar as it was moments away from being sieged.

However, amidst the disciplined ranks, shadowy figures lurked undetected among the Synder forces in their uniforms. Blake alongside Verdigris, the Arboreal Reaper, and a select few members of the League of Assassins marching amongst the enemy ranks remained unnoticed.

As the standby units finally reached the city's perimeter, they were greeted by an unexpected sight. The once-encircled city lay before them, eerily silent, devoid of the anticipated onslaught from the Tigerian forces. Confusion rippled through the ranks, perplexed expressions etched upon the soldiers' faces at the unforeseen turn of events.

The commanding officer, his brow furrowed with a mix of puzzlement and vigilance, swiftly ordered his troops to enter the city. Amidst the uncertainty, the soldiers trod cautiously into the city's protective walls, their movements tinged with apprehension and wariness.

Within the city's confines, the scene was one of controlled chaos. The wounded soldiers who had survived the earlier ambush were tended to by healers. Medics moved with urgency, their skills and dedication focused on providing aid to the wounded and ensuring their swift recovery.