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My Sugar and Your Spice (Amelia and Leo)

Chapter 198
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Chapter 198

“Let go! What are you doing?!” Elyse struggled with all her might.

Be that as it may, someone dragged her into a car. Unfortunately, the car was small and narrow. It was

also tightly sealed, making the interior stink to high heaven.

She tried to shout for help, only for her mouth to be forced shut again.

A short while later, a three-wheeled truck carrying many empty chicken coops drove past the front of

Elyse’s van.

Her assistant, who was playing on her phone with her head lowered, looked up and showed an

expression of disgust. She didn’t even notice that Elyse had been kidnapped.

Elyse had never been transported in a three-wheeled truck in her life, never mind one that transported

chicken! She was scared and angry. At the same time, her complexion turned various shades of purple

and green as she was cooped up in such a disgusting vehicle.

How could the performance of the three-wheeled truck compare to a van? It shook and swayed

violently, causing her to be thrown back and forth. Moreover, the road was uneven and filled with

potholes. Combined with the truck’s lack of an impact reduction system, she couldn’t help feeling dizzy

every time the truck went over a pothole.

The stench and the shaking made her extremely nauseous. On multiple occasions, the contents of her

stomach rose to her mouth. However, her kidnappers had sealed her mouth. She could not spit out the

bile in her mouth, and the contents of her stomach had nowhere to go but remain in her mouth. In order

to prevent herself from choking to death, she had no choice but to swallow the bile again. This scenario

repeated itself over and over again.

Since she was forced to endure various forms of torture repeatedly, the entire journey felt like a trial in

hell to her. By the time the three-wheeled truck came to a stop, she was limp and weak. The whites of

her eyes showed as she alternated between various states of consciousness and unconsciousness.

In the next moment, her body was carelessly thrown to the ground. The pain was so intense that she

regained consciousness and opened her eyes. What entered her vision was the dark interior of a


“What are you doing? Let me go!” The arrogance that was practically carved into her body was gone.

Elyse was so scared and uncomfortable that she burst into tears.

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Her sweat and tears had ruined her perfect makeup, flecks of mascara sticking to her face. She looked

like a ghost straight out of a horror movie. Likewise, her hair was messy, and her clothes were filthy.

The three men who brought her here circled around her as though examining cattle. Finally, one of the

men reached out and slapped her face lightly. “It is said that idols are gorgeous, but she doesn’t even

compare to the village h*g without her makeup.”

The other men laughed and snickered at the statement. The sound of their mocking laughter was

rough, harsh, and highly grating to the ears.

She couldn’t help feeling angry and humiliated.

Nevertheless, they seemed to think that she was not humiliated enough and called the village h*g over.

Elyse stared at the village h*g in front of her and nearly fainted from indignation! It was bad enough that

the village h*g was old and hideous! She was also mentally unstable!

These damn men! How dare they compare my appearance to this old h*g?

Elyse had always been the most famous woman among men. Certain obsessive nerds even regarded

her as a goddess. She had never once suffered such insults and humiliation in her life! She gnashed

her teeth in fury, infuriated enough to tear a person apart with her teeth alone!

For some reason, she had the feeling that these men did not kidnap her for money but to thoroughly

humiliate and shame her!

“Who sent you here?! Was it Amelie Dillon?” The only person who came to mind was Amelie. The

instant she even mentioned the name, the hatred in her heart immediately soared to new heights!

“What amount did she pay you? If you bring her here, I’ll pay you double!”

“Who is Amelie Dillon?” one of them inquired.

Likewise, the other two exchanged a glance of confusion.

Elyse was taken aback by their reactions. Is it not Amelie? Impossible! I’m sure she hid her identity so

that these people would not recognize her!

With that thought in mind, she swiftly recited Amelie’s address. “Go to this place and capture her.”

“Amelie Dillon! How dare you scheme against me? I’m going to make you wish you were dead!” Unable

to suppress the hatred in her heart, she shrieked at the top of her lungs.

As soon as the words left her mouth, she felt a resounding slap landing on her face. The blow came so

suddenly that she was struck by surprise. She clutched at her face and looked up instinctively only to

see the village h*g’s fierce expression. “Evil woman! How dare you try to harm others! Beat her to


Following those words, two more slaps smacked Elyse harshly across the face. The force of the blow

left her cheeks stinging in pain. She tried to stand up and fight back, but the village h*g was as strong

as a bull. The woman swiftly and efficiently tied her hands behind her back in a few precise


“Hurry up and save me! I’ll give you money!” She began to beg the three men.

However, they simply glanced at the village h*g. “We’ll leave this person to you. Play with her well!”

Then, they scattered and fled in all directions!

After that, Elyse became the toy of the village h*g. She would sometimes be submerged in water and

suffocated or forced to pull the mill like a cow. Regardless, that was not the most humiliating part of the

torture! What she could not accept was that the village h*g had smeared cow dung all over her face!

The village h*g even dared to call it a facial mask!

Elyse was so disgusted that she heaved and threw up, but her reaction only excited the village h*g.

The village h*g then proceeded to smear cow dung all over her face.

Elyse screamed, trying to call for help. Alas, as soon as she opened her mouth, the h*g stuffed a fistful

of cow dung into her mouth…

A long while passed before the village h*g had enough fun and kindly brought over two pails of water

for Elyse to wash her face.

Elyse was just feeling a little better when the village h*g suddenly took out a lighter and began playing

with fire. There were many empty chicken coops and dried grass scattered around the room, so it did

not take long for the place to be ablaze with flames!

The village h*g initially cheered and clapped her hands when she saw the flames. However, the look in

her eyes turned to fear and horror as the fire grew wild and uncontrollable. In the end, she ran out with

a scream.

Elyse was terrified. The h*g had tied up her hands and legs, so she could not move a single muscle. All

she could do was watch as the flames crept closer and closer. One by one, the wooden pillars in the

house caught fire. The flames crackled loudly, then one of the pillars snapped and fell in her direction…

“Ah!” Following a shrill scream of terror, Elyse was crushed beneath a pillar!

When Elyse opened her eyes, she had a look of disbelief in her eyes. Am I alive?

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Your leg has been broken, but you’ll be fine after resting for three months.” A man’s deep and

mesmerizing voice entered her ears.

She abruptly turned to the side and saw the man standing beside her bed. “Leony?”

Her eyes immediately brightened with hope. She grabbed Leo’s hand agitatedly and asked, “Were you

the one who saved me?”

Leo stared at her and pursed his lips in silence.

Then, she abruptly burst into tears, her tears gushing out of her eyes. “I knew it. You would not

abandon me. Leony, I’m so glad you saved me. Otherwise, I… I would have been…” The more she

spoke, the worse she felt. Her tears flowed even harder.

“Leony, I was so scared.” Her entire body trembled in fear. She had honestly been terrified just now.

“Right! I was kidnapped! The culprits probably live nearby. As long as you find the crazy old h*g, then

you will find the rest of them! Leony, hurry up and capture them!” Her heart was filled with pure loathing

at this moment. She wanted to tear the village h*g to pieces and make those men who kidnapped her

pay a horrible price!

In stark contrast to her emotional outburst, Leo was oddly calm. He simply pursed his lips and watched

her quietly without the slightest hint of emotion on his face.

After a while, Elyse finally noticed that something was wrong. She turned back to look at Leo, her gaze

accidentally landing on his deep eyes. There was a sense of deep and unpredictable darkness within

them, making her feel uneasy.

“Leony?” She softly called out his name and tugged at the corner of his shirt with her fingers.

Only then did Leo open his mouth to speak, “Do you really want me to capture the village h*g and

those men?”

“Of course!” She couldn’t help thinking that his question was bizarre. “They hurt me! You need to

capture them and throw them into prison!”

“Do you know the name of that village?” he continued with his questions.

“The name of the village?” She looked puzzled. “With your current influence, all the villages will have to

pay respect to you. The people in charge of the village will not dare to conceal the whereabouts of

those people from you.”

“Kirkford Village.”

Those were the only words she received in response to her questions.

As soon as the name entered her ears, she felt as though she had received a blow to the head. A

sharp pain shot through her temples, nearly causing her head to explode in pain! At the same time, her

complexion went deathly pale!