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My Sugar and Your Spice (Amelia and Leo)

Chapter 268
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Chapter 268

Amelie walked downstairs. With two beeps, the door of her car was unlocked. Just as she was about to

reach for the door handle, a figure in white blocked her path. Frowning, she looked up. and under the

dim lighting of the underground parking lot. she saw a well-maintained face that earned a sense of

incredible haughtiness. Melissa?

Caution quickly appeared on Amelie's face but wras hidden beneath her mask.

"Miss Foxy." Melissa addressed her immediately. Miss?

Amelie had heard that Melissa had been looking for her. but she didn't expect Melissa to show up here.

Amelie looked her up and down. She noticed that Melissa was all smiles, without the usual snooty and

arrogant attitude. Upon seeing Amelie. Melissa even slightly bowed, and her gaze looked much more


Amelie did not respond but merely stood there with cold eyes. Melissa did not mind her aloofness

either. Lifting the platinum bag around her arm slightly, she said, "Miss Foxy. I'm your most loyal fan.

I've been wratching your show' recently. Your live broadcast is so interesting. It's funny and

entertaining, yet not too overboard. No wonder so many people like it."

Melissa watches my live broadcast? That's unexpected. Amelie couldn't help but be surprised. Imagine

wrhat her reaction w7ould be if she finds out that her favorite internet celebrity is her ex-daughter-in-law

wdiom she despises.

Amelie's face was covered by the mask, and Melissa couldn't see Amelie's expression at all, nor did

she know7 Amelie's true identity. Amelie ignored her, but that did not Melissa make aw’kward and she

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continued to babble, "I just came from the TV station and happened to see you two talking. I can tell

you're very close. Oh, I forgot to introduce that my son's name is Leo. Leo Alston from the Genesis


When Melissa mentioned Leo. her face lit up with a special glow; She intentionally added the words

"Genesis Company." Although her son Leo didn't care much about her, liis reputation was well-known.

Just mentioning his name drew countless envious looks. Melissa naturally loved to be in the limelight

and particularly enjoyed being looked up to.

"My son is such a serious person, isn't he? Oh well, wrhat can I do? He's in charge of such a big

company all by himself at such a young age. If he's not strict, how7 can he control people?" Melissa

couldn't help but go on and on. "But with you by his side, liis character will definitely change for the

better. Heh. you two should hang out more often. Come to the Alston Residence. It's tiring to go so far

out and it's not very private either."

Feeling speechless, Amelie stared at the grinning Melissa and gradually realized something. Does she

think I'm dating Leo? Where did this logic come from?

Melissa was originally uncertain about Leo's feelings for Foxy. After all, she had been unable to find

Foxy for so long, so she decided to tail Leo. She didn't expect to find Foxy so easily just by doing that.

Melissa had no idea that Leo hadn't seen Foxy in a long time. She thought that since she succeeded in

finding Foxy after tailing Leo just once, they must be together every day. If they are together every day.

then it is clear how close their relationship is. Now’ that Melissa had confirmed their relationship, she

was even more eager to impress Foxy.

She even wrent up to Amelie and patted her on the shoulder, saying, "Come to Alston Residence more

often. I will prepare delicious food for you. We have plenty of rooms, so even if you want to stay

overnight, it's no problem." Melissa was so desperate to please Amelie that she forgot all about

decency and just w’anted them to get together quickly and sleep together. She had been politely

addressing Foxy as "Miss Foxy" just now; and now7 she even offered to cook for Foxy.

"Leo is a reserved person and may not know7 how to take the initiative. But I'm sure he w’on't change

liis mind since he's interested in you. You gotta take the lead sometimes," Melissa said, hinting at wrhat

she wanted. She almost asked Amelie to jump Leo right then and there.

Amelie listened to Melissa's ridiculous words and burst out laughing. Melissa was puzzled by her

laughter, but it didn't bother her much. Again, she w7ent straight to the point and said, "Although I'm

Leo's mother. I'm very clear-minded. If he ever dares to bully you, I will be the first to disagree! Foxy,

don't worry. I have got you covered. You're like a daughter to me."

After saying that, she even held Amelie's hand and stroked it. Amelie was disgusted and quickly

withdrew’ her hand, saying, "I'm sony, I don't know’ Mr. Alston very well." She then walked awray


She could have taken off her mask and embarrassed Melissa right then and there. That would have

been amusing. But it wasn't necessary. The meaning of her life was not to show7 off to anyone. She

was very perceptive, and in her eyes, all those scenarios of so-called "eating one's own words" came

about only because one hadn't let go of the past. True freedom was forgetting about the past.

"Oh, really? You're not close..." Melissa w7atched as Amelie got into the car and drove off. She couldn't

catch up, so she could only sigh as she watched the car disappear.

The red car seemed familiar somehow; but she didn't think much of it and focused more on wrhy "Foxy"

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w7anted to distance herself from Leo. Could it be because she's shy?

Melissa pursed her lips at the thought. She turned back and walked outside the parking lot, where she

happened to see Leo standing by the road, seemingly lost in thought.

"Leo." Melissa normally didn't like to greet Leo very much, as he was often cold tow7ard her and she

didn't wrant to make a fool of herself. But now7 that she had something on her mind, she didn't care

about that as much.

"I saw you with Foxy earlier. What's your relationship with her?"

Leo turned his head and saw7 Melissa wdio was all dressed up. He frowned and asked. "Why are you

suddenly asking about this?"

Melissa was about to speak when Leo interrupted first and said. "Don't piy into my affairs, please."

With that, he got into the car and drove aw7ay decisively. Melissa was speechless. She stood outside,

watching her own son leave. She was so angry she almost stomped her feet in anger. Is he still angry

at me because of what happened 10 years ago? Does he have to be upset for so long?

In Melissa's view; w’hen Leo had eye problems back then, she provided for him and didn't abandon

him. This meant that she had already fulfilled her greatest duty. Leo was being unreasonable and


After venting her anger, Melissa thought of the matter between Foxy and Leo again. They clearly see

each other every day, but wrhy did they both seem umvilling to talk about it? Did they quarrel?

Melissa propped her chin and thought for a good while. Suddenly, she remembered that Leo's face

didn't look good back at the fire exit. She was some distance aw7ay and couldn't hear wdiat they were

talking about, but now7 she felt more and more convinced that her guess was correct.

It's just a quarrel between a man and a woman fight; no big deal. Everything will be fine if I just find

something to smooth things over. She came up with a plan right aw7ay.