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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe

Chapter 113
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Chapter 113

first floors through the water pipe. Although the height was not.

particularly terrifying, she was completely unprepared and ended up spraining her ankle.

Megan’s cold face changed, and she looked at her with concern, whispering, “Violet, are you okay?”

Violet shook her head slightly. “Let’s go out through the back door, quickly! He’ll find out as soon as he

enters the study!”

Megan nodded and immediately crouched down. “I’ll carry you, hurry!”

Violet didn’t hesitate. All she wanted was to leave the Webbs’ villa with something she could have

leverage over Henry in her hands.

Struggling, Megan lifted Violet onto her back, and the two hurriedly left through the back door.

Once they were finally in the car and Megan started the engine, Violet let out a sigh of relief. However,

not long after the car had driven away, Violet hadn’t even had a chance to read the letter, her phone


Megan glanced sideways at her and said coldly, “Who is it?”

With a tense expression, Violet replied, “It’s my father.”

“Answer it.”

Violet picked up the call and put it on speaker. Henry’s voice came through the phone, laced with

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sarcasm. “Violet, was that you in my study just now?”

Megan gave Violet a glance and shook her head slightly. Not wanting to fall into Henry’s trap, Violet

remained silent.

Henry continued. “Do you think your silence will resolve this matter, Violet? I have surveillance cameras

in my study. Did you not know that?”

Violet’s expression changed slightly.

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Chapter 113

In the study, Henry was currently reviewing the surveillance footage. He had been on his way to a party

but suddenly had a bad feeling, so he turned back home. He had never expected his intuition to be so

accurate. When he saw the two individuals in the surveillance footage, His eyes flickered slightly.

Still, Violet kept quiet.

Henry sneered and went on. “Violet, I know you don’t trust my words and fear that I’m trying to set a

trap for you. But don’t worry, I don’t need to deceive you. I know who entered my study with you. Tell

me, if I were to call the police and report that someone had broken into my study and stolen

confidential documents.

“You are my daughter, so even if you took something from our own house, it wouldn’t be considered

theft. But what about your good friend Megan? Without my permission, she opened my safe at my

house, and all of this is clearly recorded on the surveillance video. This situation might not be as easy

to resolve as you think!”

Violet’s expression changed drastically. “This has nothing to do with Megan. It was all my idea!”

Henry chuckled. “Whose idea it was doesn’t concern me. I only know that I will report Megan. Violet,

you know what I mean?”

Violet’s face tightened, and her brows furrowed deeply. Megan was trying to help her. There was no

way she could involve her in this.

She took a deep breath and said, “Now you are thinking that without my mother’s letter as leverage, I

won’t bring Veronica into Foreverie Jewelry, right? I promise you, whether or not that letter exists, I will

help you with


In order to avoid implicating Megan, she could always turn to Patrick for help. If all else failed, she

would have to come up with another plan. In any case, she couldn’t involve Megan.

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Chapter 113

Henry remained unimpressed. “Violet, you’re still too naive. You probably haven’t even read the letter,

have you? Let me tell you the truth, the envelope and the letter are kept separately. Did you really think

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I’d easily let you take that letter?”

Hearing this, Megan slammed on the brake and furrowed her brow as she looked at Violet. Violet’s

expression changed drastically as she threw her phone onto the center console and quickly retrieved

the envelope from her pocket. It was only then that she realized the envelope was empty. There was no

letter inside. It was due to the thickness of the envelope that she had not noticed anything unusual

earlier, assuming the letter was inside. Violet’s expression turned even more unpleasant.

Henry continued, self-satisfied. “Speaking of which, I should thank you. Yesterday, in my haste to

pressure you, I took the letter out and snapped at photo of it. At the time, I didn’t put it back in the

envelope. Now, thinking back, it’s a good thing I didn’t, or you might have truly stolen it. They say you

can’t guard against family thieves. I only realized that today!”

Violet hadn’t anticipated this turn of events at all. Despite all her careful planning, she had ended up

with an empty envelope. Such a fruitless

endeavor after all her efforts!

Listening to Henry’s sarcastic tone and his condescending attitude, she struggled to contain her anger.

“Enough. What do you want?”

“Three days!” Henry’s tone remained unyielding. “Within three days, Veronica must start working at

Foreverie Jewelry. Otherwise, I’ll first send. Megan to jail, and then I’ll burn the letter your mother left



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