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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe

Chapter 150
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Chapter 150

Gabriel stormed in with a fierce expression. He glanced at the composed Violet, who was still dressed

neatly. He then breathed a sigh of relief.

There were a few people following behind him.

When Gerald saw this situation, he raised his eyebrows. “Mr. Williamson,


Before Gerald could finish speaking, Gabriel walked toward him and picked up a wine bottle. Without

uttering a word, Gabriel smashed the bottle against Gerald’s head.

Blood streamed down from Gerald’s head. Gabriel was still furious, and he kicked Gerald to the


Gerald reacted and attempted to fight back. However, Gabriel didn’t give him the chance. Gabriel

grabbed another wine bottle and swung it directly

at Gerald.

Gerald lost the advantage. Combined with Gabriel’s furious onslaught, he was brutally beaten into a

miserable state.

Gabriel tossed the wine bottle onto Gerald, his voice dripping with coldness. “If you want to die, get up

and keep fighting with me. I will not stop until I finish you off today!”

The others were stunned at this scene. They were so frightened that they

did not dare to move.

Then, Gabriel turned around and kicked the people surrounding Violet


Violet could clearly see that the purple diamond on Gabriel’s ear was stained with blood.

At that moment, she felt genuine gratitude toward Gabriel.

Violet stood up from the ground and straightened her clothes. Her breath was still a bit unsteady.

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“Thank you, Gabriel.”

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Chapter 150

Gabriel was furious, and hearing Violet’s voice only added to his anger. He said furiously, “Violet, what

are you doing in this kind of place so late at night? You’re a girl and alone! Are you out of your mind?”

This was the first time Gabriel had spoken to Violet harshly like this. He usually had a half-smile or

playfully called her “Vivi.”

Feeling thankful, Violet said once again, “Thank you so much, Gabriel!” Gabriel’s face turned


Violet continued, “I admit. I have acted recklessly today. But everyone has done a foolish thing or two in

their lives! I know tonight’s invitation of this scu mbag was a trap. Originally, I didn’t want the company

to get involved. I wanted to downplay the situation but didn’t expect this scu mbag to be so audacious! I

was indeed in the wrong this time!”

Gabriel looked at Vi olet and sighed. He felt a mix of anger and concern.

The first time Gabriel met Violet, he had also put her in a difficult situation. However, all he did was offer

her a drink, far from being as malicious as Gerald.

Violet had never truly confronted the dark and malevolent side of human nature, so she had no idea

what it was really like!

Gabriel glanced at Violet. Then, he turned to look at Gerald lying on the ground with blood smeared

over his eyes. “He enjoys undressing people, doesn’t he? Strip him down and leave him to hang on the

Summerwood City Bridge overnight!”

Immediately, someone behind Gabriel went over, lifted Gerald, and began to move toward the exit.

Gerald was in so much pain. He felt like his bones were shattered. He couldn’t break free from

Gabriel’s bodyguards and seethed with the desire to kill. “Gabriel, how dare you!”

Gabriel stared at Gerald with a cold gaze. He said, “I dare to do anything. You dare to harm my people,

and I will not let you off!”


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Chapter 150

Then, Gerald was dragged away.

Inside the private room, no one dared to breathe heavily.

Gabriel looked at Violet. “Let’s go. Why are you still standing here?”

Violet pressed her lips together and followed him.

After leaving, Violet learned that there was a young man in Gerald’s private room. He had also been

present the first time Gabriel had pressured Violet to drink in the private room.

The young man had just stated in the group chat that Gerald was planning to harass and harm her.

Gabriel, who was in a nearby bar at the time, had rushed over after confirming the location.

Gabriel offered to drive Violet home, but she insisted on driving back. home herself.

He accompanied her to her car and said, “Gerald is not a good person. You should keep your distance

from him in the future.”

Violet’s attitude tonight was exceptionally friendly. She nodded. “I will make sure to keep my distance

from him.”

Gabriel thought for a moment and asked, “Is he causing trouble for you. because of Patrick?”.

Violet looked at Gabriel in surprise.

Gabriel spoke with a hint of impatience, “You don’t have to look at me like that. I figured it out right

away. Gerald and Patrick don’t get along. Earlier this year, Patrick and Robert started a gaming

company. They released at few small games. Unexpectedly, those games gained immense popularity,

and within half a year, they managed to outperform Gerald’s gaming company.”

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He continued, “Patrick was already a dominant force in the jewelry industry, and now he wants a piece

of the gaming industry as well. Gerald can’t stand it. He would love nothing more than to take down

Patrick. He’s been targeting Patrick and Robert. Especially recently, both companies.

12:59′ Mon, Jan 22

Chapter 150

have developed similar competitive games, and their release dates are almost the same. I imagine the

competition will be even fiercer.”

Gabriel looked at Violet with great concern. “Gerald doesn’t like Patrick but can’t directly confront him,

so he targets you. Violet, Patrick may be a good boss for you, and he treats you well. However, you

don’t need to sacrifice yourself for him. You don’t have to get involved in their battle. Look at how

dangerous it was tonight. Trust me, you should keep your distance from Patrick. It’s only for your own

good, and there’s no harm in


Violet knew that Gabriel was speaking from the heart.

She pressed her lips together and said, “I’ll be more cautious in the future.”

That was the only response she could give. She understood Gabriel’s good intentions, but her legal

relationship with Patrick was not something she could easily walk away from.

Seeing Violet’s stubbornness, Gabriel grew a little frustrated. “Fine, go ahead. Right now, I don’t want

to see you for even a second.”

However, Violet couldn’t help but laugh. “Gabriel, you may look like a rascal, but you’re actually a good


Gabriel chuckled in exasperation. “Violet, are you praising me or mocking me? Is this the beginning of

my ‘Nice Guy’ reputation?”